Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 528

As the Navy's highest battle strength, what is it like to be provoked by a pirate who trifling 55 million Baileys?

Just look at the frozen expression on Kuzan's face at the moment.

It is estimated that he has been forcibly driven out in his life, and even the wine in the glass has been completely frozen into a lump of ice by the biting cold.

But in the end, he still did not choose to freeze this arrogant guy directly into an ice sculpture, but stood up with a cold face and prepared to leave.

Nothing, just don't want to make too much noise before meeting Alan and Robin.

But at this time, Bellamy's deputy Saches extended the hand to stop him, sneering and threatening: "Don't you intend to express your thanks before leaving? After all We spared your life."

"Thank you?"

A terrifying rays of light flashed in Kuzan's eyes.

Obviously, he was thoroughly irritated by this bottomless provocation.

Maybe the next second will be shot directly, and this rateless pirate group will be frozen directly into ice lumps.

It's a pity that Bellamy's group didn't realize how dangerous they were provoking a character, and they continued to persecute and provoke recklessly without any restraint at all.

When the Navy General finally couldn't bear it and was about to explode, several more people came in from outside.

It is none other than Nicole Robin, who has grown into a slim queen.

Similarly, Robin also saw the Gundam silhouette, which had long been a childhood nightmare, and his whole body instantly froze in place with fear in his eyes.

But soon, she suddenly felt a comforting patted with a hand on her shoulder.

"Relax, you're my crew now." Alan said with a smile.

"en! Thank you, BOSS."

Robin became less nervous when he heard this.

The reason is simple!

Alan's record of several shots is amazing!

Whether it is to defeat Qiwuhai or to compete with two of the four emperors, it all proves that he has a strong strength to reach the top.

So although the Navy General is very strong, it is absolutely impossible to beat Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, in a one-on-one battle.

"Hey! Bellamy, I think something's wrong." Sarkis reminded in a low voice.

Although he's just a scum who tyrannically abuses power with the help of the Hyena Pirates' notoriety, he still has the vision he should have.

Especially Kuzan, who was bullied just now, had already begun to exude a biting chill from his body, and the temperature of the surrounding environment had dropped to below zero.

"Yo! Isn't this the Navy General Aokiji? Why, are you going to come to trouble me?" Alan faint smile took the initiative to say hello.

Next second...

oh la la!

The Pirates and Bounty Hunter, who were planning to watch the excitement in the entire tavern, all jumped up from their chairs at the same time, and ran out without saying a word, not even paying for the drinks.

After all, these days, anyone who has been at sea for a long time has no arrest warrant and bounty on their heads.

In addition to the strong strength that the Navy General has shown over the years, anyone with a little brain will not stay and wait to be caught.

As for Bellamy's group who were provocative a few minutes ago, their legs are shaking uncontrollably, and it is estimated that they can almost change their pants directly.

Because they provoke people they shouldn't provoke, whether they can leave alive or not depends on each other's mood.

As for resistance or flight. Bellamy experienced the power of Brother Ming too much, so he knew that he could not escape at all.

But Kuzan obviously doesn't have time to pay attention to these rateless little characters at the moment, and pursed his lips and responded: "No, I'm not for you, but for Nicole Luo, the son of the devil beside you. Bing. Do you know? Anyone who takes her in will eventually suffer betrayal and bad luck."

"Oh? Let me guess, half of these betrayals and bad luck are your navy and bad luck. Caused by the world government? Do you know why I don't want to join the navy? Because you don't have any justice at all!" Alan took two steps forward to block Robin behind him.

He knew that the reason why the other party said these words was just to test his ability and determination to protect Robin, the O'Hara scholar who could finally read the text of history.

"hmph! It seems that you are determined to take in the son of the devil. If that's the case, let's deal with you here."

Kuzhan's hand instantly condensed An ice blade, posing as if ready to do it.

"hahahaha! Fix me? Are you overestimating yourself? Ike! Help me clean up the trash. Especially that guy named Bellamy, who still eats a lot of spring fruit Useful." Alan instructed without looking back.

"Understood, Captain."

Ike's arms were instantly covered with a domineering armament that was black and red, and he rushed out with a single stride.

Bellamy was naturally impossible to sit still, and immediately activated his ability to turn his legs into springs, slammed a big hole from the top of his head and flew out.

Ike was a little surprised at first, then raised his fists, slammed the remaining people to the ground, and then transformed into a giant ape, directly smashing the entire tavern. The roof was torn off and thrown out with all his might.

In the blink of an eye, the roof caught up with Bellamy, who was trying to escape, and smashed it off the in midair on the spot, fiercely falling to the ground.

Before he could react, Ike in the form of giant ape fell from the sky, dragged one hind leg and staged a classic scene in the "Women's Federation", and threw the unlucky guy up and beat him left and right. Twenty times until he fell into a coma completely.

If Alan hadn't said before about keeping the spring fruit, I guess Ike would have forcibly smashed it to a pulp.

Seeing the terrifying power and jumping ability of giant ape, Kuzan instantly realized that this is definitely a person with at least the power of a lieutenant general, and it is also a rare ancient seed.

After realizing this, he immediately opened his mouth and suggested: "It's not very convenient to move our hands here, why don't we go to a place outside the town where there is no one else?"


Alan shrugged his shoulders, and simply and rudely stepped on the necks of several of Bellamy's subordinates, and threw them to the tavern Boss as compensation for the damage to the house.

After all this was done, the two came to the open space outside Magic Valley Town one after the other, while the others stood by and watched the battle.

"Frozen time!"

Kuzan was the first to release the ability of his Devil Fruit, releasing a large amount of freezing gas.

It's a pity that the unsheathed flame demon sword all evaporated before the coldness of this level could approach.

For a time, the entire battlefield was surrounded by white water vapor.

"Sorry, your powers don't do anything for me." Alan said, waving a Divine Item that emitted a terrifying heat wave.

"The sword of flame? It's really troublesome enough."

Kuzan subconsciously scratched his head, with a strong fear on his face.

Although he had already obtained information about this sword from the Navy's intelligence system, he realized after personal experience that those reports were not exaggerated at all.

On the contrary, they all underestimated the formidable power of this sword.

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