Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 533

There is no doubt that Thor is one of the most powerful moves in Enel's hands.

When he released all his electricity, the whole person instantly became huge and maintained a completely elemental posture.

To deal with such a move, it's definitely impossible to do it with just armed arrogance.

Let's not say that Alan hasn't tempered the armed color to the extreme yet, even if the naval hero Karp in the Peak period is here, and it is impossible to just rely on the armed color to hard connect, otherwise it will be 100% hit hard.

"Ai, it looks like I'm going to use some special tactics." Alan sighed slightly, and suddenly there was a bow in his hand.

This move not only surprised Anilu, who is the opponent, but even Robin couldn't help stared wide-eyed and asked in a low voice, "BOSS still uses bows and arrows?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know." Ike spread his hands innocently.

Because he has never seen his captain use any long-range weapons, even when overwhelming majority, he will not even draw his sword, and he only needs to wave his fist to solve most of the enemies.

Just as the two of them were talking, Alan had already pulled the bowstring, pouring powerful magic and life energy into it, and at the same time wrapped in a layer of armed domineering.

As soon as this was done, a terrifying aura emanated from the tip of the arrow.

Anilu, who has a strong sense of sight, immediately stopped all movements, and stared at the arrow that was close at hand and would not dare to move.

He already felt that if he got even an inch closer, he would instantly usher in a terrifying attack.

And this kind of attack will kill you if you get hit in the front!

"Who exactly are you?" Anilu cautiously probed.

At this moment, every nerve in his body was forced to tighten, and his face no longer had the arrogance and arrogance he had before.

"Hehe, you're scared, right? In fact, you know that you are not a god at all, just an ordinary and lucky mortal." Alan raised the corners of his mouth to dismantle the other's self-deception.

Obviously, it's not that Anilu doesn't know his identity, he's just used to being an expert, so he doesn't want to admit it.

Otherwise, he should now rush forward like those guys with abnormal brains, firmly believing that as a god, he can definitely overcome all challenges, instead of standing in place full of fear and refusing to move.

"Bastard! What the hell are you trying to do?" asked Eneluru's gnashing teeth.

"It's very simple! I'll give you two choices now, one is to accept death calmly, and the other is to obey my orders 100% from now on. Tell me, your choice is..."

"It's very simple! p>

Alan is no nonsense, and directly lays out the two paths.

Through chatting with Gan Fuer, he already knew about how many crazy things the other party had done over the years when he ruled the empty island, so he didn't need to have any psychological burden to kill.

To be precise, if it weren't for the need for manpower right now, he wouldn't even give a person like Enilo a chance to choose.

Anilu, who has the ability to network with the heart, undoubtedly clearly felt Alan's naked and undisguised killing intent, with hesitation and struggle flashing in his eyes.

On the one hand, he shares the same deep fear of death as anyone else.

But on the other hand, the arrogance and arrogance he has cultivated for a long time made him unable to accept that he was the subordinate of another person, even if the other party had the power to kill him.

After hesitating for about a minute, the god of the sky island finally decided to take a risk, and instantly turned into a lightning to launch an attack, trying to get rid of the opponent before the arrow was fired.


Alan instantly released his bowstring fingers.

The next second...


The whole arrow is instantly disappeared without a trace!

Although Anilu tried to evade by moving the electric field at a high speed, he failed in the end.

Because the arrows shot by Alan have the dual attributes of teleportation and certain hits, unless they are escaping from this world, it is meaningless to move to the other side of the planet.

As soon as the arrow penetrated the chest, the huge Thor form exploded, madly releasing silver lightning all around.

When the dazzling electric light gradually dissipated, his original body was finally revealed.

I saw that the arrow that had just disappeared was firmly inserted in the chest, and it continued to release some unknown energy.

And this energy made Anilu lose control of his body and lightning, constantly releasing bright sparks and making a crackle sound.

You don't need to ask to know that Alan deliberately did not choose to use those destructive powers in order to capture the fruit of the thunderbolt. Instead, he used some control skills.

unable to move!

Cannot be elementalized!

Anilu, who realized that he had failed at gambling, immediately panicked and shouted: "I am willing to obey your orders from now on! Be your subordinate!"

"Sorry, it's late. I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it." Alan walked forward with a blank face, grabbed the arrow stuck in his chest and pulled it out.

pu! ! !


A large amount of blood spewed out from the wound, like a water pump that opened the gate, and it couldn't be stopped no matter how hard it was.

At the same time, Verna Lazas, who has always been shown as a pet, also took the opportunity to stretch out tentacles and insert them into Enilu's body, pulling out the regular power of the Thunder Fruit and injecting it into one of them. in fruit.

In the blink of an eye, this ordinary fruit becomes a natural thunder fruit.

As for Anilu, it naturally became a corpse without any life.

Gan Fauer, who was always watching the battle, saw this scene, and immediately said in an unbelievable tone: "Dead...dead? Is Anillu dead like this?"

" Or else? You must know that he is the strongest man who has challenged this world. How can a trifling natural devil fruit be an opponent. Although the destructive power of the thunder fruit, it can be considered among all the natural devil fruits. It is the highest, but the capable ones are still a little short."

Ace spread his hands and put on an expression as it should be by rights.

Although he was also shocked by the 200 million volts - the terrifying energy gathered by Thor, he never doubted that Alan would win the final victory.

After all, compared to Father Whitebeard, Anilu still has a considerable gap, especially in the aspect of armed and domineering.

Any pirates in the New World understand the importance of armed colors.

It is not only capable of attacking elemental natural devil fruit power users, but also greatly strengthens the attack and defensive power.

Especially high level armed colors, often destroy the target from the inside.

If you don't have the same level of armament color to defend, I'm afraid that you will be defeated if you can't even hold a single move.

Because of this, even those who have developed the natural Devil Fruit to the extreme will also cultivate arrogance and domineering, just like Ace himself and the three generals of the Navy.

"Is this the power of Qinghai powerhouse..."

An extremely complex dark color appeared on Gan Fuer's old face, both fortunate and worried.

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