Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 537

In the Tavern of Magic Valley, Boss Terry cautiously brought some of his best dishes to the table, and then immediately turned back to the back kitchen.

At this moment, apart from Alan entire group, there are no second wave guests in the entire tavern.

Actually, all the other guests ran away because they walked in.

If it were normal, Terry might have whispered a few words, but now he didn't even dare to say a word, just left with a stack of banknotes as compensation.

Because he knew that the grievances between great characters like Alan and Don Quixote Doffran, Brother Ming, were not something he could participate in at all.

So just let the guests do whatever they want. Anyway, the other party is impossible to stay in this remote town. When the other party leaves, everything will be back to normal.

Ignoring the complex psychological activities of the tavern Boss, Alan directly took out the morning dew and poured a glass for each of Dora and Nami, and then asked with a smile, "When did you enter the Great Route?"

"Not long ago, probably around the time when the report about your fight with Whitebeard came out." Dora raised her glass and took a sip of replied.

"Where's your original crew?" Alan asked.

"Disbanded! Their foundation is too weak to adapt to the high-intensity battles in New World. Rather than forcibly enter New World and become the prey of others, it is better to stay in Eastern Sea."

Dora didn't have any intention of concealing anything, and she eloquently said how she dealt with the original pirate group.

After all, she doesn't have much ambition, she just simply wants to prove herself.

"This is really in line with your swift and decisive character. But what's up with this girl?"

After saying that, Alan turned his eyes to his eyes with excitement and anticipation. on Nami.

To be honest, he didn't expect this navigator who was supposed to follow Luffy to go out to sea earlier, and it seemed that he would join his team.

Mentioning this matter, Dora couldn't help but cocked her mouth with a faint smile, and explained in a low voice: "She is called Nami, and she used to be a well-known pirate thief in Eastern Sea. After the pirates, she secretly hid in the cabin and set off with me, which played a big role along the way. So I think you should need an outstanding navigator, so I brought it along."

"Hello, Captain Alan! I swear you won't be disappointed when it comes to sailing and mapping."

Nami also clearly realizes that this is likely to concern herself. Whether it will be accepted or not, immediately take the initiative to stand up and show your strengths.

"Hehe, I never doubt your ability in sailing. But the problem is, to be my crew and partner, professional knowledge is not enough." Alan faintly smiled and said.

"Understood! Although I am still very weak, I will work hard and never drag the whole team back." Nami solemnly vowed assured.

"Oh? Are you sure? The hell ahead is not just in name only, but also in reality!" Alan pursed his lips, revealing a chillingly evil expression.

There is no doubt that his kind of devil training, which is practiced to death as long as he doesn't die, will soon be taken out again.

Nami seemed to realize something and shivered immediately, but she still bit her lower lip and nodded: "No problem! I can persevere!"

"I hope you can do what you say. Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't, because I will help you do it. Finally, you are welcome to join my pirate team. By the way, the lady by my side is Nicole Luo. Bin, when he was eight years old, was called the child of the devil by the world government, with a bounty of 79 million Bailey, the devil fruit - the ability of the flower fruit. The young man over there is called Ike, the animal is far from the ancient seed devil The Fruit Power."

Alan briefly introduced the current members to Nami and Dora.

As for Ace, who had been following soy sauce, she was flamboyantly ignored.

After all, he's a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, and he's just here to help temporarily, and it won't be long before he leaves.

"So, there are five of us now?" Dora raised her eyebrows in surprise.

“en! From today onwards, our pirate group is officially established. But Robin, like Nami, cannot be counted as a fighter for the time being. In addition, I think taking advantage of this Opportunity, you can first decide on the name and flag of the pirate group." Alan casually stated his plan.

Since the official debut, things like the name and the flag can't continue to make do.

He doesn't want to wait for the navy, the world government, and the newspapers to give himself a random name, and it's too late to change it when the time comes.

"Huh?! Our pirate group doesn't even have a name and a flag yet?" Nami's eyes widened as if she couldn't believe what she heard.

Alan reluctantly shrugged: "Yes! No. If you have any good suggestions, you can directly mention them. Because I am not very good at naming things."

"I don't care, anything is fine." Ike looked indifferent.

Dora did the same, each minding their own business drinking from a cup.

Only Nami and Robin showed interest.

After a heated discussion between the two and Alan's decision, the team name was officially named "Devil Pirates".

The reason for this name is on the one hand because Alan already has the nickname of the sea devil, and his reputation and recognition are relatively high.

On the other hand, because the devil is the enemy of God, and now he claims to be God is the draconian, the implication is very clear, and it also clarifies that the ultimate goal is to overthrow the actual government and destroy the draconian.

As for the flag, it is a demon pattern with a flame giant sword cutting off the god's head.

Although it is a little abstract, normal people will feel like they have one's hair stand on end just by looking at it.

Having decided on the flag and name, Alan naturally stopped wasting time in Magic Valley, and immediately embarked on a journey to the foggy Sea Territory.

Although there are currently only three main combatants, it's more than enough to deal with Moonlight Moriah and his rubbish zombie Legion.

After all, whether it's a shadow fruit or a spirit fruit, it's something Alan is very interested in, and he has to get it no matter what.

Of course, in his spare time on the journey, he did not forget to take the time to impart his life energy to Nami, and he carried out special devil training for the two non-combatants.

This kind of maddening approach directly caused Nami, a little wealthy lover, to gleam at the mountains of gold in the cabin for one second, and then fell into boundless fear and despair the next second. Inextricable.

In order to maximize the fighting potential of Robin and Nami, Alan simply threw them into the team dungeon and let them fight with those ruthless monsters without any tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex meaning.

By the time the 1st Stage was completed, the faint scholarly flavor on Robin had been disappeared, replaced by a strong murderous aura, and always stared at the joints, neck, Vital parts such as the lower body of the eyes.

Nami has also mastered another unique combat method that combines firearms with various magic potions, props and engineering explosives...

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