Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 547

"Leave me? Just because you are a draconian dog? Oh, sorry, I shouldn't mention you on equal terms with the dog, because that's an insult to the dog."

Alan's tongue skills are fully on, ruthless performs a frigid irony and scorching satire on Sakaski.

If it weren't for the time, he would immediately kill this shameless double-standard dog in the most cruel and painful way.

After all, any sane person will not see the massacre of innocent and defenseless civilians as justice.

Akainu no doubt felt the undisguised hostility.

In addition, he is not the kind of person who is good at words. He raised his fist that turned into a lava and smashed it fiercely: "Big fire!"


crimson's lava rushes towards Alan's location in an instant in the form of a volcanic eruption.

Obviously, Sakaski didn't learn the lesson, and didn't even believe that the flame demon sword really could make the bearer 100% immune to fire damage.


Alan spat out two words from his mouth in a very contemptuous tone, and directly slammed the Divine Item in his hand.

The Eye of Sulfuras, which is embedded near the sword grid, flashed with a flash of brilliance in an instant!

After the swarming Lava approached, he was sucked thoroughly by this flaming orb on the spot, leaving no residue behind.

" is this possible?!" Akainu's face was full of disbelief.

"Didn't Aokiji tell you? I'm completely immune to fire and freezing! I almost forgot, and now I have to add another thunderbolt..." Alan raised his mouth and revealed a very bad smile.

"Enough! Come back! Sakaski!"

Marshal Warring States obviously didn't want to see the General, who symbolizes the highest battle strength of the navy, make a fool of himself, and decided to give this unruly man The guy gave the order to retreat.

After all, most of the deterrent power of these three Generals are based on the top natural Devil Fruits.

Although domineering and body refinement have also reached a very high level, they can't be allowed to meet force with force with a Divine Sword that surpasses Supreme's big sharp knife empty-handed, right?

even more how, the Generals have long developed a dependence on Devil Fruits.

When the power of the fruit loses its effect, the power will drop a lot.


Although Akainu is very unwilling, he also knows that if he persists, he will not be able to achieve any effect at all, except that he will be constantly beaten, so he simply bites Teeth retreated.

But both eyes were always fixed on the flaming flame demon sword, while secretly thinking about how to get rid of this extremely restrained weapon.

You don't need to ask to know that he still believes that his hard power is far ahead of Alan.

Compared to Sakaski, Polusalino is not so strong offensive, and even stands on the spot without any desire to shoot, just maintains the most basic vigilance.

Through a short confrontation, Kizaru has realized that his own flash fruit does not have an overwhelming speed advantage for Alan, who has the thunder fruit.

On the contrary, if the ability to join and slow fruit cooperates with each other, you will actually be at a disadvantage in speed.

He didn't want his face to be like Akainu, being humiliated by the youngster in front of him fiercely stepping on his feet.

"hehe! Boy! You seem to have gotten stronger during this time. Tell me, what are you trying to do in the Navy Headquarters? With this corpse of Shichibukai Moriah Are you provoking us to demonstrate?" Karp took off his white cloak and stood up with his fists clenched.

Looking at this old man who is in his seventies but still maintains his physique, Alan put away his previous bad attitude towards Akainu and responded meaningfully: "No! Of course not! I'm just here to remind you that it's time to send me a bounty and an arrest warrant that fits my status."

"A reward?!"

Marshal Warring States heard this reason. , his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

In his view, this provocative demonstration makes no difference.

Just when he was furious and wanted to order a siege against Alan, the phone bug that directly communicated with the five old stars of the world government suddenly rang.


"Damn it! But at this time!" The Warring States gnashing teeth complained.

But in the end, he chose to answer.

No way!

Who made the navy just an agency under the world government?

Although the marshal has considerable autonomy, the huge military expenditure of the navy has to wait for funding from the world government.

Without the support of the Five Old Stars, within a month the navy would fall apart because it couldn't pay, build ships, or buy weapons.

"Hello? Is it the Warring States Period? That pirate named Alan is now in the Navy Headquarters, right?"

A rather old voice came from the snail-like phone mouth spread out.

Obviously, he is one of the five people who control the highest power in this world.

"Ah! That's right! He's here! And he also brought the body of King Shichibukai - Moonlight Moriah. This is a serious provocation to the navy and the world government! I think it should be Abandon the original plan and directly capture him and put him in prison, otherwise he may pose a greater threat than Whitebeard in the future." The Warring States Gloomy face suggested.

"No! We have other arrangements for him. Now I order you to let him go without any obstruction." Five Old Stars issued an unquestionable tone in front of countless admirals. dead command.

"What?! Let go of a pirate who dares to provoke at the navy's headquarters?" Akainu roared angrily.

But unfortunately, in the eyes of the world government built by the draconian, he is just a watchdog, and the Five Old Stars don't even bother to respond.

In contrast, Marshal Sengoku has realized that Alan must have mastered something very important, so the world government will make such a choice.

After hesitating, he finally chose to obey. He directly raised his hand to signal to the messengers behind him to launch a flare, calling back the generals at sea who were besieging other members of the Demon Pirates.

In fact, at least five lieutenant generals and ten major generals attacked five people on board when Alan boarded the Marine Vendor pier.

It's a pity that they obviously underestimated the overall strength of the Demon Pirates.

Even the weakest Nami and Perona have their own killing moves.

You Spirit Fruit really shines in this fire, even veteran lieutenants like Ghost Spider and Huoshaoshan were killed instantly because of their carelessness.

Of course, a lot of the credit goes to Verna Lazas.

It is because of her control that Perona can hide the perception of these domineering experts and make a final decision at a critical moment.

After all, what these people perceive is the breath of the ghost Princess Perona.

When her body is taken over, all judgments based on the past will be instantly invalidated, and replaced by Verna Lasass's incomparably rich combat experience and judgment.

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