Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 535

After scavenging all the gold around the entire island except the yellow golden bell, Alan entire group took a boat to Angel Island to participate in this special banquet for themselves, and accepted all kinds of interesting shells presented by the residents. .

I have to say that even though he has experienced several worlds, he cannot help but be attracted by the unique and incomparably magnificent natural landscape of the sky island.

After all, this is 10,000 meters above sea level!

In addition to the various clouds that are completely inconsistent with the common sense of physics, and the grotesquely shaped creatures in the White Sea, it is inevitable that people will have a strong curiosity.

While Alan was enjoying the harp played by Cornice, tasting the unique local delicacies, and occasionally teasing the white Small Fox sitting beside him, Gan Foer suddenly He walked over with a glass of wine and said in a slightly emotional tone: "Thank you! Thank you for getting rid of Anilu and making the entire sky island return to its original state."

"You're welcome. If If you don't mind, can you tell me how you plan to deal with the conflict with the Shandians?" Alan asked casually.

Because Anilu occupied the island of God before, the anger of the Shandians was basically focused on him.

Now that this guy dies, the one who will bear all this will be replaced by the old man in front of him.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Gan Fauer immediately smiled wryly and looked the head: "I don't know. But I feel that after so many years of the brutal rule of Anilu, nothing should happen to the empty island again. The war is over. In two days, I will personally go talk to their elders and find a way to sign a peace treaty. After all, the island of God is so big, it should be big enough to accommodate everyone.”

“Haha. , I hope so."

Alan laughed slightly, without commenting on Gan Foer's idea.

Because he knew that unless the two groups could intermarry and eventually merge completely.

Otherwise, even if a short-term peace is reached now, land resources will become more and more tense due to the continuous growth of the population, and eventually more intense conflicts will break out again.

But for this dangerous world, no one would think about something like this involving several decades or even a hundred years later.

After all, they can't even guarantee that they can live to natural death. It is even more impossible to think about things that are so long ago. Naturally, the problems of the next generation can only be solved by the next generation themselves.

After staying on the empty island for about two or three days, Alan returned to Qinghai with a boat full of gold and seashells, and sent the photo of the yellow golden bell to Vinbrand Kulik, and it was all round. All his life, he wanted to prove to the world the dream of the real existence of the empty island.

When seeing the photo, the descendants of the big talker Rolando burst into tears, unable to speak with excitement.

Just when Alan started to think about his next destination, a very familiar ship suddenly docked at the port of Magic Valley Town.

Two young and beautiful women came down from the deck.

They are none other than Dora and Nami, who just entered the great route not long ago.

Nami, who was wearing a cool vest and short skirt, first glanced at the unkind guys around her, and then asked in an uncertain tone, "Sister Dora, are you sure he is here? ?"

"en! Didn't the first two issues of the newspaper published photos of Alan fighting the Navy General Aokiji in this town? If nothing else, he should be in town before he left. Far away." Dora stroked the long hair that covered her vision in front of her forehead, completely ignoring these pirates and Bounty Hunter.

The reason is simple!

She is no longer the little pirate with a bounty of 30 million when she just left the Eastern Sea, but a supernova with a bounty of 130 million.

That's right!

In a very short period of time, she has more than quadrupled her bounty, and even cut down several pirate groups with a bounty of over 100 million by one person.

In these fierce battles, Dora not only became more and more proficient in the use of armed and knowledgeable colors, but also developed her own unique way of using life energy, that is, naked eye. A high-speed slash that cannot be caught.

Unless the opponent covers the whole body with armed color from the first battle, otherwise it often only needs a sword, and those seemingly powerful enemies will be instantly killed in an instant.

"If that's the case, then let's go to the pub to inquire about the news." Nami stepped on high-heeled sandals and walked towards the pub.

But before she could go far, she was stopped by a group of men who were big and three thick and smelled of sweat.

The guy in the lead grinned even more, revealing a mouthful of yellow and black teeth, and laughed and teased: "Hey, little girl! Where are you going?"

"If you don't want to die, I advise you to get away immediately." Nami rolled the eyes angrily.

From those eyes full of disdain, it is not difficult to see that she is completely different from the timid and fearful character in the original plot, and even pulled out the musket attached to her waist.

"Pinch hahahaha! Oh my God! What a hot-tempered chick! I like it!" The man laughed wildly and extended the hand to grab the girl's shoulder.

But the next second...

He paid for his stupidity.


With the sound of gunpowder igniting and the flames of red, a projectile spewed out of the barrel in an instant, directly opening a hole in the big hand covered with black hair, and the blood was even worse. It came out of the wound.

"Ahhh Ahhhh!!!!!!!! Hand! My hand!"

The severe pain made the man scream like a pig.

But soon, this excruciating pain turned into anger.

I saw him use the other hand to pull out the machete at his waist, cursing with a ferocious face: "Stinky bitch! How dare you shoot at me? Come on! Catch me! She!"

When the other guys heard this, they immediately pulled out their weapons and rushed forward.

"Idiot! Madam Dora, I'll leave this garbage to you."

Nami shouted without looking back, then calmly began to face the other party to fill the barrel with gunpowder and projectiles.

"No problem!"

Dora didn't talk nonsense, and instantly put her hand on the hilt.

The cold light flashed!

Before the onlookers realized what happened, these act recklessly pirates pu' sounded a lot of blood from their abdomens, and then the upper and lower bodies were separated.

There is no doubt that she slashed six adult men with impressive martial power in half with just one sword, and the speed was even beyond the limit that naked eyes could capture.

No one could even see how the sword was drawn and when it was retracted.

To a certain extent, Dora has unconsciously become the person with the fastest sword drawing and slashing speed in this world, even the world's largest swordsman, Hawkeye, has to stand aside.

When these pirates reacted, they immediately let out a piercing scream under the intense pain stimulation, and one or two people tried to connect the upper body and lower body.

Unfortunately, all of this was in vain.

When the blood dried up, they soon turned into icy corpses.

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