Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 552

"Everyone, I think you all already know who I am. So let's not talk about the unnecessary nonsense, let's get straight to the point."

Glancing at the last remaining in the tavern Alan skipped the greeting part and officially announced the start of the selection of team members.

As a rather picky person, he has always followed the principle of “would rather be short than excessive”, and will never use it as cannon fodder in order to expand its scale like other pirate groups.

To be precise, the number of this thing has no meaning at all in One Piece's world.

A powerhouse's domineering arrogance can instantly eliminate all those cannon fodders with insufficient strength.

So in Alan's plan, his main combat team should be an elite group of ten to twenty people, and more than half of the main combatants must eventually have the potential to grow into Navy Generals. , while the remaining half are professionals with special talents.

"hahahaha! I like your ease! Tell me, what are the conditions for joining your pirate group?" A brawny man over four meters tall patted his chest covered with thick black hair asked with a smile.

"Simple! First of all, all looting of civilians, villages and ordinary merchant ships is prohibited. If any of you have made a similar mistake, please do so immediately. For the sake of coming from afar Come on, I'll let you go for the time being this time." Alan calmly gave the first filter criteria.

"What? Are you kidding me!" The brawny man with black hair on his chest showed a very surprised expression.

Not only him, but several others also frowned immediately.

After all, among the pirates, pirates like Red Hair and Luffy who do not engage in looting at all are simply out-of-the-ordinary outliers.

"no! I'm serious. You have a minute, and if you haven't left for a minute, I'll tacitly assume that none of you have done it. If I find out in the future, there will only be one fate. , kill to pay for his life, a debtor must pay his debt."

As he said this, Alan's eyes flashed with chilling rays of light.

It was clear that he was not joking, but serious.

"Damn! You're also called a pirate?" Brawny man stood up angrily, his tone full of disdain.

After all, in his eyes, pirates are the representatives of freedom and act wilfully, otherwise why would they risk death to go out to sea?

"You still have forty-three seconds."

Alan glanced at his watch very calmly, completely ignoring him.

This ignoring attitude undoubtedly annoys Brawny Man.

I saw him turn his eyes to his heart, and immediately turned around and shouted at the rest of the people: "Hey! Guys! You should have heard, this guy doesn't look like a pirate at all. If you don't even allow looting, what's the point of this pirate in front of you. Let's go, this place is not suitable for us at all."

"Agreed! What pirates want is freedom and act wilfully! If even looting is not allowed, I would rather go back to my hometown to farm." Another person also stood up and shouted.

In just a few seconds, the rest of the people were foul-mouthed and wanted to leave.

However, it is interesting that three of the people present were completely unaffected.

On the contrary, when they looked at these coaxing guys, their eyes and expressions were as if they were looking at a group of clowns.

When these guys who were accustomed to doing bad things and were unwilling to accept any restraint gathered together and planned to leave the tavern together, they suddenly heard a voice behind him that sent a chill down his spine.

"Sorry, when the time is up, you don't have to go."

tone barely fell!

A touch of silver's electric light instantly blooms in the tavern!

Before other people could react to what happened, the twelve pirates who had a bounty of over 100 million appeared a black hole in their chests.

Obviously, their hearts were pierced and torn apart by some powerful force.

Next second...

Plop! thump! thump!

With doubts and unwillingness, these unlucky bastards who lost their hearts will either lay their heads down or lie on their backs and take their last breaths.

In front of the unbelievable speed of the Thunder Fruit, they didn't even have a chance to resist, and they were already dead.

The red dragon took the opportunity to jump off the shoulders of the owner and landed on the side of two devil fruit capable users, extracting the Rule Power from their bodies and re-injecting them into the fresh fruit to form Devil Fruit.

The remaining three people saw that these guys with similar strengths were instantly killed on the spot, and their foreheads were instantly covered with sweat.

One of the fatty couldn't help but clapped and said with a big smile: "Hahahaha! It's amazing! It's amazing! It is indeed a sea demon that can rival the three generals of the Navy and the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard. ."

"Who are you?" Alan turned to look at each other with interest.

"My name is Georgia Rini, I am nicknamed Meatballs, and I have a bounty of 160 million. I am very good at body refinement and close combat." Fatty resisted the fear in his heart and made a self-introduction .

"Georgia Rini?"

Alan, apparently hearing the name for the first time, subconsciously casts his eyes on Nami beside him.

The latter briefly recalled the information he had collected, and immediately replied: "He has only attacked one naval base, and indeed there is no record of attacking towns, villages and merchant ships."

"Very good! Then I want to congratulate you, you have successfully passed the test. Welcome aboard, Georgia Lini. From now on, you are a member of the Devil Pirates." Alan accepted the fatty in front of him with a smile. .

Because he could feel that in the other's plump body, it wasn't just a pile of fat, but some kind of energy reserve that could be called at any time, a bit similar to the Qiu Dao clan in the Naruto world.

It's just that this guy is bigger and has more storage.

If you pair it with life energy, and an animal-type devil fruit, or a superhuman-type devil fruit, it can become a good battle strength in minutes.

"Ah? That's passed!" Georgia Linney blinked with a sullen face.

Alan smiled nodded: "Of course! I can already feel the amazing energy contained in your body."

"so that's how it is! hahahaha!" Fatty's face changed slightly Changed, and hurriedly put on a smirk to fool the past.

He couldn't believe in his dreams that his biggest secret was actually seen through by the other party at a glance.

"Hello, my name is Moore, and I am a sniper from the West Sea. Currently, there is a bounty of 139 million Bailey. Within one kilometer, even a sparrow can It can also be shot down accurately."

"My name is Omir, I come from this Duan small island country in the first half of the Great Route, and there is currently a bounty of 180 million Baileys."

Seeing that Georgia Riney had been accepted, the other two finally couldn't sit still, and hurriedly got up and introduced themselves.

Because they are all pirates with a bounty of over 100 million, as long as you report your name, you can easily find the information given on their arrest warrant, and there is no need to make too detailed explanations.

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