Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 549

The capital of seven waters, the most developed shipbuilding industry in the entire One Piece world.

As early as 800 years ago, the legendary ancient weapon Pluto was made here, so almost all pirates with wild ambition will come here and spend a lot of money to order a ship that is enough to support high Intensive battleship.

Among them, the shipyard named Carrera Company was founded by Iceberg, the direct disciple of the fishman Legendary craftsman Tom. Its technical level is even high enough to manufacture complex mechanical structures similar to internal combustion engines and steam turbines. The boat continued to sail without wind.

Of course, for most pirates who are seriously lacking in mechanical maintenance and repair knowledge, these complex power systems can only be used in emergencies at best, and sails are usually used as power.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong halfway through, and there is no qualified mechanic to repair it, then the whole ship can just wait to die.

But none of this was a problem for Alan, who was proficient in blacksmithing and engineering.

This time, he will build a battleship entirely made of high-strength metal for himself, a steel giant beast that surpasses everyone's knowledge in this era, even more powerful than the legendary ancient weapon Hades A super weapon ten times more powerful.

"Mr. Alan, you mean to rent our largest dock, right?" Iceberg asked curiously while sitting at his desk.

"Yes! As long as the dock, you don't need any boat builders. And I hope I can be completely undisturbed during the rental period. As for the price, you can drive it as you like." Alan blunt said himself requirements.

After all, the technology he wants to use is the real black technology in Azeroth's goblin and gnome engineering. It must not be leaked easily, otherwise the navy and the world government will definitely be like sharks smelling blood The same swarms.

"Okay, I agree. Dock No. 1 will be leased to you from tomorrow at a daily fee of 2.5 million Baileys."

After hesitating for a while, Bingberg finally Still choose to agree.

Because he already knew through the newspaper who the youngster with silver short hair was in front of him, and also knew how many major events that shocked the world he had done in just a few months.

Let's not say anything else, the fact that this time recently directly dropped the body of Shichibukai Moriah directly at the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando, and then retreated completely, is enough to prove the power and terror of the Devil Pirates.

Even for the safety of the Seven Waters, the iceberg dare not easily reject such a dangerous big pirate, otherwise God knows what terrifying things will happen.

"Thank you so much! Let's sign a contract right away," Alan offered cheerfully.

In fact, as early as when he decided to become a pirate, he used his spare time to make a design blueprint, and also processed a lot of parts and a heart for power.

All that needs to be done now is to find an empty dock to assemble it.

Because he himself has the special ability to change the three forms of all substances, he does not need any welding technology at all. He can directly melt the edge of the steel plate and then assemble it together.

"Of course! Kalifa, prepare the contract." Iceberg directly instructed the blonde female secretary standing beside him.


The CP9 agent, who had been lurking beside Bingberg for four and a half years, bowed slightly, and quickly produced two contracts in a very professional manner and sent them to the office In front of the table, at the same time, out of the corner of his eyes, he secretly looked at Alan who was close at hand.

You don't need to ask to know that she has now accepted the order from the commander Spandam to collect all the information about the youngster in front of her, including her preferences, personality and habits.

But unfortunately, Bingshan obviously didn't know that the sexy beauty beside him was actually an agent from the world government, and the purpose was to get the design of the ancient weapon Hades from himself.

Soon, he and Alan each signed the contract in duplicate.

The latter also prepaid fifteen days' rent on the spot.

When Alan turned around and left with his subordinates, Bingshan sat down on the chair and put out a long breath: "Huh - it's finally done. To be honest, this big pirate is more I imagined it to be more peaceful. No, no, it should be said that if I hadn't read the report in advance, I couldn't believe that he was a lunatic who dared to provoke three generals in the Navy headquarters. Apart from this I'm still a little curious, he rented Is Empty Dock going to build its own pirate ship?"

"Maybe. Do you want me to send someone to watch it secretly?" Kalifa probed cautiously.

"No! Don't do that." Bingshan waved his hand hurriedly. "I don't want to provoke right and wrong for no reason. No matter what kind of battleship he has plans or what kind of battleship he wants to build, it has nothing to do with us. We just rented an empty dock for him, that's all."

"so that's how it is, I understand. If there is nothing else, I'll get off work today." Kalifa bent down and bowed slightly, and immediately planned to turn around and leave.

Because she needs to immediately inform her companions of Alan's appearance in the Seven Waters, especially to let the CP9 Supreme Commander on Judiciary Island know.

After all, Spandam had already blocked everything in order to show his face in front of the Five Old Stars. In any case, he had to take the lead in contacting Alan before others.

Just as the normally-goddess-looking female secretary was about to walk out of the office, Bingshan suddenly shouted: "Wait! Are you free tonight? I want to treat you to a meal. Take it easy."

"Eat? BOSS, you're sexual harassment."

Kalifa's unfathomable mystery threw this sentence away, and then slammed it directly Closing the door of the room, only the crisp sound of a string of high heels stepping on the ground is left.

"Hahahaha! Failed again..."

Bingshan scratched his head with a self-deprecating smile, staring at Alan downstairs outside the window, as well as several crew members under his command. A looked thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

As the direct disciple of Legendary craftsman Tom, he understands better than anyone how complicated and difficult it is to build an excellent pirate ship.

And no one in the Demon Pirates looked like a shipbuilder.

So Iceberg is curious and interested in what Alan wants to do in the empty dock.

It's a pity that he is now in a high position, and he can no longer do whatever he wants as recklessly as before.

At the same time, Kalifa, who left Iceberg's office, immediately found a CP9 agent who was also disguised as a shipbuilder - Rob Ludge, and said in a low voice: "The target has appeared! He has just signed with Iceberg. He signed a contract to lease the No. 1 dock."

"Oh? How do you feel about his strength? Is he really as powerful as the legend?" A cold light flashed in Lu Qi's eyes.

"I don't know! I don't dare to reveal my identity at all. Don't forget, the commander's order for us is not to act rashly, otherwise once the mission fails, everyone will not want to live." Kalifa's expression was solemn. the hook the head.

You must know that since the establishment of CP9, there has never been such a severe warning, so she does not want to take any risks in this regard.

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