Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 543

"What an interesting ability and rules, you can actually create a living puppet by controlling shadows and strengthen your own power." Alan sighed while grabbing a shadow who didn't know who it was.

Because these shadows are stored in Moriah's body, they are not irradiated by slow light and still maintain the normal Time Flow Speed.

And the most interesting thing is that through the processing and control of devil fruit, these shadows can become a certain degree of entity.

Verna Lazas nodded: "Yeah! The ability of this shadow fruit is a bit similar to shadow energy, with almost unlimited development potential, it is indeed very suitable for Rubos. But the defect is , you must collect enough powerhouse shadows to play a role."

"Hehe, powerhouse shadows are not simple. When we enter the New World and provoke the battle to the top, we can hunt Kaido and Big Mom's. My subordinates, and I can also take the opportunity to collect Devil Fruits, it is completely one move, two gains." Alan shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"Oh? Have you already chosen your target?" Verna Razas asked with interest.

"Not yet. But compared to Kaido's group of animal-type devil fruit fools, I prefer aunt's sons and daughters. After all, first of all, our souls have not been explored in depth. Therefore, the value of Soul Soul Fruit is more than one grade stronger than that of Kaido Fish Fruit Illusory Beast. Secondly, the Devil Fruits under Auntie are more diverse, such as Mirror Fruit, Memory Fruit, Book Fruit, Hot Fruit Hot fruit, etc., are quite valuable for research." Alan said his thoughts with a smile.

The most important thing is that, compared to Wano, which has been devastated by Kaido for so many years, and whose people's livelihood is almost in tatters, Wano, whether it is population, order, food production, or business environment, needs to be far behind. Above the former, it is very suitable as a base, a secret base prepared for the complete overthrow of the world government.

As a modern man, he is well aware that the overthrow of a government that has been in power for hundreds of years cannot be accomplished solely by martial power and destruction.

Otherwise, he would have already thrown a few "truths" at Holy Land Mary Joa, and completely wiped the draconian and the Five Old Stars, the foundations for maintaining rule, from the map.

While overthrowing the regime, a new order must be re-established.

Verna Lazas had a looked thoughtful expression on her face: "You are right! The BIG·MOM Pirates are indeed more valuable than the Beasts Pirates. But when do you plan to How about putting it into practice?"

"Hehe, don't worry, my crew is still too small, and it's not strong enough, I guess it will take another month or two."

After saying this, Alan gave the red dragon a quiet gesture.

The next second...

The relative Time Freeze caused by the Slow Fruit is instantly restored.

Especially Ace, who instantly turned into a raging flame, first glanced at Moria's huge corpse on the ground, and then asked with a sullen face: "What happened just now? What?"

"It's nothing, you were accidentally hit by my indiscriminate slow light, that's all." Alan explained lightly.

"Ah! Damn it! I remembered! You bastard..."

Just as Ace was so angry that he wanted to ask his teacher for guilt, a petite silhouette suddenly Emerging from the darkness, followed by a cloud of incomparable gigantic white translucent ghosts flew out.

Poor Ace was hit on the spot, knelt on the ground with a plop, and said in a lifeless tone: "I'm really a super trash and an idiot... I might as well die..."

【Negative ghost? Ghost Princess Perona! ]

Alan immediately raised his vigilance and used the hunter mark to target the girl wearing a Gothic dress not far away.

If there are any other forces in this world that can threaten him, Spirit Fruit is undoubtedly one of them.

After all, a regular ability like this won't make any sense to you, as long as you are hit, you will be 100% instantly killed.

On this point, just look at Fire Fist Ace with a bounty of 550 million Bailey.

Whether it is body refinement, domineering, fruit power, he is far above Perona.

What about the result?

With just one hit, there was no physical damage at all, and the will and spirit completely collapsed, turning into a salted fish lying on the ground and dying.

" killed Moria?!"

Perona undoubtedly noticed the lifeless corpse on the ground, with a slight trembling in her tone.

You must know that she was adopted by Moonlight Moriah since she was a child, and she feels like a father to this man.

“en! You guessed it right, I killed him.” Alan admitted generously.

"Why? Why do this?" Peroa's eyes flashed with tears.

Alan asked back with a smile: "Did you ask the same question when Moriah forcibly plundered other silhouettes and stole and cut up corpses? If not, what do you have now? What qualifications do you ask me? If you kill someone, you must have the consciousness of being killed! As a pirate, you must be ready to bury yourself in the sea at any time. If Moriah hadn't taught you this, now I'll make up for this moment for you. "

tone barely fell!

A terrifying aura instantly enveloped the weak and helpless ghost Princess.

Under the pressure of Alan's substantive imposing manner, Perona only felt like a little lamb being targeted by a beast, unable to stand even, and fell to the ground with a plop.

Right now, let alone using the fruit ability, even breathing became extremely difficult, and the sweat on his forehead dripped down his cheeks.




She was pampered as a Princess since she was a child. She had never seen this kind of battle, and every cell in her body was sending out warning signals frantically.


Peroa's words popped out of her throat.

Because she really couldn't find a better word to describe the terrifying of the man in front of her!

"monster? You're not the first person to call me that, but you won't be the last. Now, give me a reason to let you go."

Alan walked straight to the face of the ghost Princess, extending the hand to hold the other's delicate chin, there was no trace of emotion in his eyes, and it was as cold as a piece of ice.

Under this zero distance, no matter what kind of move Perona makes, he is absolutely sure to crush the opponent's head in an instant.




Perona only felt her heart beating wildly, and for the first time realized that if her answer was not satisfactory to the other party, then she would face the end of her life—death.

At this moment, she could no longer feel sad for Moriah who died, her brain was overloaded, and she finally bit her lower lip and stammered: "I...I meant it. Join your pirate team and work for you."

But this proposal was directly rejected by Alan ruthless: "Sorry, with your current strength, you are not worthy to join my team. But I have some here. One position is more suitable for you, and that is pets."

"Pets?!!" Perona's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

"Yes! It's a pet! Choose now! Be my personal pet or be a corpse like Moriah." Alan blunt threatened.

For this kind of enemy who has enough power to threaten him, he will not be soft-hearted, but will firmly grasp it in his own hands.

"I...I chose to be a pet..."

After a fierce struggle in her heart, the ghost Princess finally gave in.

Because she's still young and doesn't want to die at all.

"Very good! Looks like you made the right choice."

tone barely fell!

Alan winked directly at the red dragon in pet form on his shoulder.

The latter understood and immediately extended a tentacle, wrapping a red leather collar around Perona's slender neck.

Of course, this is not an ordinary collar, but a biological device that can perceive and control life and even thinking, which is controlled by Verna Razas himself.

If Perona has any bad thoughts that shouldn't be there, then she will instantly lose control of her body and become a complete puppet.

Of course, if she did well, Alan wouldn't mind letting her loose and adding her to the team.

In short, dangerous things like the Spirit Fruit must be monitored under the nose.

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