Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 555

Spandam bled?

Nothing to be diligent about is either a traitor or a thief!

Looking at the five Devil Fruits placed in front of him, Alan instantly realized that the Five Old Stars had a much stronger need for him than he imagined.

Otherwise, a self-serving scum like Spandam is impossibly so generous, and the world government must have offered enough attractive benefits to make him risk such a big deal. The risk of coming to die in person.


Alan closed the lid directly and said in a dispassionate tone, "You have five minutes for the gift."

"Five...five minutes?" Spandam opened his mouth in disbelief.

You know that's five Devil Fruits!

Even at the lowest price, that's a 100 million Bailey!

One hundred million a minute?

Your charges are too exaggerated!

If it was someone else, he would let the high-level agent behind him rush up and teach him how to be a man directly using the Six Forms.

It's a pity that the Demon Pirate Figure is not something a trifling CP9 can fight against, so Spandam can only obediently and honestly accept this almost harsh condition, and cautiously took out a defense against it. Eavesdropping dedicated phone bugs.

"Your Excellency, if you don't mind, can you let all unrelated people leave first? Because the content of the next conversation is not suitable for too many people to hear."

"Is this a direct phone bug to the Five Old Stars?" Alan asked meaningfully.

As soon as these words came out, neither the members of the Demon Pirates nor the high-level agents of CP9 immediately showed nervous expressions.

After all, this is the supreme ruler of the government on the surface world, and even the Marshal Sengoku, who controls a huge navy, can replace it with no difficulty with just one sentence.

Spandam visibly hesitated, but finally nodded: "Yes! I'm not even qualified to stay."

"Haha, interesting, Then let me see what they're trying to say to me. Robin, take our guys to the door and wait a while. Remember, if these guys are dishonest or aggressive, just kill them all None of them will stay." Alan made arrangements without looking back.


Robin immediately stood up and greeted everyone to put down the wine glasses and plates in their hands, and went outside the tavern without a word.

Especially the old pirates like Georgia Rini, Moore and Omer, looking towards the expressions all of the CP9 agents are quite unfriendly.

Spandam dared to swear that if he assumed a slightly normal posture at this time, he would definitely be swarmed by these terrifying guys and torn to shreds.

You must know that the navy and the pirates may also have some kind of sympathy for each other, but the pirates and the CP intelligence agency are definitely mortal enemies, and there is no room for relaxation.

Nami stared at Kalifa with great curiosity, then lowered her voice and asked, "Robin elder sister, isn't that woman Mr. Iceberg's secretary? Could it be..."

"en! That's right! She is CP9's undercover agent beside Mr. Iceberg." Robin gave the answer without thinking.

If anyone on the team knows the most secrets, it's definitely her.

The archaeologist does the job of a co-captain, so Alan tells her a lot of secrets in private, including the truth about the O'Hara tragedy and the real role Aokiji played in it.

Now seeing the enemy's son appearing in front of him, it is absolutely impossible to say that he has no thoughts in his heart.

But Robin is not very anxious, she believes that her captain will also give herself a satisfactory explanation.

Just outside the tavern when the atmosphere was a bit with swords drawn and bows bent, Alan had already picked up the phone bug that was on the table.

In an instant, a very deep and hoarse voice came out through this strange little creature.

"You are Alan?"

"Ah! That's right. You are the five old stars who hold the highest power in the world government?" Alan asked indifferently.

"That's right! I'm one of the Five Old Stars. Now, we want to negotiate a deal with you."

The Five Old Stars in charge of negotiation are no-nonsense , straight to the point to show what you mean.

In fact, it's not the first time they have made deals with pirates. Whether it's red hair, Kaido, or Auntie, they've had more, less, longer, or shorter cooperation. , so the experience is very rich.

In the eyes of these seasoned politicians, as long as there are enough interests, even the enemy of life and death can temporarily shake hands and make peace.

even more how, this time is not an ordinary interest at all, and Alan is not an ordinary pirate, at least he has not shown a threat to the draconian ruling group so far.

"Go ahead, I'm listening." Alan shrugged his shoulders with an air of indifference.

"It's easy! We want the magic potions you give to Whitebeard and Redhead, especially the two that increase lifespan and cure all diseases. As for the trade, we'd like to take the devil out as well. Fruit, or the ability of devil fruit to exchange. Apart from this, we can also provide some conveniences. For example, forbid the navy to carry out large-scale encirclement and pursuit of you, and for example, provide a location of Qiwuhai, Or provide intelligence assistance when you enter the New World. In short, as long as you are willing to cooperate with us, we can even ignore your pirate status."

This is one of the five old stars in charge of negotiation. , draw an incomparable gigantic pie on the spot.

But in fact, they have already contacted the scientific troops secretly, especially the Vega Punk Academician, who claims to have surpassed human wisdom for five hundred years. They plan to send samples for research as soon as they get them. Then try to crack and produce it yourself.

Once the reliance on Alan is released, the rewards and privileges paid for now can be withdrawn at any time.

The most important thing is that the actual government is not short of Devil Fruits at all, not to mention the ones that are collected every year, just the Devil Fruits who are imprisoned by the Navy in the advance city are enough to support them for a long time. 's transaction.

It's a pity that the Five Old Stars didn't know that the biggest difference between Alan and other pirates was that he had experienced too many similar things, and he immediately raised his mouth and smiled playfully.

"I can accept this deal, but I have to add a small condition."

"Oh? What condition?" There was a trace of nervousness in the voice of the Five Old Stars.

"I want Spandam and a few members of CP9." Alan gave the answer with a smile.

That's right!

He took a fancy to the battle strength of CP9 high level agents, especially Rob Ludge, a genius with infinite potential.

As for Spandam, it's just a bonus to vent his anger on his co-captain Nicole Robin.

"Spandam and CP9?"

The Five Old Stars obviously did not expect the other party to make such a strange condition, but after a little hesitation, they quickly responded : "Yes! They are yours now."

You don't need to ask to know that in the eyes of this group of people in power, CP9 and Spandam are just an insignificant dog.

Their lives are worthless in the face of magic potions that can do all disease, pain, and lifespan-increasing...

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