Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 541

"What a pathetic fellow."

Alan pulled Absalom, who had only his last breath, from under the huge stone, with a hint of mockery and irony in his tone.

For a perverted sex madman who likes to molest women with transparent fruits, his current ending can be described as retribution.

Not only that, this guy even destroyed his tools before he died.

The sharp pain that went deep into the bone made him subconsciously frown when he was still in a coma.

Although Absalom is a complete waste, the transparent fruit is a good thing.

While not of much use to Alan, it can improve the battle strength of the rest of the team.

Especially Nami, who uses all kinds of firearms, props and engineering explosives, once obtained this fruit, she will immediately become a difficult opponent that makes most people feel a headache.

Without any hesitation!

Alan directly let the red dragon extract the power of the rules from the opponent's body and injected it into a fresh fruit.

In the blink of an eye, the fruit turned into a transparent fruit.

After finishing all this, he handed the devil fruit to Nami in the wedding dress: "Here, I think this devil fruit should be the most suitable for you."

" no! I don't want to eat this kind of perverted food." The girl refused with a look of disgust.

Obviously, Absalom's behavior caused a lot of psychological shadows on her, so even this Devil Fruit was angered.

"Really don't eat it? You must know that the ability of this fruit can make you and everything you touch completely invisible." Alan smiled and described the benefits of the transparent fruit.

After all, in the original plot, Shiliu of the Rain once ate this fruit.

It can be seen that it is definitely not as simple as just making objects invisible, maybe even its own breath can be completely blocked.

This also means that if this fruit can be developed to the extreme, those with poor ability can even avoid the prejudice of the domineering and domineering, and directly solve the most difficult problems with one blow at the critical moment. 's enemy.

But unfortunately, Nami still remains unmoved, and still insists on hooking the head: "No! I'd rather not eat devil fruit than that perverted ability."

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll keep it for now. In addition, I have a list of Devil Fruits here. If you fancy any one, remember to tell me." After that, Alan threw the transparent fruit into his pocket. At the same time, he took out a note that was filled with the name and purpose of the Devil Fruit.

You don't need to ask, you know, these Devil Fruits are not only looted from hunting pirates, but also obtained through trading from Whitebeard and Red-haired Pirates. There are almost dozens of them.

It's just that there are not many really valuable ones, and the common animals that he looks down on account for the most share.

"Wow! You have so many Devil Fruits in your hands?!" Nami just glanced at her, and her eyes immediately began to shine.

You must know that Devil Fruits, even the most rubbish fauna, can sell more than 100 million Baileys with no difficulty.

For this money-loving girl, this note was not a Devil Fruit at all, but a check worth tens of billions of Baileys.

Alan obviously knew what Nami was thinking, and added meaningfully: "Remember, if you choose a certain devil fruit, you must eat it in front of me. As for secretly staying Then don't even think about selling it."

"Cut! Forget it, I don't want to become a landlubber who can't swim."

Aware that my own thoughts have been exposed, Nami immediately lost interest in the list, each minding their own business, picked up the stout barrel and aimed at the places where zombies were hiding and pulled the trigger lightly.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

Another sturdy thunder spewed out directly, and on the spot, a dozen zombies with different shapes were electrocuted into black lumps.

Just when Nami wanted to take revenge on these zombie Legions who had frightened her, Dora finally found Dragon Horse, a great swordsman holding black blade limpid autumn water, in another place.

As Swordsman, the two sides didn't even need any communication at all, they immediately pulled out their weapons and started a very dangerous fight.

For a moment, the sound of ding ding dong dong metal colliding all around the room was filled with weapons.

Especially Ma Long, who was also a great swordsman who pursued cutting down opponents in a flash, so he could barely keep up with Dora in speed.

Almost every time they fight, the dazzling cold light will bloom instantly, just like the Death God who is dying.

There is no doubt that since her debut, Dora is the first time she has encountered an opponent whose understanding and application of sword techniques far exceeds her own, so she is very excited.

An animal zombie tried to get close to observe the battle between the two, but was instantly torn to shreds by a dozen slashes, and she didn't even have time to let out a scream.

"Is this the great swordsman who has never been defeated and slashed wyvern with his sword? Even if he is already dead, he can't be as powerful as before..." Dora murmured to herself in a voice that only she could hear. language.

Although she could instantly defeat the opponent with some trump cards, she did not do so in the end.

Because she needs to improve herself through this Swordsman vs Swordsman duel, absorbing the sword technique of the opponent's thousand hammers, hundred refinements.

As for the Dragon Horse's corpse, which had no self-awareness at all and could only rely on Brook's shadow to drive it, it didn't realize that the opponent was constantly observing and learning during the battle, and was still fulfilling the orders given by Moonlight Moria. That is to kill all intruders.

The battle lasted more than an hour from start to finish.

It wasn't until Dora thought she had learned all of the opponent's proven sword techniques that she slammed her strongest sword and chopped off Dragon Horse's head with a speed that naked eyes couldn't tell.

Pick up the black blade limpid autumn water that fell on the ground, she immediately bowed respectfully to the headless mummy on the ground: "Thank you very much for your advice! I swear, in the future if there is is an opportunity, I will definitely send this knife back to where it should go.”

I don’t know if it’s because of hearing this sentence, or if Brooke’s shadow is finally relieved, then The beheaded head seemed to open its mouth and reveal a strange smile.

cautiously retracting the extremely sharp black blade, Dora immediately left the decaying room and continued towards the center of the island.

Through the crimson flames that shoot out in the distance, it can basically be judged that Ace has already fought against Moonlight Moriah.

As for the overwhelming zombie Legion, they have long since been killed and injured by the crazy destruction of the giant ape Ike.

Not to mention zombies, even the main structure of the island was severely damaged.

Due to the lack of high-end battle strength, there is no one under Moria who can stop this terrifying monster.

The corpse of Fiend Oz was also temporarily unable to be dispatched due to the lack of suitable shadows.

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