Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 536

Killing and being killed are happening almost every day in places like Magic Valley Town.

So the local residents have long been surprised, but this time it was two beauties, which attracted some attention.

Among them, the more well-informed guys have already recognized Dora's identity from her dress and the incredible fast sword, and they lowered their heads and dared not meet those sharp eyes. .

After all, she is still a powerful Swordsman despite being a beauty.

And powerhouses are bound to be respected no matter where they are.

"Sister Dora, your sword is really getting faster and faster. It seems that it won't take long before you will be qualified to challenge Mihawk, the world's largest swordsman." Na Mei said with admiration.

"Challenge the world's No. 1 swordsman? No! I'm not far behind."

In Dora's mind, Alan was holding the flame demon sword, and he would kill him with a single blow. The spectacular picture of the huge fleet of the Rick Pirates being completely destroyed, chuckled to the head.

Although she didn't know how strong Mihawk's sword technique was, she knew how far she was from Alan.

Just when Nami was about to say something, she suddenly heard a burst of applause behind her.

pa pa pa pa...

"What a beautiful high-speed slash! Quick Sword Dora, you are better than I thought."

Don Quixote Doffran, Brother Ming, dressed in pink, clapped his hands and walked slowly from the pier with many people who were not recognizing one's family.


Nami's pupils suddenly enlarged, and the whole person suddenly became extremely nervous.

Because of the newspapers on the Great Airline, she already knew how terrifying the man in front of her was, and it could even be said that he controlled all the most profitable businesses in the entire Underground World.

However, Brother Ming of Dover was obviously not interested in Nami, who was not famous and powerful, so he directly extended the hand and sent an invitation to Dora: "Are you interested in joining the Don Quixote family? I promise. , whatever you want, you can get it here."

"Sorry, I already have a captain." Dora refused without the slightest hesitation.

"Oh? Can you tell me who it is?" Brother Ming raised his mouth in a dangerous smile.

He originally just came to deal with the negative Omokage sound caused by Bellamy's being destroyed by the group. As a result, he happened to see the amazing slash just now, and he immediately started to recruit.

After all, Swordsman, who has half footed into the threshold of the great swordsman, has always been the object of all influence competition.

even more how Dora is still so young and has only debuted for a little over a year, so she has a very high room for growth and improvement.

"It's me!"

A familiar voice instantly interrupted all unrealistic thoughts of Brother Ming of Dover.

I saw Alan walking out of a shop selling supplies with two crew members with a slightly playful expression on his face.


Brother Ming's smile froze, his eyes flashed with intense vigilance and fear, and it took more than ten seconds before he probed: "Why haven't you left here? "

"Do I need to report to you where I'm going?" Alan sneered.

Although neither of them said any harsh words, the pirates who were watching the fun realized that the atmosphere was not right, and hurriedly ran as far as they could.

In the blink of an eye, the whole street became empty, and even the nearby shops closed their doors and windows for fear of being affected.

You must know that not long ago, Alan and Navy General Aokiji were fighting outside the town, but they could see it clearly from a distance.

Whether it is the terrifying large-scale freezing of the natural devil fruit, or the white steam generated by the instant evaporation of the ice cubes by the flame demon sword, these pirates and Bounty Hunter realize that they are nothing more than in each other's eyes. It was an ant that was crushed by hand.

"hmph! Of course it's none of my business where you go, but Bellamy was killed, shouldn't you explain it to me?" Brother Ming, Dover, put on a guilt. gesture.

After all, the Hyena Pirates are flying his flag. If these guys are killed, he naturally has to stand up and ask for an explanation.

Otherwise, the Don Quixote family's flag would lose its deterrent power.

But unfortunately, Alan obviously did not intend to give this god Yaksha any face, and directly pulled out the flame demon sword behind his back: "Explain? What kind of explanation do you want?"

"Damn it! Are you crazy?"

Brother Ming of Doffran obviously didn't expect that the other party would throw the sword in a disagreement, and his face suddenly became ugly.

Obviously, he didn't want to get into a fight over a trashy guy here.

even more how, the last time Alan didn't use the flame demon sword made him a big loss.

He didn't have the confidence to block this Divine Sword that surpassed the Supreme's sharp knife with the thread he created.

"Since you don't want to go to war, don't put on airs. Remember, your identity doesn't work for me." Alan warned meaningfully.

That identity? !

Dofron Brother Ming's heart beat violently, and he immediately realized that this was referring to his draconian status, not the superficial skin of Qiwuhai.

The problem is that only a very few people know this secret.

He couldn't figure out where the other party got it.

"Looks like you understand. That's great! Because I don't want to kill you, so please don't challenge my patience and bottom line again and again. Now, you can get out ." Alan unceremoniously issued an Expulsion Order.

"I think we should set up a time to have a good talk!" Brother Ming, Dover, helped the oddly-shaped pair of sunglasses on his eyes.

"Yes! When I replace Kaido or Charlotte Ringling as emperor of the New World, I'll come to you. But until then, you'd better be honest."


"Yes! p>

After saying this, Alan didn't care whether Brother Ming understood the subtext, he directly waved at Dora and Nami, then turned around and walked into the only one pub in town.

As soon as he left his forefoot, Brother Ming of Doffran couldn't help but let out a cold and low laughter: "hehehehe! Entering the New World to challenge the Four Emperors? You really don't have the guts. Small. It's a pity that you don't understand how terrifying Kaido, who has the title of the strongest creature, is terrifying. That lunatic is not something that humans can defeat!"

"Young Master! The Beast Pirates?" Diamanti, the high-level officer on the side, asked softly.

"No! Don't rush to stand in line. This time let's wait and see for a while. Anyway, he is a powerhouse that can collide with Whitebeard head-on, even if he can't beat a monster like Kaido, at least It's not too bad to lose. Offending someone like that is a bit of a loss for us. But if he accidentally kills either Kaido or Charlotte Ringling, then we'll appear a potential collaborator ” explained Dorfran’s Brother Ming gloomy face.

"What about the hatred of Kepica and Gradius?" Diamanti flashed rays of light with resentment.

"I said it before, don't worry. Before we figure out the opponent's trump card, we can't act rashly with our current strength, otherwise we can't bear the opponent's crazy revenge." Brother Ming subconsciously clenched his fists.

Doesn't he want revenge?


He dreams of tearing Alan to pieces!

Unfortunately, reason is constantly reminding the terrible consequences of doing so...

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