Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 546

There is no doubt that in the eyes of the Navy, they are cats and pirates are mice.

So when pirates encounter naval pursuit, their first reaction is often to escape, rather than confrontation.

Because including the four pirate emperors of New World, no pirate group has the ability to withstand the full siege and attack of the navy.

It's just that the main responsibility of the navy is to maintain order at sea. Once the loss is too great, pirates in other areas will flood again, which is why the current situation in which the Qiwuhai, the navy and the four emperors are balanced is formed. .

But now, there is actually a pirate ship approaching Marine Fando, the headquarters of the Navy.


Naked provocation!

For a while, the artillery turrets erected around the port immediately began to reload gunpowder and shells.

After a while, a deafening sound was accompanied by a solid iron ball falling from the sky one after another.

"Hahahaha! These guys are really irritated by us."

Ike grinned wildly, and instantly transformed into a giant ape, waving Catch these shells one by one with a huge slap, and then throw them back in reverse.

bang! bang! bang! bang!

In just a few minutes, several forts were completely destroyed and collapsed.

Similarly, Dora drew her sword and swung it at a speed that naked eyes couldn't tell.

In just a split second, she cut dozens of shells in half.

Protected by the two main combatants, the ship was completely unscathed after several rounds of attack.

Seeing the huge building that stands not far ahead, symbolizing the highest institution of the navy, Alan suddenly spoke to Robin who was at the helm instructed: "Enough! Just stop here, if you go further , it would be inconvenient to retreat."

"Stop here?!" Nami, who was shiver coldly, widened her eyes, and her voice suddenly rose an octave.

Although she is much more courageous than in the original plot, she is still full of fear when she comes to Marine Fando to provoke the navy and the world government.

After all, the era of the Great Pirates has been in existence for so many years, no matter whether it is a pirate or a revolutionary army, in the end, it can only be like a mouse, crushed by the world government and dare not stand up. Open the gun.

Therefore, in the minds of most people, this ruling group, which only represents the interests of the draconian, is completely invincible. At least in a short period of time, they cannot see any forces that can pose a threat or challenge to them.

"Don't worry, it's alright. After all, we're just here to say hello."

Speaking, Alan curled his lips into a playful smile, followed by jumping up and down In mid-air, the huge corpse of Shichibukai Moonlight Moria was still near the port.


After a muffled sound, this guy with a height of nearly seven meters and a weight of several tons appeared directly in front of all the naval officers and soldiers.

"Shibukai Moriah?!!!"

"He...he's actually dead?"

"Bastard! This guy is from Are we demonstrating?"

"Go on! Kill him! He's the only one!"


Obviously, as a self-confessed burden A just official violent institution, the navy has never lacked warm-blooded people.

So in less than five minutes, a large number of generals swarmed to attack the enemy standing in midair.

"Sorry, I'm not here today to play with you trashy fish. So...please sleep for a while."

tone barely fell!

An amazing overlord color spews out all directions with Alan as the center.


Those who were not strong enough in spirit and willpower fell to the ground like cut leeks, falling into deep stupor.

Just as he was about to deal with the lieutenant generals who had withstood his overlordship, he suddenly heard an indignant roar from behind him: "Who gave you the provocation at the navy's headquarters? Courage? Hell dog!"

I saw General Sakaski dashing towards him waving his fist that had turned into a crimson lava.

Looking at the posture, I intend to hit the heart directly.

"It's right and wrong, black and white! You're here just in time!"

To the navy he hated the most, Alan didn't mean to be polite at all, and directly pulled out the flame demon sword After absorbing the Lava released by the opponent, he lifted up his arms covered with arms and stepped on it fiercely.

bang! ! !

No surprises!

Akainu's head was stomped into the masonry on the spot, and it looked as embarrassed as it was embarrassing, and as embarrassing as it was embarrassing.

Not only that!

Alan then added a few more kicks, each time with slow light and armed color.

The Akainu, who missed with one move, had absolutely no room to fight back, and could only be trampled again and again in front of countless subordinates.

The strong sense of anger and humiliation almost made him, who has always been tough and extreme, explode in place.

"General Akainu was killed in seconds?!!"

The surrounding admirals who were not stunned seemed a little unbelievable to what they saw with their eyes.

After all, the power of Sakaski is recognized by everyone, and the destructive power of lava fruit is one of the highest among all devil fruits.

In their minds, even if Akainu is not the strongest in the world like Whitebeard, at least it still has the power to fight.

But now?

They actually saw the highest battle strength of the navy, and they were stepped on by a young pirate and could not fight back.

“Eight Inch Mirror!”

Seeing Akainu being beaten to the ground by the enemy, Kizaru, who had just arrived, finally couldn’t help but take action.

I saw a golden light flashing across Alan's chest.

Next second...


Accompanied by a deafening loud noise, a dazzling lightning fell from the sky, penetrating the kiwi from head to toe.

The interesting thing is that when this round ended, both of them were unscathed, not even the slightest wrinkle on their clothes.

Don't ask, they all use elementalization to avoid hurting themselves.

The only difference is that Kizaru turned himself into light, while Alan turned himself into lightning.

"Aiya! The newcomer is so terrifying now. I can't believe that after eating the fruit of slowness, you actually ate the fruit of thunder." Polusalino's eyes flashed with extremely surprised rays of light.

"Two Devil Fruits? One of them is a top natural type! How did you do it?" Kuzan also stood up and asked.

as everyone knows, only one Devil Fruit can be eaten, otherwise the regular power of the two Devil Fruits will tear each other in the body, and a person will burst alive.

This truth is the experience summed up through countless bloody lessons.

At least between the rise of Blackbeard Titch, there is no second person to go against.

"You think I'm going to tell you this secret?" Alan asked with a mysterious smile.

"hmph! It's not up to you! This is Marine Fando! Today, you don't want to leave no matter what."

Akainu took advantage of the moment when the two fought just now, He got up on the ground, his face was full of violent and bloodthirsty expressions, and almost half of his body had turned into a hot crimson lava.

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