Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 539



There is also an unspeakably weird smell.

There is no doubt that this ship would have been completely corroded by seawater and completely rotted if it hadn't used expensive special wood.

"Interesting! Judging from the structure and the degree of decay of this ship. It should have sunk a hundred years ago." Robin immediately gave his judgment after going around twice.

As an excellent archaeologist, her knowledge reserve is undoubtedly the largest in the entire team, so she has a very high authority in this regard.

"One hundred years ago?" Dora's mouth opened wide in shock.

"That's right! Look at the shape of the tail section of this ship, which is typically designed for side-to-side combat. Only a hundred years ago in the age of lack of artillery, the ship was designed to be It's so bulky. And the outdated rudder, and the position of the mast, shows that it's quite old..." Nicole Robin explained enthusiastically.

From those shining eyes, it is not difficult to see that she is particularly interested in these ancient bastards that carry history, and she is a bit eloquent when speaking of which.

But Alan obviously didn't care much about the age of the ship, touched the chin interrupted: "Then do you know why it suddenly surfaced from the seabed?"

"Sorry, BOSS. I'm just an archaeologist and have no experience with such paranormal events. Maybe, we can search the cabin to see if we can find something unusual, if the sailing journal is not completely decomposed. It's better." Robin gave advice with a helpless expression.

"Since that's the case, then let's all spread out and look around on this ship."

Alan immediately followed suit and gave everyone an order to find clues.

After all, this ship is really too big, it is obviously more efficient to spread out.

Soon, everyone entered the tangled and complicated cabin like a maze, and began to search room by room.

Due to the immersion in seawater for more than a hundred years, most of the perishable clothing and ordinary wooden boxes have long ceased to exist, and only a few metal items remain, and they are also made of waterproof paper. The resulting nautical chart has been preserved intact.

About twenty minutes later, a bunch of useful and useless stuff was densely packed on the deck.

There is no doubt that identifying these things is Robin's job, and she enjoys it herself.

Just when everyone was fascinated by these wrecks more than 100 years ago, Ike suddenly shouted: "Captain! Our ship is gone!"


Alan turned around sharply and found that the small wooden boat originally docked on the port side had disappeared from sight.

However, he did not appear very panicked, and immediately began to perceive through life energy.

After all, that ship has been remodeled, and the whole is a living one.

It's okay if she didn't perceive it, but she realized that the ship had been controlled to go out for three or four kilometers at some point in time.

"How? Did you find the lost ship?" Robin asked nervously.

There is no way to not be nervous!

You must know that there are a total of five people at the moment. Except for Dora, the Swordsman, everyone else is the ability user of Devil Fruit.

Once the broken ship underfoot begins to sink, the landlubbers will immediately usher in a disaster.

Of course, the archaeologist didn't know that the captain of her family was not a Devil Fruit capable person at all, and she hadn't even eaten any Devil Fruit yet.

“en! Our boat is being steered straight thirty degrees to port.” Alan blunt answered.

"So, someone stole our boat? Where's Nami? Is she all right?" A sharp cold light flashed in Dora's eyes.

"Don't worry, Nami is fine, just a little bit of not knowing what to do because of the sudden situation. Let's see who is behind the scenes."

With that said, Alan injected his life energy into the broken ship beneath his feet.

In the blink of an eye, those wooden boards that were about to be completely rotten began to regenerate new life, and even countless vines grew in some places, weaving a net on the mast that could hold the wind.

"This...this is?!!!!"

Portgas D. Ace was so stunned by this scene that he wore a cowboy hat on his head It fell without noticing.

"Creating life is also part of alchemy. Come on, let's follow."

Alan meaningfully laughed, and then drove the ship through this out-of-this-world ability. The giant ship that sank a hundred years ago follows closely from behind.

He didn't rush to catch up, but kept the current distance, neither falling further, nor too close.

The two ships sailed one after the other in a fog for two hours, and the one in front finally started to slow down.

Looking at the dilapidated ships around them, or the ships that had completely sunk into the seabed, or that were floating on the sea without anyone, Nami only felt chills all over her body, and a chill went out from her heart.

It reminded her of the ship cemetery in Bellmere's scary stories as a child.

“wū wū wū wū…”

“Captain Alan, Miss Dora, where are you? Come and help me!”

In the face of enormous pressure and fear, this wealthy girl with short orange hair finally couldn't help shedding tears of remorse.

If you let her choose again, she will definitely not choose to stay on the boat, but will follow everyone to act.

Just as Nami was lying on the guardrail crying bitterly, an island suddenly appeared not far ahead.

Although it wasn't huge, she was overjoyed.

Because through the telescope, she can see that there are obviously many buildings such as houses on the island.

Since there are buildings, it means that there must be people living there.

But just when the girl focused all her attention on the island in the distance, she didn't notice that the surrounding air seemed to have some kind of weird fluctuation.

About two or three seconds later, a man with a lion-like jaw and nose appeared out of thin air, grinned into a twisted and sickly smile, and even stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

This guy is none other than Moonlight Moriah's subordinate, the transparent fruit ability - Absalom.

He was the one controlling the ship just now.

The most important thing is that this guy is a typical perverted sex madman, and the purpose of stealing the boat is very simple, that is, to capture Nami, the most ideal bride in mind.

But what Absalom didn't know was that in order to satisfy his own desires, he had attracted what terrifying enemies for Moonlight Moriah and the entire Dread Barque Pirates.

If it wasn't for him to lead the way, Alan would have had to work hard to find this place.

When Nami and this perverted sex madman landed on the island, the giant ship that was re-engineered a hundred years ago finally appeared slowly.

Looking at the small island of Ghost Qi in the distance, Alan immediately revealed unabashed joy: "Great! This is really only to return and find it easily. Next, let Let's make a big fuss together..."

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