Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 553

Georgia Rini, gender male, twenty-eight years old, of the clansman type.

Evaluation: A very flexible and durable fatty, who masters the armament and knowledge of domineering, non-Devil Fruit ability, and has a very good performance in boxing and kung fu.

Moore, gender male, thirty years old, kind of clansman.

Evaluation: A sniper who masters the domineering and domineering, he can basically do whatever he wants to hit within one kilometer. It is a perfect long-distance killer.

Omir, gender male, twenty-five years old, kind of clansman.

Evaluation: Sword technique, Spear Art and body refinement have all reached a certain level, and also mastered the domineering of armed color and knowledge color, and is the one with the highest comprehensive strength among the three.


Obviously, for the three people who just joined the team, Alan naturally has to conduct a thorough investigation and then designate a corresponding training plan.

You must know that these guys with a bounty of over 100 million are not newcomers. The oldest of them, Moore, has been at sea for ten years.

It is precisely because of this that they choose to join Alan, who is clearly qualified to challenge the Four Emperors, rather than continue to stand on their own.

Because of failures again and again, they realize that they are not qualified to climb to the top at all, nor do they have such perverted innate talent and luck, so it is the smartest to rely on powerhouse to exert their own strength choose.

"How, are you satisfied with these three newcomers?" Robin took the initiative to ask.

As the second person to accept the invitation to board the ship, she has actually fulfilled her duties as a co-captain and must know about every member of the ship.

As for Ike, whose brain is full of muscles, he can't do such complicated and careful work at all.

Although in this world, most of the pirate groups pursue the supremacy of strength, and the deputy captain is often the most powerful house in the team who is second only to the captain.

But Alan obviously doesn't want to follow such a stupid rule.

In his opinion, management ability and brain are the most important.

And these two points, Nicole Robin already showed vividly and thoroughly when she helped Crocodile manage the Baroque work club.

"Satisfaction can't be considered, it can only be said to be barely passable. After all, they have been floating on the sea for so many years, and their potential has basically been exhausted. Fortunately, there is no looting of towns and merchant ships. Evil, at least there's nothing to fault in character." Alan replied casually.

"But you can make them continue to grow again, just like you did to me, Nami, and Perona, right?" Robin pursed his lips and showed a faint smile.

Life energy!

Devil Fruits!

There are countless weapons and equipment that can improve your physical fitness!

The more I know about Alan, the more this archaeologist thinks that the phrase "overthrowing the draconian world government" is definitely not just a casual statement, but a real possibility.

"Of course! Make impossible possible, isn't that what we're doing?" Alan said meaningfully.

"When are you going to tell them the secret about life energy?" Robin glanced at the three who were resting in the open space.

Alan thought for a while, and then quickly called the head: "No hurry, just observe for a while. Also, you can give them the list of Devil Fruits and let them pick one at will."

"Devil Fruit? Are you sure?" Robin stared wide-eyed in surprise.

"en! I have enough Devil Fruits on hand now, and Nami and Dora have no intention of eating Devil Fruits, so I'll treat it as a benefit for newcomers in the future. This one It's up to you, remember to give me the list of fruits they want before it gets dark. Also, don't reveal about the steel ship under construction for now."

After finishing this sentence, Alan He turned and disappeared at the end of the street leading to Dock No. 1.

Obviously, he is not very at ease with these people for the time being.

The reason is simple!

Whether it is the navy or the CP spy system directly under the world government, many spies have been placed among the pirates, and "Fallen Major General" X Drake is the most famous one.

So before finding out the details of the guys who didn't appear in these original plots, Alan would not easily give them too much trust.

"Hehe, with such a powerful strength, are you still cautious? BOSS, you really never disappoint..." Robin smiled and muttered to himself.

But soon, fatty Georgia Rini rushed over and asked, "How is it, is the captain still satisfied with our performance?"

"Of course! I am quite satisfied, and I also decided to let you choose a devil fruit as a gift for boarding the ship."

I have to say that Robin is indeed a rare high emotional intelligence in the whole One Piece plot, and he was able to put Alan on the boat. Dealing with Devil Fruits that you don't like is described as a gift.

But in a way, she doesn't seem to be wrong in saying that.

You must know that for most pirates, Devil Fruits are indeed an out-and-out scarce material, and often money may not be able to buy them.

Looking at Fatty's gleaming eyes, you can tell how much he longs for a Devil Fruit to strengthen himself.

"Really...really?!" There was a trembling in Georgia Rini's excited voice.

"Here, here's a list, the three of you can pick one at will."

Robin didn't talk nonsense, and directly handed the piece of paper he was holding in his hand. past.

When fatty saw the list of densely packed Devil Fruits, he almost jumped up in excitement: "My God! The captain actually collected so many Devil Fruits? It's unbelievable! Guys! We're with the right person this time!"

"You're right! This is no ordinary meet and greet." Moore subconsciously licked his lips, his eyes twinkling incomparable desire.

And Omir reminded very seriously: "Choose the Devil Fruit with caution, especially if it is suitable for you, otherwise, instead of becoming stronger, it will make your strength regress. So I suggest Don't worry, it's better to think about it clearly. If you are really hesitant, then choose a animal type, which can at least greatly improve your physical fitness and recovery ability."

"I have already chosen Now, it will be transparent fruit."

Moore made a decision without any hesitation at all.

You don't need to ask to know, he must want to use this Devil Fruit to cooperate with long-range sniping, so that the enemy can't easily lock his position.

"I want to explode the fruit!" Omir also made a choice.

"hehe! Then I will accept the stone fruit."

fatty chose between animal and superhuman for a long time, and finally chose to have more The latter with great development potential.

After all, Pika, the high-level cadre of the Don Quixote family, has already shown the heights that the stone fruit can reach.

Especially the incredible defensive power, coupled with his superb body refinement, the future can be expected...

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