Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 538

"Wow--it's finally over! I can't believe I'm still alive, and I'm not missing any arms or legs."

Nami was lying on the deck, not thinking at all. To maintain the meaning of the image of a lady, her face is even more unlovable.

Although she does not have any scars or wounds on her body now, the shadows and fears in her heart will not disappear so easily.

Especially the feeling of being on the verge of death a few times is like a nightmare that can't be dissipated in my mind for a long time.

If it wasn't for the last minute, Alan would always be able to pull him back from the dead end. This girl with short orange hair would even think that the other party was not just in name only, but also Demon in reality.

Of course, right now in her mind, the captain standing on the bow blowing the sea breeze is almost equal to the devil.

"Yeah, if it hadn't really gotten stronger, I'd even feel like it was all a nightmare." Robin sighed slightly, staring at his Dual Cultivation's beautiful long hands.

You must know that in the brutal fight between the dungeon and the monster, she not only learned a series of sinister and sinister moves such as throat locking, dismantling joints, inserting eyes, etc., but also self-taught learned the terrifying "grabbing" Eggman".

That's right!

It is the kind of hand that suddenly grows from the lower body with the help of the flower fruit, and then directly squeezes two egg yolks.

When faced with this move, there is probably no good way for any man to fear other than to kneel and mourn.

Especially after Robin learned the armed color, it is estimated that even those with natural Devil Fruit abilities will not be spared.

After all, the armed color only plays a strengthening role. In the face of the "little brother" whose defensive power is basically a negative number, it is useless even if it is covered.

"Right!" Nami suddenly got up from the deck and asked in a low voice, "Robin elder sister, where do you think the places we have been?"

Robin shook the head with a wry smile: "Don't ask me, I don't know. At least in the books I've read, there isn't any record of those places. Maybe... these are some kind of special mastered by the BOSS. After all, there are so many secrets on his body, and it’s not bad for one or two.”

“It’s also…”

Nami subconsciously touched the The earth-yellow pouch on his waist, as well as the magic potions, props and engineering bombs contained in the bag, had a looked thoughtful expression on his face.

There is no doubt that during these days of devil training, Alan has come up with so many incredible things.

Whether it is a potion that can heal all injuries, or those guns that can fire a series of amazing effects such as fire, lightning, frost, wind blades, etc. The peculiar power of life energy is something that this world has never seen before.

So whether it's Nami or Robin, the initial curiosity and shock have gradually become the habit of now.

I even slowly accepted that my captain is not only a powerhouse that can rival the Four Emperors, but also a Peak craftsman who can create famous swords, exquisite muskets, bombs, and magical magic potions. alchemist.

What's more outrageous is that Alan also served as the ship's cook and doctor.

Not only can he make amazing food, but his medical skills have also reached the level that as long as he doesn't take his last breath, no matter how serious the injury is, he can be rescued.

Nami and Robin came up with a very accurate adjective for such a person...

That is monster!

However, compared to these two members who joined later, Ike and Dora were much calmer, even if they followed into the dungeon for the first time, they did not show any lose one's head out of fear .

On the contrary, they take those powerful elite monsters and bosses as their best targets for training.

It can be said that except for Ace, who was left to guard the ship, everyone else became stronger during this time.

Looking at the Sea Territory covered with thick fog in the distance, she smiled and asked Dora, who was gently wiping her weapon, "How, are you ready?"

"en! I can't wait to cut something."

Dora put the greased sword back into its sheath, completely ignoring Moonlight Moria, Shichibukai inside.

"Me too!" Ike also clucked his fists.

"Hehe, since that's the case, let's meet the man who once challenged Kaido."

After saying that, Alan directly gave Ace who was at the helm. winked.

The latter figured it out, and immediately left the rudder to make the ship make a ninety-degree turn, heading straight for the Magic Triangle Sea Territory.

When the fog engulfed the entire ship, even Nami couldn't identify the direction, and could only let the current and wind lead her to wander aimlessly.

Just when everyone was curious and vigilant about these dense fogs that persisted all year round, Alan had already opened the maximum perception circle and activated the tracking of undead creatures.

As long as Moonlight Moriah's terrifying barque is within range of his perception, he will spot it immediately and adjust its direction.

Into the fog for about three hours.


A huge black shadow emerged from the bottom of the sea, setting off a wave of several meters high, which directly caused the ship to sway violently up and down.

"What is that? A sea king?" Nami asked loudly with wide eyes.

"I don't know! But it looks like it's aimed at us." Alan spread his hands indifferently.

He didn't feel any threat from this huge monster, so he behaved very calmly.

Because in this world, super-sized sea creatures are never a rarity.

As long as you make a circle on both sides of the windless belt, it is estimated that you will encounter many immediately.

Among them, the overwhelming majority are just empty and huge, and cannot pose a substantial threat to a truly powerful pirate group.

This is also the reason why Alan has never looked down on the ancient weapon Sea King.

If these stinky fish and rotten shrimps can also threaten the world government and the navy, that would be a big joke.

"Let me come!"

Dora was clearly interested in beheading this oversized sea king, she took the initiative to draw her sword and walked to the bow, staring at her. The growing shadow on the sea.

But when the distance got closer to a certain extent, she was shocked to find that this was not a sea king at all, but a super-large ship.

And I don't know how long I have been soaking in the seabed, the hull is covered with green seaweed from the inside to the outside, a lot of coral and shells are also growing everywhere, and even a few fish are trapped on the deck Jumping up and down constantly.

"Go... just kidding! How could a ship like this sink in a seabed come to the surface by itself! Could it be... the legendary ghost ship!" Nami couldn't help it He shivered, with fear of the unknown in his eyes.

"Do you want to go up and have a look?" Ace asked in an uncertain tone.

"Of course! How can such an interesting thing be missed so easily."

Alan raised the corners of his mouth and jumped directly onto this boat that had been soaked in seabed for many years. vessel.

Others also followed closely from behind, only Nami, who was afraid of ghosts, stayed to watch the house.

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