Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 544

There is no doubt that with the death of Moonlight Moriah, the ghost Princess Perona has become a prisoner, and the entire island has no strength to resist.

Under Alan's behest, Ike completely unleashed all his powers.

Whether it was the genius doctor Hogbuck, or the zombie maids and soldiers he made, they all slowly sank into the sea together with the island.

Although some guys tried to escape in a small boat, they were discovered by Dora and cut in half with one sword.

In the end, not a single person escaped alive on the huge island.

Seeing this scene with her own eyes, Perona only felt chills all over her body, and at the same time realized what the real war between pirates and pirates was like.

It is not as romantic as I imagined, but it is full of cruelty and blood.

The victor and the loser can almost be said to be life and death, and they can do whatever they want.

"After killing a Shichibukai, what are you going to do next?" Esto asked with a faint smile on his chin.

"It's very simple! I'm going to keep Moonlight Moria's body in the most conspicuous position, and then make a high-profile announcement that this is what I did. When the time comes, it doesn't matter if it's out of face. , or the subconscious reaction of flying into a rage out of humiliation, both the navy and the world government must give me a high enough reward. Otherwise, they will not be able to explain to the other Qiwuhai."

Alan had clearly been thinking about what to do, and blunt revealed his plans.

No way!

In this world, the Pirates want to recruit enough and suitable personnel quickly, and there is no second method except to increase the bounty and popularity.

He can't go to the newspaper and let them advertise for him, can he?

Even if the owner of the newspaper dares to do this, the navy and the world government are impossible to allow it to be published, otherwise the order of the entire world will be completely messed up.

After all, the people Alan liked, such as Trafalgar Law, and Joelie Bonnie, didn't know where to hide right now.

And in the vast sea to find a person, or a trace of a ship, it is heavenly ascension.

Especially Alan's hunting map ability disappeared a long time ago with the integration of his ability cocoon. At present, he can only rely on increasing the bounty and popularity to attract people to take the initiative to join in, and strive to be able to be in a group of scumbags. Amoy to a few barely usable.

"Oh? Are you going to provoke the navy and the world government?" Ace's eyes lighted slightly, as if he was interested in this kind of thing.

Alan nodded without thinking: "That's right! It would be even better if the Navy could send one or two Generals to pursue them. Because I will use these Generals to prove to everyone that the sea of demons The pirate group has enough strength to reach the top. Neither the navy nor other pirate emperors can stop this moment from coming."

"Hahahaha! You are as arrogant as ever!" Ace laughed and stretched out a finger, poking the brim of the cowboy hat lightly.

If it wasn't for his status, he would even want to join the other party in this great battle.

But unfortunately, I don't know what kind of consideration Whitebeard came out of, and finally did not agree to form an alliance.

It just means that after Alan chooses a target to challenge, he will lead his sons and daughters to help contain the other one.

"No, it's not arrogance, it's self-confidence. Just wait and see, a good show is about to start. Oh, I almost forgot to ask, are you going back?" Alan up and down Looking at the last bloodline that Roger left in the world.

"Yeah! You've found your partner and navigator. It's pointless for me to stay here. It's time to go home."

Speaking, Ace jumped up He jumped onto the special boat that was fixed on the port side and used flames as propulsion, and quickly brought the scorching flames into it.

Next second...

bang! ! ! !

The tail section instantly burst into flames of the crimson, giving the entire ship a powerful thrust.

"Good luck!" Alan waved with a smile.

"Take care of you too! I'll be waiting in New World to see the moment you reach the top!"

Ace shouted without looking back, and then The launching ability is like a speedboat riding the wind and waves, disappearing at the end of the fog at an extremely fast speed.

Watching him go away, Robin asked meaningfully: "Boss, where are you going to keep Moria's body?"

"Haha, Of course it is Marine Vatican Headquarters." Alan pursed his lips and said a name that moved everyone present.

As a person who either doesn't do anything, or just leaks the sky when he wants to do something, he wants the Navy to set a reward of at least one billion or even two billion baileys this time.

Only in this way can it create a huge sensation in the news and allow those with ambition and ability to come to them.

"Navy Headquarters? Captain, are you sure? Doing that is tantamount to hitting the navy and the world government in the face! We will immediately be the target of attention!" Ike stared wide-eyed in surprise.

"What, are you afraid?" Alan asked rhetorically with a smile.

"Afraid? How is that possible! I got my life back! Even more how...I'm so excited! Captain! The last person who dared to do this was with Roger and Whitebeard. The eponymous pirate Golden Lion Shiki!" Ike shouted, clenching his fists tightly.

"What about you guys?" Alan glanced at the rest of the crew.

Dora put her hand on the hilt of the sword and responded with the usual indifference: "I don't have any opinion, just in time to see the strength of the swordsmen of the Navy headquarters and the great swordsmen."

"Me too!"

Robin stroked the long black hair on his cheeks, looking very stable.

After all, she has seen that Alan can make the whole ship fly into the sky in the form of anti-gravity. Even if the front is not the opponent of the navy, it is no problem to leave calmly, so there is no worry at all. mean.

On the contrary, Nami and Perona fell to the ground when they heard this crazy plan, and they fell into the state of Astral Projection.

Just when the two of them reacted and wanted to express their objections, they suddenly found that the discussion had ended.

At Alan's order, the ship immediately turned around and left the foggy Sea Territory and moved towards the direction of the naval headquarters at full speed.

Because of the speed of departure, no one noticed that there was a skeleton in a dress sitting in the back on a small raft, holding a wooden board in his hand as a paddle and desperately chasing, while chasing He also shouted: "Wait! The benefactor in front wait! Please don't leave me!"

Obviously, he is none other than Brook who has been trapped here for fifty years.

But it's a pity, because of the distance from Taiyuan, his shouts have spread completely before it can be transmitted, and he can only watch the ship in the distance getting smaller and smaller. , eventually becoming a black spot, disappearing at the end where the sea and the sky meet.


As a skeleton who has been dead for many years, he neither needs to eat nor drink, and even has almost unlimited physical strength, so he doesn't have to worry about dying in the sea.

In this way, Brook bathed in the long-lost sunshine, while each minding their own business, telling all kinds of bad jokes to relieve boredom, while continuing to slide forward...

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