Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 531

The Cumulus Emperor Cloud is a cloud that accumulates at high altitudes in the great waterway. No matter how thick the accumulation is, it will not generate airflow or rain.

These clouds contain an amazing density of water, and together they form the white sea around the empty island, which can even generate astonishing buoyancy as the sea.

As the boat passed through the thick cumulus clouds, it was an unbelievably splendid view.

I saw at the end of the clouds, a golden sun rose slowly, blooming dazzling rays of light, dyeing all the sights into golden.

"Oh - my God! This...this is the sea of clouds in the sky island?!!" The guardrail stood up from the deck, widening his eyes, trying to imprint the scene firmly in his mind.

Not only him, but Ike's reaction was similar, with shocked expressions all over his face.

On the contrary, the observant Robin noticed that his boss did not lose his strength like other Devil Fruit abilities on the ship, and still stood motionless on the bow.

There is no doubt that this is absolutely abnormal.

But she didn't make a statement, just remembered to ask in private when she found an opportunity.

After all, there is still Ace on board at the moment, an outsider borrowed from the Whitebeard Pirates, and it is not suitable to talk about some content involving privacy and secrets.

"Yeah! It's a rarely seen splendid view. Also, I suggest you get used to the thin air here, or you're likely to suffer a big loss if a fight breaks out." Alan casually 's reminder.

If there is anything that is the most troublesome in the empty island, it is relatively thin air, or relatively thin oxygen.

As everyone knows, the human body relies on the absorption of oxygen to decompose organic matter, mainly glucose for energy.

Therefore, when the oxygen intake is insufficient, the whole person will involuntarily produce altitude sickness, resulting in lack of strength all over the body, and even more serious symptoms such as dizziness and nausea.

Although the life force and physical fitness of people in this world are exceptionally strong, generally speaking, environmental factors will not cause too much discomfort, but fatigue is definitely inevitable.

"Damn! If you didn't say it, I thought it was the repercussions immersed in the sea of clouds just now." Ace was the first to react, and began to take a big mouthful of air, trying to quickly adapt his lungs to the moment new environment.

You must know that at an altitude of about 4,000 meters, humans are already quite prone to altitude sickness, even more how this is the Baihai Sea, which is 7,000 to 10,000 meters above sea level.

Similarly, Robin stood up on the mast, rubbing his slightly swollen head.

Just as everyone was busy adapting to the high-altitude hypoxia environment, a black spot suddenly appeared in the sky not far away, and flew towards this side at a very fast speed.

When the distance is close enough, I can vaguely see that this is an old man in armor and holding a long spear, riding on a strange bird with a little pink.

After flying to the top of the ship's mast, the strange bird also changed its shape into its ugly Pegasus shape, posing a shape that it thought was handsome, but it was actually so ugly. People want to vomit.

You don't need to ask to know that this combination is the former god of the sky island, Gan Fauer, and his mount, Pierre, who ate the fruit of the horse and horse.

"The enemy?!" Ike subconsciously clenched his fists and prepared to attack.

But Alan gave him a don't be impatient look, then smiled and greeted: "Good day, the elders of the empty island, what is the purpose of your visit to our ship? "

"Hello, people from Qinghai, I just discovered your presence by accident, so I came over to have a look." Gan Fuer also showed a friendly smile.

"Just to see?" Alan asked meaningfully.

Gan Fauer gently nodded: "Yes, just take a look, and remind you by the way, it's best not to cause trouble. Because the God of Sky Island is not very good now, once he is provoked, you will both There is mortal danger."

Alan didn't take the old man's advice to heart at all, with a shrugged shoulder on his face: "Don't worry, we came to the empty island to solve this problem. If you mind, can you give us a direction?"

"Are you here to trouble Anilu?" Gan Fauer's pupils dilated instantly.

As the former god of Sky Island, he is obviously not as ignorant as the ordinary person, and understands how many terrifying powerhouses there are in Qinghai below.

"It can be said that. I am very interested in Anilu and the natural-type thundering fruit he took. And I promise that I will never have any unreasonable thoughts about the sky island, as long as the solution is resolved. We'll be leaving immediately after Ani Road," promises Alan blunt.

"Just for Anilu?" Gan Fore's eyes flashed with strong doubts.

Obviously, he doesn't trust the other party, and even thinks that the group in front of him will replace him after defeating Anilu and continue to occupy the land tyrannically abusing power.

"Just for Anilu!" Alan firmly emphasized.

To be honest, he wasn't interested at all in the backcountry like Kongdao, which didn't have much population and resources at all. shell.

"In this case, let the old man help you. Come with me, I believe that you must not use the thin air of the empty island yet, why don't you come to my house to eat something, by the way Rest and rest."

With that, Gan Foer rode Pierre to lead the way in the sky, while Alan freed the boat from gravity again and followed at breakneck speed.

After a while, they came to a place that was barely on land.

It's just that the word "land" is in quotation marks.

In fact, it is made up of a pair of special clouds, which gives a soft feeling when stepping on it.

As the host, Gan Fore cooked a table of simple meals for several guests, and then began to talk about Anilu.

Especially after this guy got the Thunder Fruit, he actually destroyed his hometown Bika with his own hands, and exercised extremely brutal rule over the entire sky island.

No matter who they are, as long as they offend the rules set by God, or secretly speak ill of God in private, they will immediately receive Thunder Punishment from the sky.

"That is to say... this guy's knowledge covers the entire sky island?!!" Ace's mouth widened in surprise.

This is the first time he has heard that someone's arrogance can cover such a large area!

Even the most powerful man in the world, the white-bearded man who has exercised all his arrogance and arrogance to the extreme, can't do it.

"I think it has something to do with the Thunder Fruit." Robin cautiously stated his speculation.

"Even if it has something to do with the Thunder Fruit, it's a little too surprising. Alan, can this guy leave it to me to solve it?" Ace enthusiastically asked for the fight.

"Sorry, this really doesn't work. Because I want to make sure he's qualified to be a partner. If so, I'll beat him personally." Alan without the slightest hesitation declined the request.

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