Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 529

"Just annoyance?" Alan grinned.

Because under the continuous strengthening again and again, the flame demon sword is no longer an improved substitute for the "Orange Hammer", but has completed an all-round three-dimensional transcendence in all aspects.

He doesn't even need to take the initiative to attack, as long as he holds this sword, the opponent's frozen fruit will be completely ineffective.

That's right!

Not a nerf, but a direct neutralization.

After all, the ability of frozen fruit, strictly speaking, is to create and control the solid form of water molecules.

This also means that as long as the temperature is high enough, the so-called freezing is just a joke.

No matter how much ultra-low temperature ice is produced by the green pheasant, it will be evaporated by the inexhaustible Fire Element inside the flame demon sword.

In fact, the names of Devil Fruits are all chosen by people according to the external performance of those who are capable. Some may be very appropriate, but more are less meaningful.

For example, the shaking fruit should be called the resonance fruit, and the slippery fruit should be called the zero resistance fruit.

Even some Devil Fruits have different names and abilities.

The most typical of them is the slow fruit eaten by Verna Razas, which should essentially belong to the category of time.

So in private, Alan has reclassified and named the Devil Fruits he has come into contact with, and has formulated a set of corresponding development directions with his rich natural scientific knowledge.

Of course, Kuzan didn't know this, and still stared at the flame demon sword with both eyes, his brain spinning quickly trying to find a way to deal with it.

The blow just now completely made him realize that if he rushed forward with the ice blade, even if he was covered with the armed color, he would instantly evaporate. There was no reason to speak.

"Ice Age!"

Without any hesitation!

Kuzan directly showed his most powerful move, instantly freezing all the moisture in the surrounding air, reducing the temperature from about thirty degrees Celsius to minus fifty degrees.

But unfortunately, Alan was still standing on the spot with the flame demon sword in his hand, and he didn't even move half a step under his feet.

All the hard ice he made had all turned into white steam at a distance of two centimeters from him, and he could no longer move forward even a little bit.

"As I said, your powers are useless to me. Now, give up your long-reliant Devil Fruit abilities and go back to the most primordial state. If I remember correctly, the navy doesn't have something called Six body refinement?" Alan suggested casually.

"To deal with you, the six styles alone are not enough." Kuzan replied with a complicated expression.

Obviously, he didn't expect the situation to become like this at all. His frozen fruit didn't even have the power to fight at all, and he didn't even dare to elementalize it, so he was restrained.

He can guarantee that once he becomes elemental, the flame demon sword will kill him instantly.

"If that's the case, let's stop here today." Alan put the Divine Item back into the sheath and assumed a truce.

There is no doubt that he does not want to kill the green pheasants, and even does not want the navy to be severely damaged, otherwise the order and bottom line of this world will collapse completely and fall into a real war and chaos.

Kuzan was also very surprised that the other party didn't mean to kill him. He widened his eyes and asked in an uncertain tone: "You just let me go like this? You know it won't happen again next time. This is a great opportunity."

"Trust me! No matter how well prepared you are, it means nothing to me. Even more how, I don't think people like you are in the Navy at all. Sooner or later, one day we will choose to leave. When the time comes, we are not necessarily friends or enemies." Alan faint smile explained.

Why does Navy General Aokiji become lazy?

Because he saw with his own eyes that under the leadership of Akainu, the Demon Slayer Order turned O'Hara into a sea of fire, and all civilians, including scholars, were slaughtered.

Since then, this tall man has strongly questioned the justice of the Navy.

And this question will become stronger and stronger with the ebbing of time!

Especially the conflict with Akainu, it is only a matter of time before it fully intensifies.


Unless the Five Old Stars finally choose Aokiji to be the Admiral.

You don't have to ask, it's absolutely impossible.

Because for the world government, Akainu who has no moral bottom line and only knows how to maintain order indiscriminately is the most ideal watchdog in their mind.

"You think I'll leave the Navy and become a pirate?" Kuzan subconsciously frowned.

For some reason, he always felt that the youngster in front of him seemed to be implying something.

"The navy and the world government have long been unable to represent justice, and pirates are also not necessarily evil, although most of them are scumbags. In short, I hope the next time we meet, it will not be As an enemy."

After saying this, Alan immediately turned around and returned to Magic Valley Town.

Nicole Robin followed closely from behind, with strong shock and disbelief in her eyes.

She couldn't believe in her dreams that the nightmare that had plagued her for so many years was solved so easily by her own boss.

Especially the helplessness of Aokiji in the whole process, which subverted her cognition of this world.

Similarly, this archaeologist is determined to perform well in front of the new boss.

Because of the power shown by Alan, he will soon become the pirate emperor of the New World. When the time comes, he can also interpret those precious historical texts and figure out the disappearing hundred What happened in the middle of the year.

Watching the backs of Alan and Robin fading away, Kuzan couldn't help but sighed slightly and whispered: "Saulo, my friend, the girl you care about has finally found a home. But I don't It's clear whether this is lucky or unfortunate for her. After all, that guy, even I can't see it."

As for Alan, he has always been on the alert.

The reason is very simple!

So far, the CP agents of the Navy intelligence system and the world government have not been able to find out the origin of this person.

With no background, no upbringing, and no relatives or friends, it seems that he suddenly popped out of a crack in the stone.

Even a fool knows that this is definitely not normal!

What's even more worrying is that Alan is incredibly powerful.

The flame demon sword surpasses any Supreme sword in an all-round way, enough to hurt the strongest natural demon fruit person.

"Forget it, I'm just a navy anyway, and it's the world government that should have a headache."

After thinking about it for a long time, Kuzan realized that Alan had no choice. He simply gave up thinking, rode his beloved bicycle again, and drove towards the nearest naval base.

The most urgent thing he wants to do right now is to report the power and terror of the flame demon sword, so that those colleagues who have an excessive sense of justice stay away, and don't make fun of themselves and their subordinates' lives. .

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