Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 545

How to make a person become powerful in a short period of time?

The answer is simple!

Under the condition of ensuring survival and no disability, continue to challenge opponents with the same strength or stronger than yourself.

In fact, in the world of One Piece, fighting to the death with a powerful enemy is the best shortcut to becoming stronger.

Looking at the original plot, Luffy's entire group has transformed from leaving the Eastern Sea to participating in the top war in just three months to know how effective this method is.

So Alan's choice to provoke the navy directly is a similar calculus.

He wants to let several crew members see the power of this world highest with their own eyes, and by the way, they will learn from those lieutenant generals of comparable strength, and constantly improve their combat experience and skills.

Otherwise, fighting with monsters and bosses in the dungeon who only have fixed routines all day long is impossible to truly understand the essence of battle.

Just as the remodeled wooden sailboat was moving fast according to the established route, the General Aokiji, who had been out for a long time, finally carried the bicycle into the Marshal's office inside Marine Vando of the Navy Headquarters.

As soon as he crossed the threshold, the Warring States of Buddha lifted the head and asked in a very serious tone, "Have you played against that guy? How is his strength?"

"Very strong! At least Akainu and I are not rivals." Kuzan responded lazily.

"What?!" The voice of the Warring States suddenly rose an octave.

After all, the General represents the highest battle strength of the navy, and if necessary, he can even have a meet force with force frontal war with the Four Emperors.

Now Qingzhi suddenly admits that he is not as good as a newcomer who has just debuted, how can he be calm.

Kuzan obviously knew that what he had just said was a bit sensational, and immediately explained: "Because of that sword! Not only does it generate unimaginable high temperatures, but it also makes the bearer completely immune to all flames, lava, etc. This means that the frozen fruit and the lava fruit have no effect at all against him."

"flame demon sword..."

Sengoku narrowed his eyes and subconsciously pronounced the name of the weapon.

As the battle between Alan and Whitebeard came to an end, the whole world knew that it was the Supreme God sword that surpassed the Supreme Sword.

At least so far, no other weapon has flame demon sword mention on equal terms.

"That's right! Without this sword, he would be at best like the other supernovas, but with a greater potential threat. But if he draws that sword, he can compete with Whitebeard, Redhead, Kai Many Pirate Emperors like Charlotte Lingling are on an equal footing." Kuzan expressed his opinion very seriously.

"So...if we can capture this sword, his threat will immediately drop several notches." Sengoku touched the chin with a thoughtful look on his face.

Obviously, this wise general intends to send the information to the world government, which will then transfer it to the subordinate CP intelligence agency for processing.

He believed that with the rich experience of CP spy agency, he would definitely be able to find a way to steal this extremely powerful weapon from Alan's hands.

Of course, if you can, it's best to wait until Alan kills either Kaido or Charlotte Ringling.

"I don't think it would be easy to steal a sword from a great swordsman."

Kuzhan murmured, then sat down. Come down, put on the blindfold and start hu hu to sleep.

He doesn't feel like Alan will not loot towns and merchant ships, never attack the navy, and even ruthless kill those who do evil pirates, what a threat to this world.

On the contrary!

The real threat is an indiscriminate executioner like Akainu who slaughtered civilians indiscriminately within the navy.

But unfortunately, the world government and the Five Old Stars don't like him who has his own ideas and sticks to the bottom line of justice in his heart. Instead, he appreciates Akainu's character of absolute obedience to the orders of his superiors. .

Just as Aokiji closed his eyes on his front feet, the door was suddenly pushed open with a rude bang, followed by a middle-aged man with a cigar in his mouth, a face full of flesh, and a dark red suit on his body. Came in from outside.

He is none other than Akainu, Sakaski, one of the three Generals.

I saw this guy first glanced at Aokiji, who was out of character with him, issued a coldly snorted, and then went straight to the Warring States and loudly said: "Marshal! I don't understand! Why don't you allow me to attack, Arrest that newcomer named Alan? You must know that he has shown enough strength to threaten justice, if you don't get there sooner..."

"Enough! This matter is the decision made by the Five Old Stars! It's not your turn to intervene. Plus, you can't help him even if you attack. Kuzan just brought back an important piece of information, that the flame demon sword in his hand makes the wielder immune to all freezing and fire damage. Do you know what this means?" Sengoku lifts the head asked sternly.

"What?! How is this possible!" Akainu opened his mouth in surprise.

You must know that the lava fruit he eats is the most attacking and destructive power of all devil fruits, even comparable to Whitebeard's shock fruit to some extent.

Since gaining the power of the lava fruit, he has almost never encountered anyone who can resist his lava fist.

"It's true! Look, this is a photo sent by the CP intelligence agency. Fire Fist Ace, the Captain of the Second Team of the Whitebeard Pirates, the one who burns the fruit. He released a huge amount of energy. Fireball, was directly absorbed by that sword." Saying that, Sengoku pulled out a few fuzzy photos from the drawer that were still on the table.

He didn't care about these photos before, but after hearing Aokiji's report, he immediately realized the important information that he had ignored.

"Damn it! That is to say, among the three generals of the Navy, there is only one Polsalino left to deal with him?" Akainu's tone was filled with strong unwillingness and anger.

"Ah, was someone called old man just now?"

As the saying goes, Cao Cao is here.

Accompanied by a familiar voice, General - Kiabou with a wretched expression also walked in from the outside.

At this moment, the three generals in the marshal's office gathered together.

If you add the navy hero Garp who picks his nostrils and eats donuts at the same time, the high-end battle strength of the entire navy is almost reached.

Although there are still some with the title of lieutenant general, the Seeded Contestant who is actually the replacement of the General was not present.

Looking at these are either old but still lecherous (Kapp), or it makes people wonder what they are thinking (Kizuka), or extremely tyrannical (Akainu), or lazy to know all day long Sleeping (Aoki)'s subordinate, Sengoku suddenly felt a little tired, and subconsciously rubbed his eyebrows.

Just when he was about to say something, a colonel suddenly rushed in out of breath and shouted: "! Marshal Your Excellency! There is an unidentified pirate ship heading for the headquarters!"

"What? Say it again!"

"The pirate ship took the initiative to approach Marin Fando? "

"Who is so bold?"


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