Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 526

As soon as they heard the word bet, the guests around them ran away in less than ten seconds.

Because they're not fools and already realize what's going to happen next.

In addition to the wide-ranging and indiscriminate destructive power of the natural devil fruit, it would be a big problem if accidentally implicated.

When all the customers left, Crocodile waved his hand and made the turntable start to rotate at an extremely fast speed, and at the same time threatened with a smirk: "No matter who it is, what you want to do, don't do it today. I hope I can walk out of the gate alive."

"Oh? It's up to you!"

Alan really doesn't know where the old sand, who doesn't even master the domineering, comes from so big confidence.

Just because he challenged Whitebeard and was slapped in the air?

It stands to reason that this guy has been to the New World after all, and he has personally experienced the opening of the era of the great pirates. It shouldn't be so shallow to see it.

"hmph! Kid! You don't seem to understand your current situation!"

Croccodahl is obviously not a good-natured person, so he directly extended the hand and wanted to claw Alan neck, and then drain the water in the other's body, ending the farce directly.

But just as his right hand approached, before it could touch the skin, the other hand wrapped in a domineering armed color directly squeezed his wrist and forcibly pressed it on the table. .


"You're the one who doesn't understand the situation! Stupid!" Alan stood up slowly and snapped his fingers with his other hand.

Before Lao Sha could react, Ace and Ike, who had been waiting for a long time, fell from the sky and slammed a big hole on the ground.

Especially the mark of the Whitebeard Pirates behind Ace, instantly made Crocodile's pupils dilated, with a very solemn expression on his face: "Captain of the Second Team of the Whitebeard Pirates - Fire Quan Ace? Why are you here?"

"hehe! Don't worry, we're not here for you." Ace responded with a smile on his lips.

"Not for me?" Lao Sha stared wide-eyed in surprise.

Because he really couldn't think of anyone else besides himself who deserved the Captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Sorry, but please sleep for a while, because the next thing has nothing to do with you." fainted.

Although the natural devil fruit can be immune to most physical attacks, it cannot resist the domineering fist wrapped in armed color, and even elementalization is meaningless.

Seeing that the Boss with the name Shichibukai was instantly killed on the spot, Nicole Robin's forehead instantly burst into a lot of sweat.

She finally understood that these "great characters" were definitely aimed at herself.

"Hello, Miss Robin. As smart as you are, you should already know who we are, right? Now, I officially invite you to join my team."

Without any nonsense, Alan expressed his intentions straight to the point.

Because Robin has experienced too many conspiracies and betrayals when he was young, he is full of vigilance and will not trust anyone easily, but simply wants to protect himself and take the opportunity to interpret The text of history.

The best way to deal with her is to show great strength and then pull on board first.

As for trust, it can be cultivated slowly in the future.

"Invite me?"

Robin pointed to his nose with a look of surprise on his face.

Alan nods with a smile: "That's right! I think you're a great fit for my team due to your outstanding management skills while running the baroque workroom for Crocodile. How, you The answer is?"

"It's an honor to be favored by a great character like you. I'll join, Captain."

After a brief absence, Robbie immediately appeared Leaving a polite smile, he stroked his chest with one hand and bowed slightly.

After all, in her eyes, joining that pirate group is not important, what matters is that the other party is strong enough to protect herself, who is wanted by the navy and the world government.

Of course, it would be even better if there was an opportunity to interpret the text of history.

"Welcome! From now on we are partners on a ship."

Alan, who successfully recruited the first crew member, took the initiative to shake hands with the "Son of the Devil".

As a modern person, he is very aware of the importance of a team management talent.

With Robin, a qualified assistant and secretary, no matter how big the team expands in the future, all management can be managed in an orderly manner, instead of being like the pirate emperors of his New World, let the rule fall into Chaos and disorder.

Except for aunt, of course.

Before the onset of eczema, she was still able to maintain Wanguo in a relatively stable environment.

It can be said that Charlotte Lingling is one of the very few pirates who has truly established a regime, although this regime is very fragile and extremely unstable.

Robin, who changed the door, did not hesitate, and walked elegantly to the new Boss, cautiously probed: "Boss, Crocodile has been spying on the historical text of the underground palace of Alabasta. It is said that That records clues about the ancient weapon Pluto."

"Ancient weapon Pluto? Sorry, not interested." Alan shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

To be honest, he really didn't have the slightest bit of spying on these so-called ancient weapons.

The reason is simple!

The legendary evil battleship Hades, at best, was nothing more than one shot to destroy an island.

And whether it is his own strength or the infinitely replicable nuclear bomb in his backpack, he can easily do this, even more exaggerated.

"Not interested?!" Robin obviously did not expect such an answer.

In her heart, any pirate will definitely want to get it after hearing the news of Hades.

But this new Boss is just the opposite.

"en! Because it's not necessary. Let's go, let's go and invite the next crew member."

Speaking, Alan threw the old sand on the ground like garbage, and then He looted all the cash and treasure of this casino, and left the main entrance swaggeringly.

He didn't stay too long in Alabasta, and quickly set off on the small wooden boat moved towards the sky island.

You don't need to ask to know that the next target is the self-proclaimed god Anilu.

Not long after Alan entire group left the front foot, Crocodile woke up from a coma and found that his most important assistant and all his money had disappeared, and suddenly let out a wild beast roar: "no !!!!!!! Fire Fist Ace! Just wait for me! No matter if I get to the ends of the earth, I will grab you and suck all the moisture out of you."

Mi Undoubtedly, with Nicole Robin's departure, his plans to find the ancient weapon Hades went completely bankrupt.

Because in this world, there is no second person who can read the complicated and mysterious ancient texts in the historical text.

In order to find Robin, Lao Sha soon came forward in person and gave orders to the entire Baroque work club, at all costs to find the traces of the entire group of Alan, and even brought several high-level agents out to sea. now...

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