Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 532

The island of the gods "Apajado", a piece of land that was washed up to nearly 10,000 meters by the rising ocean more than 400 years ago, and is also the only land in the entire sky island.

For the aboriginal people who washed up with the island, the Shandia people, this is the homeland and hometown that is hard to give up. Even if they have been driven out for nearly four hundred years, their dedication And the longing never goes away.

Similarly, for the people living on the empty island, this piece of land is so precious.

So much so that the "god" of that year drove these Shandians out of their homeland and took the only land for themselves.

With the passage of time, fierce wars broke out between the two sides for this land, and the casualties were countless.

When Gan Fol became the god of the sky island, he tried hard to repair this hatred and rift, but unfortunately failed.

Looking at the huge and incomparably dense plants in the distance, he couldn't help but sighed and said, "This is the Island of the Gods. Although I really want to overthrow the brutal rule of Anilu with you, but Responsibility doesn't allow me to do this."

"Understood! Please do your job and leave the rest to us."

After saying that, Alan put one foot on his feet. On the soft soil of this land.

The next second...

A stout thunder fell from the sky, accompanied by a deafening sound.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Alan, who was already prepared, raised his domineering hand wrapped in a high-level armament, took the blow directly, and then blew the white smoke that came out nonchalantly, in a slightly mocking manner. In a sarcastic tone, "That's it?"

This kind of blatant contempt and provocation undoubtedly angered Anilu.

Because of the effect of the heart network, he could clearly hear the conversation of everyone on the entire empty island, so he immediately dropped several thick lightning bolts in a row, wanting to make this group of "mortals" who dared to provoke him. "Electric coke.

Unfortunately, after a burst of lightning and thunder, Alan was still standing still intact.

Such an opponent is undoubtedly the first time Enelo has encountered since eating the Thunder Fruit, which instantly aroused his potential competitive spirit.

So he directly turned into an electric light and appeared above everyone's heads, and asked in a condescending tone: "Mortal, come and announce your name!"

"Mortal? You? Shouldn't you really think that you are a god?" Alan asked with a faint smile.

"I am the God of Sky Island!" Anilu's face showed the expression as it should be by rights.

It can be seen that he is definitely not pretending, but he believes that he is really God from the heart.

It has to be said that this arrogant and conceited mentality has a lot to do with the relatively isolated environment of the empty island.

If I had to describe it in one sentence, it would be a frog in well.

Alan felt that the reason why the other party had such an idea was probably related to eating the thunder fruit unintentionally.

Because he didn't know the power of the Devil Fruit, Enel thought that his Power of Thunder was derived from himself, so he had some kind of unrealistic delusion.

In addition, there is no second powerhouse in the sky island that can match it, so over time, I have the illusion that I am a god.

Actually, the god of the sky island before Anilu was not so much a god, but rather a consul, manager and ruler.

Thinking of this, Alan moved his muscles a little, then asked with a smile: "Since you claim to be a god, then a god should be invincible and invincible, right? If I defeat you, yes Wouldn't that prove you're not a god at all?"

"Defeat me? hahahaha! Arrogant mortal! You'll pay for your ignorance!" Anilu laughed wildly and turned the thunderbolt into the shape of a bird , suddenly released.

"Thirty million volts—thunderbird!"

"Boring move! Sora changed thunder form at the expense of speed. Tell me, what's the point of this change ?" Alan said with strong disdain in his voice.

As a kind of energy, lightning itself has a speed close to that of light.

In his opinion, Thunder Beast, Thunderbird, and Thunder Dragon actually weaken the speed advantage of Thunderbolt in disguise. Simple and effective.

"Shut up! You're just a mortal, what qualifications do you have to judge a god! Sixty million volts - Thunder Dragon!" Immediately release more destructive power moves, strike the drums on both sides of the shoulders, and instantly create a dragon-shaped thunderbolt.

Alan saw this scene and immediately showed an expression of didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "Don't you understand human language? Forget it! It seems that I won't teach you a lesson, you Never understand where I'm wrong."

tone barely fell!

He immediately activated the ability of the Slow Fruit, shooting slow rays of light 360 degrees without dead ends, dragging the originally extremely fast dragon-shaped lightning into the super slow time flow, and turning himself into one. stream of light , raised his fist fiercely and smashed the opponent's hideous face.

Time Flow Speed finally returned to normal when the fist and face were released.


The domineering fist wrapped in armed color didn't give Anilu any chance to be elemental at all. The whole person turned into a cannonball and flew straight back, breaking several in one go. A towering giant tree that can only be hugged by a single person.

When it stopped, I was wa'ed lying on the ground and spewing blood.

The violent concussion made him try to stand up several times but failed, and his eyes were full of fear and disbelief.

" slowed me down just now?!"

"Ah! That's right! It seems that your culture is good." Alan generously admitted.

"How is this possible! I am a god with strength of Thunder!"

While wiping the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, Anilu swayed and stood with the trees next to him. Up, the whole body began to emit white light.

Don't ask to know, he's trying to ease the intense physical discomfort through elementalization.

"God? Don't make me laugh! To tell you the truth, your power over thunder is actually because you ate a special kind of fruit called a devil fruit, in Qinghai below, like you. There are many more." Alan explained meaningfully.

"Devil Fruit?" Anilu was stunned.

"Yes! My ability to slow you down just now also comes from the Devil Fruit. Even your proud heart network, there are countless people in Qinghai, but they will This kind of predictive ability is called domineering. Admit it! You are actually a lucky mortal, just like everyone else."

After saying this, Alan began to slowly approach.

The best way to deal with a frog in well is to give it a fiercely beating first to completely smash the original three views, and then scoop it up from the bottom of the well to let it see the wider outside. Sky.

Unfortunately, he obviously underestimated Anilu's paranoia and stubbornness.

After a brief silence, the psychotic guy growled like crazy: "No!!!!!!! You're lying! I haven't eaten any devil fruit at all! I am God! Supreme God!!!!!!"

"Two million volts - Thor!"

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