Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 530

The annihilation of Bellamy's gang, and the brief battle with Navy General Aokiji, made the pirates and Bounty Hunter in Magic Valley Town realize that there was a dragon crossing the river.

Especially when someone pulls out an old newspaper and recognizes who Alan really is, everyone gets cautiously.

For their weak chickens who are still in the first half of the great route, whether it's Shichibukai, red hair or white beard, they are all great characters that can't afford to offend. At the same level with these people.

Although Alan kept a smile and a suave attitude when he inquired about Vimbrandt Kulik, everyone still maintained awe in their eyes.

Because Bellamy's body was drawn from the spring fruit, the body is now hanging on the flagpole at the gate of the town to warn those arrogant idiots that once they provoke themselves, those who cannot afford to offend will What happened.

"Elegant Demon," the town's new nickname for Alan.

Although he never harmed any ordinary person from beginning to end, and even paid compensation for the destroyed tavern, everyone was still afraid of him.


Alan didn't stay here for too long. After finding out the approximate location of the sky island from Vinbrand Kulik, he set sail again moved towards the sky.

"My God! You actually made the ship fly? How did you do it?" call.

"It's as simple as letting it out of the grip of gravity," explained Alan Shrugged.

"Get rid of gravity?" A series of question marks appeared on Ace's head.

With the education and knowledge he has received, it is likely that he does not even know what gravity is.

The reactions of Ike next to him were similar, with expressions such as "who am I", "where am I", and "what did I just say".

On the contrary, Nicole Robin, who was born in O'Hara, her eyes lighted slightly, and asked softly: "Boss, do you still have the ability to change gravity?"

"Of course! Isn't the ship under our feet the best proof?" Alan asked rhetorically with a faint smile.

Since the archaeologist in front of me joined, the atmosphere on the ship has indeed improved a lot, at least I don't have to face two shirtless men all day, and I can also inquire a lot about Devil Fruits knowledge.

"Then how did you do that? Devil fruit? No! No! You've already eaten the slow fruit." Robin touched the chin, lost in thought.

"Hehe, you've fallen into a misunderstanding. Controlling gravity is not necessarily something that only Devil Fruit can do." on the shoulders.

The next second...

Robin was surprised to find that his feet had left the deck, maintaining a strange floating state.

"You... how did you do it?"

Alan let go of his hands and let the archaeologist's feet fall on the ground again, and explained very seriously: "This is the For the development and use of life energy, Ike's brain is relatively stupid, so it is simply used to strengthen his physical fitness and attack power. But if he is a smart person, he can develop all kinds of interesting abilities. How is it, are you interested?"

"Life energy?"

It was obviously the first time Robin heard the word, and he was immediately curious.

"That's right! Everything alive in this world will inadvertently emit an energy that naked eyes cannot see. Most people cannot perceive the existence of this energy, so it just dissipates in vain. But if you master the control method, you can keep it and use it. For example, I can create fire, thunder, wind, water, ice, rock, etc. through life energy, and even change gravity and create life ..."

In order for the other party to better understand, Alan made a series of demonstrations in the palm of his hand.

Although these demonstrations are limited to the size of the palm, they have a strong cognitive impact.

After all, in this world, it is generally believed that almost all supernatural powers should originate from Devil Fruits, and there is no second channel apart from this.

"It's amazing! It's incredible! Can I get such powers too?" Robin asked expectantly.

Having tasted the weak and weak, she actually yearns for the powerful strength in her heart more than anyone else, enough to protect herself from fleeing and fleeing.

Alan smiled nodded: "Yes! You are my hand-picked partner, and of course you are entitled to it. Not only life energy, but I will teach you another power called domineering, and how to Properly develop the flowers and fruits."

"You already made all the plans?!"

Robin is obviously not one of those brainless guys, all of a sudden from a short conversation He realized that the reason why he was recruited was definitely not a temporary intention.

"Almost. But plans never change quickly, so my plans are not static." Alan shrugged his shoulders meaningfully.

With the strength accumulated in the previous worlds, he no longer needs to spend as much time preparing to defeat an enemy far more powerful than himself as before, but can bring a relaxed and pleasant feeling. Mood, do whatever you want without worrying about the serious consequences that may arise.

Because no matter the result or terrifying, he can clean up the mess with no difficulty.

"Then what are your ideals and goals? Conquer the great route to become the new One Piece? Or defeat one of the four emperors and replace him?" Robin asked cautiously.

"No! Neither! I want to end the world government and end the draconian rule. Of course, this is done without causing too much impact on the life of the ordinary person."

Alan confided his thoughts in front of outsiders for the first time.

Although at first, he didn't want to get too involved in this complex and sensitive battle.

But as he learned about the entire world, he realized that whether he kept a low profile or not, he was bound to be paid special attention by the navy and the draconian regime.

Then why not just make some big noises?

even more how, thinking of the draconian he met in the Chambord Islands made Alan involuntarily feel sick.

He couldn't imagine how to distort a sick environment to turn a human with normal IQ into such a ghost.

"The end of the world government? The end of the draconian rule?!!!!"

When Robin heard these words, his heart suddenly jumped in disappointing.

Just as she opened her mouth to say something, the whole ship suddenly plunged into a white sea of clouds.

Before realizing what happened, Ace, Ike, and Robin, the three Devil Fruit users, completely lost their strength and slumped on the deck.

Obviously, they have entered the White Sea, which is more than seven kilometers above the ground.

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