Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 551

In a bar near the shipyard in the Seven Waters, Bruno, a CP9 agent disguised as a bartender and Boss, is cautiously observing the guests in the shop today.

Although he is an agent who is proficient in Six Forms, he can't help but tremble in his calf.

Because at this moment, almost every guy sitting on the table drinking is a big pirate with a bounty of over 100 million.

At least in the first half of the Great Route, this scene is already quite worrying.

And what's even more terrifying is that they all gathered here for one purpose, to join the Demon Pirates and set off a battle to the top of an unprecedented scale, overturning one of the Four Emperors to the ground.


With Alan's humiliating way of keeping Shichibukai Moonlight Moria's body still at the Navy Headquarters dock, he's become famous all over the world.

Especially the few photos where one person resisted the three Generals, many pirates realized his bottomless terrifying power, and they were almost 100% sure that once they entered the New World, they would definitely Set off a foul wind and bloody rain.

In addition to the newly released arrest warrant with a bounty of 3 billion, it will naturally attract many people to come.

As a matter of fact, not only Alan himself was put on the bounty, but the others on the ship, without exception, received a lot of attention from the Navy.

"Quick Sword" Dora, 340 million.

"The Devil's Son" Nicole Robin, 150 million.

"Wild giant ape" Ike, 380 million.

"Reloaded Firepower" Nami, 120 million.

"Phantom Princess" Perona, 190 million.

Due to his outstanding performance in Marin Vando, almost everyone's bounty has crossed the 100 million Bailey mark, belonging to an out-and-out super pirate group.

Especially Perona, who joined as a "pet", burst into tears when she saw the reward.

If possible, she really wanted to explain to the Navy that the magical performance in the battle that day didn't care about her own business at all, but the ghost of the collar around her neck.

But unfortunately, let's not say whether the Navy will believe this rhetoric. Her identity alone determines that she cannot communicate with the other party at all, and she can only watch herself on this ship. sink deeper and deeper.

Similarly, Nami also felt trembling in fear that her first bounty exceeded 100 million Bailey.

It didn't take long for that fear to be replaced by demonic training.

Alan fully developed Naruto World's way of incorporating body refinement exercises into her work, allowing the orange-haired girl to exercise domineering and life energy while engaging in heavy physical labor.

The only thing that makes Nami happy is that this time Perona also joins the battered clique.

As Lu Xun said, people's sorrows and joys are not connected.

Seeing the ghost Princess was tired like a dead dog all day, Nami not only did not have any sympathy, but had an indescribable kind of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Of course, she wouldn't be stupid enough to tell this feeling, after all, plastic sisters are also sisters, and Perona's ability is really terrifying, and she can always exert unexpected formidable power at critical moments.

"Hey! How long will it take for the sea demon Alan to arrive?"

A pirate who couldn't stand the loneliness finally couldn't help but ask.

Nami, who was sitting in front of the bar and enjoying a short leisure time, took a sip of her favorite orange juice, and responded nonchalantly: "Don't worry, it should be there soon. If you If you don't want to wait any longer, you can just leave."

"What? Do you know who I am? I'm the deadly shooter with a bounty of 240 million Baileys - Eden! Immediately apologize, otherwise... ..."

The pirate abruptly stood up from his seat and lifted his shirt to reveal the well-built high-level musket around his waist.

After all, in his opinion, his bounty is twice as high as the girl in front of him, so the other party should maintain the least respect.

What about the result?

Nami ignored him at all.

For pirates, dignity and face are more important things than life, and there are many guys who often fight because they don't deal with it in one sentence.


Nami's eyes flashed with disdain.

The next second...

She disappeared instantly.

Before the pirate who called himself a death shooter, Eden, realized what had happened, he found that a flashing electric gun barrel had been pressed against his forehead.

"What if else? Say it!" Nami kicked the opponent to the ground.

At this moment, as long as she pulls the trigger lightly, she will immediately send this big pirate whose reward is twice her own to another world.


Feeling the threat of death, Eden swallowed subconsciously, not only did he not have the arrogance just now, but also realized the strength of the members of the Devil Pirates. It cannot be measured by bounties.

Because the bounty on the arrest warrant usually refers to two aspects, one is naturally as everyone knows the strength, and the other is the degree of evil.

In simple terms, how many towns and villages have been attacked, how many merchant ships have passed through the streets, whether they have attacked the navy actively, etc.

Obviously, under the leadership of Alan, the entire team has never done anything to civilians, so their bounties are dry goods from beginning to end, without a little bit of moisture.

For a while, all the pirates who came for the interview in the entire tavern fell silent.

They never thought that this navigator with the lowest bounty and the most innocuous looking navigator in the Demon Pirates actually has such a fierce battle strength.

Especially the speed of disappearing in an instant just now is definitely enough to make half of the people here feel blushed with shame.

And CP9 agent Bruno recognizes that this high-speed movement technique is similar to the shaving in the six poses.

There are many differences in strength emission skill and control.

To be precise, the technique used by Nami is a kind of Teleportation Technique from the Naruto world, which requires the help of life energy.

Just when everyone was surprised by her powerful battle strength, the pub door was suddenly pushed open.

"Yo, our little wild cat is mad. Tell me, how did this guy annoy you?" Alan smiled and walked into the eerie hall from the outside.

"Ha! It's nothing, I'm just telling him the importance of patience."

Seeing that her captain has appeared, Nami immediately put away the thunder cannon with good formidable power, so Zuo winked playfully.

After all, her position in the team is a pure and lovely beautiful girl, and this person must be kept.

"Hug...sorry! It's all my fault!"

Eden, who survived the death, hurriedly stood up and apologized loudly, and then rushed out from the door of the tavern. .

After seeing the battle strength of Nami, who was at the bottom of the Demon Pirates, he didn't dare to stop for a second, let alone that he could pass the test.

It wasn't just this guy. In just half a minute, the pirates in the tavern ran two-thirds of the way, and only one third who had absolute confidence in their own strength stayed.

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