Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 534

"Although I couldn't recruit Anilu, it seems good to get the Thunder Fruit."

Looking at the devil fruit with a strange pattern in his hand, Alan showed a playful smile on his face , and threw the dead body aside.

Obviously, people like Anilu will always be someone else's subordinates. Even if they choose to acknowledge allegiance for a while, they will secretly try their best to accumulate strength to find an opportunity to launch a rebellion.

So the best way to deal with him is ruthless killing trouble will completely vanish.

"Who are you going to give this fruit to?" Verna Razas asked suddenly.

"What need to ask? Of course it's for Lubbers IV. In this way, with its incomparable magical innate talent, my wolf pack is completely formed." Alan gave casually got the answer.

"What about yourself?" Verna Razas continued to ask with interest.

Alan smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "I haven't thought about it yet. But I believe that among the many devil fruits, there will definitely be one that suits me the most. By the way, I let you develop the one that is slow fruit. special ability, how is your development?"

As soon as he heard this, Verna Razas instantly showed an embarrassed expression: "The first part has been developed almost, but the second half has encountered problems. Here comes the problem. You have to understand that the fruit needs to be hit by light to get caught in a super slow time stream. If you want to achieve the effect you describe, you must have no signs for 0.01 seconds It completely shrouds the surroundings. For an opponent who has knowledge and domineering, it is almost impossible."

"You mean to say that the completion of that move requires the cooperation of other abilities?" Alan immediately understood That's what the red dragon wanted to express.

Verna Lazas gently nodded: "Yes! According to your assumption, if you want to completely drag the surrounding into a relatively static super-slow time flow, you must make all life and Objects are exposed to more than 90% of the light."

"What if it is combined with the space movement ability, or the electric field movement ability of the Thunder Fruit?" Alan put forward a hypothesis.

You don't need to ask to know that he wants to use the power of the Slow Fruit to create an effect similar to Dungeons and Dragons' nine-ring magic Time Freeze.

You must know that the slow light is not so much light, but rather a special ripple that can be recognized by naked eyes, which cannot reach the true speed of light at all.

Don't say it's the speed of light, even people who know a little bit about the domineering can predict and avoid it in advance.

So if you want to make up for this defect, you must make your opponents unavoidable.

"You can try it!"

Verna Lazas gave an ambiguous answer after some thought.

"If that's the case, then let's try it out."

After saying that, Alan put away the Thunder Fruit and turned back to the landing site.

As the former god of Sky Island, Gan Fauer was the first to step up and asked in a tense tone: "What are your plans for the next step?"

"What are you planning to do next?" No, I have no plans. At most, I will collect the gold here, as well as the special shells of the sky island, by the way, I will read the text of the history, and then I will leave quietly." Alan replied casually.

He could understand the old man's concern.

To be precise, no matter who it is, when they find that their destiny is in the hands of the other party, they can't help but feel nervous and fearful.

even more how, Sky Island has experienced the almost brutal rule of Anilu over the years, and his nerves have long been tense.

"Really? That's all?" Gan Fore said with strong doubts in his tone.

"That's right! That's all. Besides, I'll help you clean up the rest of the priests."

Speaking of this, Alan turned around and rushed to the side. Ike winked, the latter immediately understood, instantly transformed into a giant ape, and jumped into the dense jungle.

In just ten minutes, I heard violent noises and vibrations in the distance.

Following, the corpses of the priests crossed one after another arc in midair, and finally landed on the ground at the edge of the island, smashed into pieces.

Gan Fauer had obviously never seen such a simple and crude slaughter, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

To know his god, one of the four priests needs to make every effort to win the victory.

But now?

The other party only dispatched one subordinate to clear all the priests in less than half an hour.

At this point, Anilu's six-year rule on the empty island finally collapsed completely.

Just when Gan Fall wanted to say a few words of thanks, Alan took Robin directly to the depths of the dense jungle to find the text of history, and by the way collected the gold scattered around. .

After all, for the residents of the sky island, land is the most precious thing, and gold is just a dispensable decoration.

So Gan Fall doesn't care that Alan and the others take all the gold from the entire island of the gods.

In contrast, he is more concerned about how to keep the sky island stable and stable after Anilu's death.

In order to do this, he immediately went to Angel Island to announce the good news, and at the same time let the residents collect a large number of special shells as gifts to thank their benefactors.

For a while, the people who got rid of their fears began to actively prepare the banquet, ready to welcome the arrival of Alan entire group.

At the same time, Alan and Robin Clothes Moth came to the huge yellow golden bell and looked up at the slate cast from an unknown material, as well as the historical text recorded on the slate.

"We are the people who weave history, with the voice of the big clock tower..."

Robin stared solemnly at these words that only he could understand.

About two 3 minutes later, she sighed slightly and said, "Boss, the ancient weapon Sea King is recorded on this slate."


Alan complied blankly, each minding their own business looking for scattered gold around.

It seems to him that these golds are far more valuable and attractive than the legendary ancient weapons.

Seeing the indifferent reaction of his own boss, Robin couldn't help showing a faint smile. Right man.

As the last O'Hara archaeologist in this world, although she is very eager to interpret the text of history thoroughly and fill in the blank 100-year history.

But in the same way, she doesn't want her actions to bring terrifying wars and disasters.

Especially those ancient weapons that are said to be able to destroy islands and countries with a single blow are best buried underground for a lifetime to be discovered by anyone.

Obviously, Alan showed no interest in the second ancient weapon, which made Robin completely let go, and decided to actively integrate into the new team in the following days. Do your part.

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