Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 540

"This is Moonlight Moria's lair?"

After landing on the island, Ace glanced at the surrounding environment that send cold shivers down one's spine, subconsciously frowned.

In his impression, the Qiwuhai who once challenged Kaido, one of the four emperors, is also a guy with a heroism reaching to the clouds, at least the cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates think that Leah is a good pirate captain, but it doesn't seem like that now.

Alan gently nodded: "Yeah! Since the failure to challenge Kaido, Moriah has lost too many partners, so his character inevitably goes to extremes. Now he has completely gone I went astray."

"Awkward? You mean..."

Robin apparently thought of something through the many dilapidated ships around him, subconsciously Had a chill.

“en! Now, he is using the special ability of the shadow fruit to cut off the silhouettes that have entered this area by mistake, and then mass-produces zombie soldiers in an attempt to build an undead zombie group. "Alan blunt said what Moriah had done all these years in the house.

Obviously, when he challenged Kaido and lost all his companions, this man who had a strong sense of responsibility towards his subordinates had a strong sense of guilt, and the whole person gradually became extremely depressed and fearful inside Losing it again, not only has the strength not improved over the years, but it has regressed in great strides.

Although the shadow fruit is a rather strange and powerful superhuman type devil fruit, Moriah has undoubtedly become the bottom of the Qibukai.

"The undead zombie Legion? Is this guy crazy?" Ike's eyes widened in shock.

Alan smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "Crazy? Maybe. But none of this has anything to do with us. There is only one thing we have to do, and that is to destroy everyone including Moriah. . Start taking action now, I allow you to completely destroy everything on this island. Of course, remember to bring back all those with the power of the Devil Fruit alive."

After saying that, he waved his hand, indicating Everyone can start to split up.

"Hahahaha! Sorry, I'll go first."

After getting permission, Ace was the first to laugh and turned into a huge Fireball, soaring into the sky and heading straight for The largest building in the middle of the island flew away.

You don't need to ask to know, this guy is already itching to find a suitable opponent to fight.

Last time, Anilu didn't have a chance, this time I have to try Moria's jinliang.

Ike, who is also keen to challenge the powerhouse, also transformed into a giant ape form and jumped directly on the island to start the crazy violent demolition.

Everywhere he passed, whether it was a building or a zombie made by humans, without exception, it was forcibly smashed into ruins.

There is almost nothing that can resist the ability of this animal-based ancient seed devil fruit, and even under the dual blessing of armed arrogance and life energy, the enemy can't even hurt a single hair of him .

There is no doubt that this is not a war at all, but a crushing of the weak by a powerhouse.

The result is doomed from the very beginning, there is no probability of any change.

As for Dora, I heard that there is a zombie made of the remains of Dragon Horse, a great swordsman in the country of Wano, on the island, and immediately began to look for the other party's traces. I wanted to try my sword technique. to what extent.

At this moment, Alan was left with only Nicole Robin, the archaeologist, to accompany him.

Obviously, although Robin has been trained as a brutal devil, he doesn't have much interest in fighting.

And she's obviously more interested in her own captain than Moonlight Moriah and zombie Legion.

Alan, no doubt aware of this, smiled and offered an invitation: "Beautiful lady, are you interested in accompany me to find Nami?"

"Of course! BOSS! This is my honor." Robin, like a female partner at the dance, gently took the captain's arm.

Soon, the two walked together like this, traversing this labyrinth-like place.

After a while, they came to a slightly gloomy castle.

Just when Robin was about to ask his captain how exactly he found this place, a piercing scream suddenly echoed in the dim corridor.

"Ah Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"That's Nami's voice?!" Robin's expression changed slightly.

"en! It seems that it should be near here."

Alan didn't seem to be worried about the girl's safety at all, and remained calm, not because he heard the sharp voice. became very impatient.

Because he understands that with Nami's current battle strength, unless she encounters Moonlight Moria herself, even if she encounters Dragon Horse's zombie, she can last for a while.

It turns out that his judgment was not wrong.

Less than two or three seconds after the screaming ended, a deafening bang and vibration came from overhead.

Before Robin could react to what happened, the ceiling not far ahead collapsed instantly, a silhouette flew out from above with red firelight, and the fiercely hit the ground with a muffled sound.


Under the huge reaction force, the hapless man hit the ground and immediately bounced into the air again, and then was hit by a large block of bricks that fell from the top of his head.

That tragic situation, I could smell the tears of those who saw it.

"Go to hell! Pervert!"

Accompanied by Nami's unique shrill cry, a dazzling silver lightning spewed out from the big hole, directly There was only half a breath left to electrocute this guy who had been hit hard.

About two or three seconds, the orange short-haired girl jumped down from the hole in the ceiling wearing a white wedding dress, carrying an exaggerated shape like a bazooka and a mortar on her shoulders. Ranged attack weapon.

Her beautiful and sexy battle bride dress is in direct contrast to the brutal attack just now.

So much so that the zombies who rushed out of the corridor did not dare to approach easily, but hid in the dark corner with fear in their eyes.

"Wow! Did you kill the groom?" Alan said jokingly with an exaggeration.

"Ah? Captain! Robin elder sister! wū wū wū wū are here. Do you know? This damn pervert stole all the clothes while I was taking a shower, and also Forced me to wear a wedding dress, said I was his bride. Bah! Don't even look at his disgusting looks and twisted and morbid behavior."

On this remark At that time, Nami did not forget to lift her feet and kicked the half-dead Absalom's lower body.

Especially the cracking sound of a seven-inch heel is enough to make any man feel that he has one's hair stand on end.

You don't need to ask to know that Absalom, the perverted erotic maniac, kicked the iron plate this time.

He thought Nami was a weak girl who could easily be controlled by him.

As everyone knows, this lady navigator has long been completely different from the character in the original plot, who is afraid to die when she encounters anything, and in the bones even has a bit of crazy and pungent meaning.

Once provoked, it will immediately send the opponent directly to the sky with various weapons, props and engineering explosives provided by Alan like a volcanic eruption.

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