Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 550

"What? That man has arrived in the Seven Waters City? And also rented an empty dock?"

After receiving the message from the CP9 agent, Spandam instantly got out of his chair. Standing up, the whole person became extremely excited.

There is no way not to be excited!

You must know that contact with Alan is an order issued by the top leader of the world government, the Five Old Stars.

Almost all of the CP intelligence agency chiefs are doing their best to complete this task ahead of other competitors.

Even if they know that if they accidentally screw up, they will not only lose their position under the buttocks, but also lose their lives.

"That's right! This news was sent back by Kalifa and Lu Qi together, so it can be 100% accurate. Come on..." The owl explained, shaking its huge head.

"Pinch hahahaha! Very good! Very good! Kalifa and Lu Qi did not disappoint me. Prepare a special carriage immediately, and I will take the latest sea train to go to the Seven Waters."

Spandam clenched his fists excitedly, and the rays of light called ambition flashed in his eyes.

Because he understands that no matter who he is, as long as he can handle this matter well, he will immediately be entrusted with important tasks by the Five Old Stars, and it is nothing difficult to get promoted and get rich.

So even if you know that there are considerable risks, you still can't stand the temptation of power.

After all, Spandam has tasted that wonderful taste.

Although he is a waste with less than ten strengths, he is not even as good as an ordinary army soldier with a gun, but he can make a body refinement genius with a strength of more than 4,000 like Rob Ludge at his command. .

So he doesn't care about justice, law, morality and the like if he has the opportunity to climb up.

Only rights, and only rights, are everything in this world.

"Got it. Let's talk..."

Owl no doubt knows very well what his superior is, and immediately remembers the privileges of CP9high level agents on the Judiciary Island and puts this The itinerary is well arranged.

About a few days later, a sea train departed from Judicial Island and headed straight for the direction of the Seven Waters Capital.


On the other side, Alan, who rented the No. 1 dock, also started to build his own super battleship.

In the original empty dock, a keel was constructed entirely from Thorium from Azeroth, Chakra metal from Naruto world, and the hardest metal from Underground City world. Once laid, it looks like the skeleton of a Great Desolate Giant Beast from a distance.

"BOSS, are you sure that such a ship made entirely of metal can only float on the sea?" Nicole Robin asked in an uncertain tone.

Although she had long known that this ship would be special, she didn't expect it to be so special in her dreams.

"Of course! Believe me, it will surpass the ancient weapon Pluto and become the most powerful maritime combat platform in this world." Alan assured with confidence.

There is no doubt that his ship is a reference to the Peak of the cannon era, the battleship.

The only difference is that the main gun of the battleship is only used to fire oversized armor-piercing projectiles, while the two sect master guns of his ship, one is an electromagnetic gun specially designed for the fruit of thunder, both It can fire normal armor-piercing and high-explosive rounds, as well as nuclear bombs.

That's right!

Alan is mad at using nuclear warheads as a conventional weapon.

As for the other one, it is a standard energy cannon, which combines the characteristics of the tail beast jade of the Naruto world and the magical power of the Underground City world.

If he injects energy himself, the destructive power will be no less than the formidable power of nuclear warhead blasting.

"Beyond the ancient weapon Pluto? Are you serious?" Robin widened his eyes in surprise.

"Hehe, don't be too superstitious about the so-called ancient weapons. You have to understand that this thing of science and technology is like a river rolling forward. Although there are occasional reverse currents, this is definitely not the norm. Really. The norm is that the current technology is more advanced than the past, and the future technology is more advanced than the present." Alan said meaningfully.

To be honest, he doesn't really care about the three ancient weapons that this world is talking about.

The Pluto who destroyed an island with one shot?

Is it comparable to a super fusion bomb with tens of millions of tons?

Compared to the super meteorites that are more than ten kilometers in diameter and smashed from space by Tianjiquan?

As for the sea king who controls the sea king class, it is a joke!

If it weren't for the fear of irreversible damage to the environment, Alan could even create hundreds of millions of super toxins into the sea with his own abilities, killing those sea kings in minutes.

And the so-called Uranus, if nothing else, should be some kind of satellite-like weapon that revolves around the planet.

Because it can launch precise strikes on the opposite side, it is called the king of heaven.

This weapon may have amazing formidable power, but if the draconian dares to expose it, Alan can permanently destroy it in minutes.

Space is not a blind spot for him to attack.

If necessary, he can show people in this world what is called "space combat".

"I hope so..."

Robin sighed slightly, obviously not confident in the ship.

However, she did not say it because of her high emotional intelligence, but continued to work with other team members to assemble the complex parts and steel frame little by little.

Because of the relationship between flowers and fruits, this archaeologist alone has surpassed the efficiency of the cooperation of hundreds of shipbuilders.

And the heavy lifting and physical work is handed over to Ike, who can transform into a giant ape.

In just a few days, the shell of a metal battleship was assembled at an incredible speed.

But building the shape is just the beginning!

The real complex is the internal power system and transmission system.

In this regard, Alan has fully adopted the "Magic Modified Super Gold Energy Core" and "Precision Arcanite Converter" in Azeroth Engineering, just to create a very strong "heart". ".

With this "heart", this ship looks big and heavy, but it can drive at an amazing speed of forty knots per hour, and can definitely throw off those sail-powered broken wooden boats. Ten Streets.

What's more terrifying is that it can also be overloaded at critical moments, allowing the giant battleship to advance at the speed of a speedboat for about ten minutes.

If you count the various abilities that Alan has mastered, this ship is basically amphibious all-around sea, land and air, and it can even dive into the water and become a submarine.

In order to make the operation more gradual, he also reluctantly dismantled the last electronic device on his body, the mobile phone, and transformed it into a controller and an operation panel.

As the days go by, the battleship in the dock also slowly shows the prototype of the giant ship cannon belonging to the industrial age.

Not to mention, this exaggerated look made Ike very excited.

After all, in terms of aesthetics, men still have more common topics with men.

In contrast, Nami and Perona have already started to discuss how to decorate their own room, creating a bathroom, wardrobe, shoe cabinet and dresser for women...

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