Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 542

"Flame Ring—Pillar of Fire!"

"Shadow Horn!"

"Cross Fire!"

"Shadow Mage!"



In the center of this island, Ace is having a fierce duel with Moria Shichibukai.

The former, as a natural type with the ability to burn fruit, of course, the attack method is to open and close, just like a constantly burning Fireball, turning the surrounding into a fire in a very short period of time. sea.

But the latter is not bad either.

Although the level of domineering has been reduced after years of neglect, the development of shadow fruits has gone deeper.

Shadow Cut, Shadow Box, Shadow Warrior, Shadow Revolution, Shadow Mage, Scattered Bat, Shadow Horn Gun...

This superhuman fruit is under the control of Moriah and plays It has produced a power that is not inferior to the natural system, and has also achieved the integration of offense and defense, so that Ace really has no choice but to continuously strengthen the formidable power of his flames in a short period of time.

"Damn! Why? Why did you Captain of the Second Team of the Whitebeard Pirates appear in my territory?" Moria roared angrily.

He didn't understand at all, how did he offend Whitebeard, so that he provokes such a difficult enemy.

"hahahaha! It's easy! Someone is trying to use your head to raise their bounty. As for me, I'm just trying to get an opponent to fight." Ace grinned widely laughing replied.

"Someone wants my head? Who!" Moriah's eyes flashed with fierce rays of light.

I think he also dared to challenge Kaido's ruthless back then. Although the final result was almost destroyed by the group, in the bones did not lack the courage to fight to the death.

Just when Ace was about to say that name, a silhouette suddenly appeared in the raging flames and said in a very calm tone: "It's me! I want your head !"

tone barely fell!

Alan stood behind Moriah through the flames.

Although he just walked through the high-temperature flames of thousands of degrees Celsius, he didn't hurt even a single hair on his body, and when he got close, all the flames seemed to meet his own. The kings let out a gap one after another, and only returned to their original state after walking past.

Ace, who has had similar experience for a long time, is obviously very clear that this is the power of the flame demon sword behind Alan.

But Moriah didn't know it, and there were astonishing rays of light flashing in her eyes.

It took a full minute before he finally realized who this youngster with short silver hair was in front of him, gnashing teeth questioned: "It's you? You want to kill me to let the world government And the navy will set you a sky-high bounty?"

Alan gently nodded: "That's right! I don't want to attack the navy, nor do I plan to burn, kill and loot civilians, so I can only choose Kill you, Qiwuhai, to get a high bounty. If I remember correctly, your bounty should have been 320 million Bailey, plus your special status, it should be enough."

"Bastard! Who do you think I am? I'm Moonlight Moriah!"

Morlia was obviously angered by the other party's contemptuous attitude, and immediately manipulated a large number of shadows to launch an attack .

Unfortunately, these shadows that were not even covered by armed colors were scattered by Alan with his fists with no difficulty before they could get close, and at the same time said casually: "Sorry, although it is a bit rude to say that. , but I still have to say, you are too weak, so weak that I can't even have any interest."


Morlia is undoubtedly the first time When I heard someone use this word to describe myself, I immediately opened my arms and shouted like crazy: "Shadow gathering place!"


Under the control of the shadow fruit, all the shadows of the entire island swarmed like homing swallows, pouring into Moria's body at an incredible speed, causing him to be close to seven. Mi's height continued to expand, and eventually he grew into a terrifying giant that was taller and thicker than an adult man.

However, as more and more shadows were swallowed, the reason in this guy's eyes completely disappeared, replaced by madness and tyranny.

Without any hesitation, he raised his fist and smashed it fiercely.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

The earth shook and the mountain quivered!

With just one blow, the ground cracked a dozen meters deep.

If you let it continue to attack, it is estimated that the entire island will be completely destroyed within a few minutes, and then slowly sink into the seabed.

"My God! What did this guy do? He can actually swell to be taller than a giant? And his strength is too terrifying?" Ace stared wide-eyed in surprise.

The only person he knows who can destroy an island with his fists in a short amount of time is his "daddy" Whitebeard.

But now, a trifling Shichibukai Moria has done something similar.

"Morlia devoured over a thousand shadows, and each one provides extra power, so it's no surprise to be able to do that. Just look him in the eyes, the guy clearly has I lost my mind because I devoured too much."

Alan explained as he strolled around in the middle of the huge slap and fist to dodge.

Big means bulky!

In this state, Moriah cannot pose any threat to him with super neural reflex speed.

"Devouring shadows to strengthen oneself? Moria really developed this Devil Fruit quite well. If he hadn't abandoned his arrogance, I would have to fight him for a day or two if I wanted to win. Win or lose." Ace sighed regretfully.

"This is the path he chose, and since he has chosen, he must be prepared to pay for it. Even more how over the years, at least thousands of people have been directly and indirectly killed by him. Humans are not worthy of sympathy at all."

After saying this, Alan came forward and used the Time Freeze ability that was still under development.

I saw a strange slow light centered on him on the spot, spreading to all directions at a very fast speed.

In less than one tenth of a second, the surrounding area of hundreds of meters was dragged into the ultra-slow time flow, and even Ace was accidentally hit because of his lack of vigilance. .

However, seeing and hearing the color made him realize something was wrong at the last moment, and there were already signs of elementalization in his upper body.

But it's only so far, and it's finally frozen in place.

Seeing the consternation on Ace's face, Alan couldn't help laughing and shook the head: "Sorry, although I don't want to use you as a little white mouse, I really can't find a better target. So please stand here for a while, and you will be back to normal in thirty seconds at most."

"Do you want to extract the shadow fruit from Moria?" Vernarasas asked softly.

"Do you even need to ask? This fruit is specially prepared for Rubes. Its shadow power is a perfect match for the shadow fruit."

In Alan's At the behest, the red dragon immediately extended several thick tentacles and inserted them directly into Moonlight Moriah's body, continuously extracting the rules of the shadow fruit, and reshaped a new shadow fruit.

When the Qiwuhai lost the power of the fruit and died, countless shadows spewed out of his body and regained his freedom...

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