Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 527

On the endless sea, a brig with a relatively simple structure is slowly moving along its intended course.

It doesn't have any obvious marks, just hangs a black flag at the top of the mast to symbolize its pirate status.

You don't need to ask to know that this boat is Alan's car.

Although it looks nothing unusual from a distance, in fact, the interior has already been transformed with life energy and magic. It not only has a complete set of seawater filtration and desalination system, but also continuously produces various Grow fruits and vegetables without worrying about problems like scurvy.

Of course, this transformation is only at the most primary level, for comfort and convenience.

As a matter of fact, Alan never took the ship stolen from the pirates too seriously, just used it as an excessive makeshift.

After recruiting enough crew members, he will soon use the engineering knowledge in his head to build a powerful battleship by himself.

But even so, the two crew members and one guest on board are still extremely satisfied with it.

Especially Nicole Robin, who just got on the boat, was surprised to find that not only can she take a shower, but she can also take a bath, and there is an unlimited supply of fresh water.

This is undoubtedly the best gift for a clean woman.

After all, not just any boat will have a special place for bathing, not to mention that this boat is not big, and it doesn't look like a custom-made one that costs a lot of money.

"BOSS, your juice."

Robin handed a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice to Alan, who was lying on the deck basking in the sun.

After a few days of getting along, she realized that this new Boss is much easier to get along with than expected. Not only is he not as fierce, bloodthirsty and brutal as most pirates, but he is very gentle and polite. .

At least of the pirates she's ever joined, this is the most enjoyable one.

If he hadn't been paying attention to the newspapers, Robin could never have imagined how this youngster, who was prettier than most women, could be the devil feared by countless pirates, and even the strongest in the world. The man with the white beard is playing back and forth.

"Thank you!"

Alan smiled and took a sip, then shouted to Ike, who was sweating hard not far away, "Enough! Today is like For now, sit down and rest for a while."

"Ah? This is the end? I can continue!" The scarred youth showed a shocked expression on his face.

"It's too much. Your body has just completed its transformation, and the next thing to do is to awaken the Devil Fruit. This is not something that can be done through exercise, but requires some kind of insight and opportunity." Alan casually explained.

"Oh, I see."

Ike looked thoughtful nodded, put down the equipment for exercising muscles in his hand, picked up a large wooden bucket full of water, and poured it directly from the top .

oh la la!

The cool, fresh water instantly washes away all sweat and dirt.

I saw him shaking his wet hair, and then he sat on the deck and began to meditate.

Ace immediately sighed slightly when he saw this scene: "What an amazing perseverance. At this speed, when you enter the New World, he will definitely become a very powerful battle strength."

"Of course!"

Alan can only describe Ike's hard work after boarding the ship with satisfaction.

He understands that the reason why this young man joins his team is on the one hand to repay his gratitude, on the other hand to learn domineering, to become stronger and no longer be anyone's slave.

Freedom is this thing, only when you lose it will you understand how precious it is.

Because of this, Ike has such a strong self-motivation.

Just when Ace wanted to say something, Robin suddenly pointed to the magnetic recording needle on his wrist and reminded: "Look! It has tracked the magnetic field of the empty island."


"Really?" Ace jumped up from the reclining chair. "My God! It's real! Sky islands do exist! But the question is, how do we get up there?"

"It's easy! Fly up! But before that, we need to go Go to Magic Valley Town and find a professional to confirm the approximate location of the empty island." Alan casually stated his plan.

Flying may be a very difficult thing for people in this world to do.

But for him, it's as easy as eating and drinking, and there are even several ways to make the whole ship fly.

"Magic Valley Town? There are quite a lot of pirates and Bounty Hunters gathered there." Robin's eyes flashed with concern.

After all, her identity and bounty are too sensitive, and once exposed, it will immediately lead to all kinds of trouble.

Especially the Navy General Aokiji, every time I think about it, I can't help trembling all over, and it has almost become a childhood nightmare.

"Are you afraid? Or do you think that with our strength, the town in the first half of the great route of a trifling can't be settled?" Alan asked meaningfully.

Robin hurriedly hooked the head: "no! I just have a bad premonition."


At the same time, Gu Zhen Mo Nei , A tall man is sitting in the pub, drinking a drink with ice, and the whole person gives a very lazy feeling.

He is none other than the current Navy General Kuzan, codenamed Aokiji, who naturally has the ability to freeze fruit.

Obviously, his presence here is not a coincidence, but halfway through he learned that Nicole Robin was recruited by Alan, so he came here to find out what the other party's purpose was.

If possible, he wants Robin to stay away from dangerous elements like Alan who are targeted by the navy and the world government.

"Ai, what a contradiction." Kuzan sighed helplessly.

Just as he raised his hand and was about to refill the bartender, the door of the bar was suddenly kicked open.

Following, a burst of very arrogant laughter came in.

"hahahahaha! Did you see that idiot kneeling on the ground and begging? I really don't understand how a weak person like this has the courage to go out to sea!"

Soon, one left A man with short yellow hair and black sunglasses walked in first.

"Hyena" Bellamy!

Kuzan recognized the pirate who had taken refuge with Brother Ming of Don Quixote Dover at a glance.

While fifty-five million baileys isn't much of a bounty on the Great Route, it's not a low either.

But he didn't intend to arrest anyone here, so after just one glance, he continued drinking each minding their own business.

It's a pity that he doesn't want to cause trouble for himself, but that doesn't mean that trouble won't come to him.

Act recklessly Bellamy didn't recognize the Navy General at all, and directly patted Kuzan's shoulder, cursing impatiently: "Hey! Boy! Didn't you see this Uncle coming? Hurry up and get out of the way, don't get in the way here."

"That's right! That's right! Bellamy's a big pirate with a bounty of 55 million! If you're sensible, hurry up and get out. !" Bellamy's female companion in a red turban also followed like the fox which exploits the tiger's might.

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