Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 525

Alabasta, a powerful country located in the first half of the Great Route, can even be said to be one of the very few big countries in this world.

Not only is the country huge, but also has a large population, trade and agriculture are quite developed, and it can even afford a standing army of up to 600,000.

Compared to those small island countries that do not necessarily have a population of 100,000 across the country, it is simply a super Hegemon.

In addition, the Nafirutali family was originally one of the 20 families that created the world government 800 years ago. Although it later refused to move into the Holy Land and became a draconian, its influence is absolutely unacceptable. underestimate.

Because of this, until now Alabasta has sufficient strength to safeguard its own interests, even in the turbulent era of pirates, it can still maintain a miracle of national peace and security.

But with the arrival of the sand crocodile Crocodile, the good life was shattered.

Under his conspiracy, the entire country suffered a three-year drought, and secretly spread rumors to put the blame on Cobra's head, thereby forcing the conflict between the royal family and the commoners.

As the drought became more and more severe, the contradictions became more and more intensified, and even large-scale uprisings broke out in the inland areas.

At the same time, Lao Sha took the opportunity to set up a heroic character for himself, constantly eliminating the pirates who looted the coastline of Alabasta, making the people worship and even rely on him.

If you put all his actions together, it will usurp the country no matter what.

What's interesting is that Crocodile didn't want the country of Alabasta, but only wanted the historical text buried deep in the palace, and the ancient weapon recorded in the historical text - Hades.


Rain Banquet, the largest and most luxurious casino in the entire kingdom, is also the home of sand crocodiles.

At this moment, the man with the natural system - rustling fruit, is sitting alone in the office smoking a cigar, his eyes staring straight at the incomparable gigantic crocodile on the ground.

Nicole Robin, the coolly dressed, sexy bearing and charming temperament son of the devil next to him, was completely ignored.

Because in this world, all men who have dreams and ambitions often implement the idea that women will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword.

It took a full minute before Lao Sha exhaled two white smoke from his nostrils and asked without looking back, "Isn't there any problem with the Baroque Works recently?"


"Everything went very smoothly. If nothing else happens, we can start in half a year." Robin replied with a smile.

Of course, her smile is just a disguise, a way to protect herself.

After all, she was offered a bounty of nearly 80 million Bailey when she was young.

"Very good! Follow up! I'm going to get what I want by the middle of next year." Crocodile blunt's deadline.

When he thinks of the powerful power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, the legendary ancient weapon Pluto, a flame called ambition will burn in his heart.

Robin gently nodded: "Understood! I will urge Mr. 2 to complete the task as soon as possible."

The voice is just on the way!

A casino manager suddenly slammed the door open and barged in from the outside, shouting gasping for breath: "Old... Boss! It's not good! There's a guy outside, already We won more than 200 million Baileys in our casino."

"What?!" When Lao Sha heard this, he instantly stood up from his chair.

You must know that although 200 million Bailey is only pocket money in New World, it is already a lot of money in the first half of the great route.

In particular, he has to spend a lot of money to support a large number of baroque workers.

"Who is the whole person?" Robin touched the chin and asked with interest.

"I don't know! He should be coming to our casino for the first time, and when he was playing the roulette, he hit 30 times in one go. From a probability point of view, this is absolutely impossible. The other party There must have been some kind of cheating that we couldn't detect," the manager explained cautiously, touching the sweat on his face and forehead.

It is not difficult to see from those fearful eyes that he is very afraid that his Boss will directly use the power of Devil Fruit to turn himself into a mummified corpse.

"Let's go! Let's see who is so daring to make trouble on my site."

Laosha's gloomy face went straight out of the office and walked along the The corridor leads to the lobby of the casino.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw that on one of the roulette tables, densely packed with gamblers.

Obviously, these guys aren't just watching, they're betting right along.

Every time they win, everyone present will frantically shout the title of "God of Gamblers", and the atmosphere is extremely warm.

And the female casino staff who was in charge of turning the roulette was as if she had been fished out of water. Her clothes were soaked with sweat, and even her close-fitting clothes could be seen. Gotta be clear.

Her eyes were so empty, her hands were shaking violently uncontrollably, and her spirit and will had obviously collapsed.

At the same time, Alan, who had just won the title of "God of Gamblers", also noticed the appearance of the sand crocodile, pursed his lips and pushed the chips with more than 500 million Baileys on hand to the grid with the highest odds. , and then made a gesture of invitation: "Let's start!"

bang! ! ! ! ! !

All the gamblers who followed along with betting broke out in disbelief.

Because if this bet is won, then this casino is estimated to have to lose the whole thing, which is simply playing in the face of Shichibukai Crocodile.

Despite their inner desire to follow the bet, they all end up holding back out of fear and fear.

Although money is good, it has to be spent with life.

"Wait! Go away and let me come."

Lao Sha seemed to notice something, pushed the female employee away, and stood in front of the turntable.

But instead of turning the wheel in a hurry, he stared into Alan's eyes and asked, "Who are you?"

"Me? I'm just a traveler, I passed by here, so I walked in and played. Why, are you too scared to turn the roulette?" Alan asked with a faint smile, while looking at Robin beside him with the corner of his eye.

Robin, who has always liked to read, read newspapers, and collect news, instantly recognized Alan's iconic face, and his heart began to beat uncontrollably.

But for some reason, she didn't remind her current boss, she just lowered her head and stood there to keep quiet.

In contrast, Lao Sha grinned and said with a smile: "Hahahaha! Me? I dare not? Boy! Who do you think I am! I'm Shichibuhaike! Rockdale! Since you like gambling, let's add another chip, how about your life bet?"

"Okay! What are you waiting for, let's get started." Alan impatiently urged.

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