Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 554

Getting a Devil Fruit as a welcome gift upon boarding was undoubtedly a big surprise for Georgia Rini, Moore and Omer.

Especially when Robin delivered the fruit to them, then ate it and gained abilities, everyone was full of expectations for the future of themselves and the entire pirate group.

After all, the three Devil Fruits that Alan took out were not the kind of rotten ones, but really rare Devil Fruits that could instantly increase their strength as long as they were eaten.

Stone stone fruit naturally needless to say, known as the most natural superhuman devil fruit.

The explosive fruit is also not weak. It can detonate a part of itself through expansion, or touch inorganic objects. The ability person can be regarded as an extremely dangerous weapon.

Although the transparent fruit is in the hands of Absalom, it is all used to voyeurize and molest women, making it seem very rateless.

But what if it was a sniper who could hit every shot, appear and disappear unpredictably from several hundred meters away?

Just as Georgia Riney, Moore and Omir got together all day to study how to develop the fruit ability, and from time to time there was a passionate discussion, the CP9 top chief Spandam finally Arrived at the capital of seven waters by sea train.

As soon as he got out of the car, Kalifa, who had been waiting for a long time, took the initiative to take two steps forward and reported in a soft voice: "The target has just recruited three new crew members two days ago, and during the recruitment process, he also killed A dozen pirates with high bounties."

"Oh? He's expanding his manpower!" A strange rays of light flashed in Spandam's eyes.

"Yes! According to our investigation, all the guys who were killed, without exception, were thugs who swept through towns and merchant ships. The three who were admitted showed no similar behavior. ' Kalifa added softly nodded.

"Hahahaha! It seems that this man is just like the legend, not a pirate in the traditional sense, and even has some kind of cleanliness in terms of morality." Spandam grinned.

In his opinion, no matter how powerful a person is, as long as there is a weakness, then he can take advantage of it and get this thing done before all competition.

Lu Qi had obviously read all the information about Alan so far, and he was nodded: "Indeed! All the pirates killed by this guy are basically each one, and they have slaughtered the unarmed. Civilians. Especially during the period of activities in the Chambord Islands, it almost blocked the only way for pirates to go to the New World. I really don't understand why people like him did not become navy, but became pirates. ."

"In any case, this mission must not be allowed to fail. Otherwise, not only me, but also all of you will be implicated." Spandam glanced at several of his men present. There was an unabashed threat in his tone.

After all, he is just a waste with less than ten strengths. Now he is going to meet a big pirate who has a bounty of 3 billion baileys, and who can face off against the three Generals with the highest battle strength of the Navy. , it would be a lie to say that you are not afraid.

But the desire for power made him overcome the fear in his heart.

In desperation, he could only bring all the best CP9 agents under his command.

At least in the event of a conflict, these people can buy themselves a few minutes to escape.

"We all have to go? What about the mission to stealthily capture the ancient weapon Hades?" Kalifa asked cautiously.

You must know that her current identity is Iceberg's secretary, while Lu Qi and Kuka are shipyard workers.

Once exposed, more than four years of time will be in vain.

"Damn! Forget about that mission! Get ready, this time is facing a lunatic who can rival the Four Emperors. Your mission is to keep me safe." Spanda Mu waved his hand impatiently.

Xiang came from selfishness, so he wouldn't care how much effort these subordinates spent in the past four years.

Soon, under the leadership of Kalifa, CP9 and others quickly crossed the street and appeared in Bruno's bar.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw Alan sitting at the table eating, along with several other crew members.

Similarly, Alan also saw this group of CP agents who were directly controlled by the world government.

"Captain, do you want to kill these guys?"

Georgia Riney, who felt that the atmosphere was not right, was the first to stand up.

Ever since eating the stone fruit, this fatty has been looking for an opportunity to prove his worth.

It's a pity that since those unlucky bastards were slaughtered, the capital of seven waters has become a restricted area for all pirates.

Many people heard that the Devil Pirates were here, and immediately chose to detour without saying a word.

No way!

Who made Alan's illustrious name to deter pirates already surpassed the navy.

After all, when the navy catches pirates, most of the time they are only locked up after trial, but he can't help but kill them all without leaving one behind.

Since the beginning of the great pirate era, there has never been such a crazy and ferocious guy on this sea.

"Did you hear that, Spandam. My crew wants to kill you." Alan called out the name of the highest commander of CP9.

Because the holster on this guy's face is really recognizable, and with the company of Luigi, Kalifa and other agents, it's hard to admit that he's wrong.

"Hahahaha! Stop kidding, Lord Alan, I came here with the goodwill of the world government." Spandam hurriedly used a burst of laughter to hide his nervousness.

"The world government?!!" Georgia Linney was a little confused.

He really couldn't think of how his own captain would have a relationship with the world government.

Be aware of what happened in the Navy Headquarters not long ago, which is now regarded by the Navy as a symbol of shame.

"Goodwill? Hehe, I don't think the world government will have any kindness towards me." Alan continued to eat the food on the plate while pretending to be disdainful.

"No, no, no, please believe in our sincerity, even more how, I also brought a welcome gift."

Speaking, Spandam will give a delicate handed the box to Kalifa, signaling him to send it over.

In his opinion, it shouldn't be easy for a person like Alan to have a cleanliness addiction, so it shouldn't be easy to attack a beautiful woman, so let the only woman in the CP9 high level agent do this thing The highest safety factor.

Kalifa obviously didn't expect that her immediate boss would trick her at this time. After getting the box, she was stunned for a while, but she calmed down immediately and walked towards the front with elegant steps. , gently lower the box in your hand and open it.


Five fruits with peculiar patterns are in everyone's sight.

There is no doubt that these are definitely five Devil Fruits.

I have to say that Spandam has done a lot of homework and found out that Alan has a hobby of collecting devil fruits, so he directly took out his family property that he had treasured for many years.

If nothing else happens, these five fruits are the cat and cat fruits he rewarded to his subordinates in the plot - leopard form, cow and cow fruit - giraffe form, dog and dog fruit - wolf form, door door fruit , Bubble Fruit...

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