Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 556

There is no doubt that the high-level world government headed by the Five Old Stars does not take it seriously for Spandam and CP9.

Because of the same spy agency, they still have a full eight.

That's right!

From CP1 to CP8, each one is not inferior to CP9.

even more how, and the legendary CP0 who is directly under the command of the draconian.

So although they don't understand why Alan wants CP9 and Spandam, but without the The slightest hesitation threw it out as an outcast.

Soon, under the operation of the Five Old Stars, a naval battleship carrying three CP0 agents with masks came to the capital of seven waters.

Poor Spandam has not yet realized that he is in danger, and is still using his ability to stalk the horse, trying to establish a relatively friendly relationship with Alan, so that he can take this line in the future. Continue to ascend.

And Alan was not polite. In just a few days, he squeezed a full 1.2 billion bailey from this guy, and even the sword that ate the elephant fruit cheated. come over.

Seeing Spandam being played on the palm of his own captain like a clown, Nicole Robin pursed the corners of her mouth, showing a very subtle mocking expression, lowered her voice and probed: "BOSS, Have you decided to kill him?"

"Oh? How did you see that?" Alan faint smile asked.

"It's very simple! It's eyes. When you look at him, it's like looking at a dead person." Robin blunt's answer.

As a wanted criminal who has been in the gray and black areas since she was eight years old, she has seen too many gangsters and murderous pirates, and she knows very well what this look means.

"Hehe, then widen your eyes and enjoy this idiot's final performance before he dies."

Alan didn't reveal the answer too early, but gave archaeology The lady gave a suggestive smile.

Just when Robin was about to ask something, three CP0 members in weird dresses and masks finally appeared.

As soon as Spandam saw this scene, he immediately approached him excitedly, trying to please the three people. Whether there is any reward for things, such as promotion and wealth.

But unfortunately, the three CP0 members ignored him and went straight to Alan.

The guy in the lead said in a slightly weird tone: "We are trading."

"What do I want?"

Alan opened the already prepared potion box, first showed the magic potion filled in it, and then closed it again.

Obviously, he was waiting for the other party to speak first.

The leader CP0 clearly understood the meaning of the sentence just now, and immediately raised his hand and grabbed Spandam, cracking the limbs of this unfortunate person at an incredible speed. Then throw it directly at Alan's feet.

"Here, he's yours now."

"ahhhh Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!"


Spandam let out a scream like a pig.

Whether it was a high-level agent of CP9 or a member of the Demon Pirates, they were all taken aback by this sudden move.

Especially Lu Qi, immediately put on a fighting stance, and asked sharply: "Damn! What are you doing?"

"Don't you understand? Whether it's Spahn Damm or you are all part of this deal." Alan sneered and tore off the fake mask of the world government, revealing the dark, cruel and bloody truth behind it.

"!" Kalifa seemed to sense something, and there was a trembling in her voice.

"Ah! That's right! From now on, including this trash, the entire CP9 has been delisted by the world government. At most a week, you should see your arrest warrant and reward." The CP0 explained in a nonchalant tone.

To be precise, this is not an explanation, but an announcement.

Notify the CP9 agents present that they are Alan's property.

"No! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!" Spandam exclaimed like crazy.

But unfortunately, before he could call out his father's name, his arms suddenly extended from both sides of his shoulders, he immediately covered his mouth, and could only let out a burst of wu wu of unknown meaning. Voice.

Nicole Robin finally couldn't help herself.

Because she has a blood debt to settle with this guy.

"Sorry, BOSS, I thought I might have to excuse myself for a while." Robin's eyes flashed with rays of light of anger and hatred.

Alan gently nodded: "Go, remember to have fun, don't let him die too happy. After all, to deal with scum, you must use scum."

"Don't worry, thanks to your devil training, I'm no longer the indecisive me I used to be."

When he said this, Robin revealed a terrifying addiction. Blood emoji.

About two 3 minutes later, Spandam's cry of pain and despair came from the back kitchen of the tavern.

Listening to the screams from the top commander of CP9, Lu Qi finally realized that he and the others had been abandoned by the world government, and immediately clenched his fists, with blue veins all over his body.

Just when he was hesitating about whether to run away or be an abandoned son, CP0, who was headed by him, suddenly pretended to be kind and reminded: "I advise you not to have too many troubles. Practical thoughts. I promise, if you do anything before the deal is done that causes the deal to fail, it will definitely be very serious."

"Why? Why is the world government doing this? Are we Isn't the hard work over the years as good as a pirate?" Kalifa asked aloud emotionally.

"This man is not an ordinary pirate, and his value is simply not comparable to those of you small characters." CP0ruthless, headed by him, interrupted the illusions of all CP9high level members.

"Hahahaha! It turns out that the dark justice that I insist on until now is so ridiculous!" Lu Qi extremely angry smirked, and his face even showed a self-deprecating expression.

Because he has always believed that he is very important to the world government.

But the cruel reality fiercely gave him a slap in the face.

"No, you are wrong. There is never any justice in this world. The so-called justice is just an abstract concept imagined by human beings based on their own actions. Even more how you have been maintaining is not justice at all. , but order, there is no basic order of right and wrong. Rob Lucci, you should be thankful that you killed soldiers, not civilians. Otherwise I would not have given you any chance at all, and I would have treated you like Deal with it like Spandam."

Alan didn't give any face to the so-called CP9 most powerhouse in 800 years, and directly destroyed the belief he had held in his heart for so many years.

Also dark justice?

Stop kidding!

Killing is killing, and it is a cruel act of forcibly depriving others of life. No matter what words and reasons are used to beautify it, this fact cannot be changed.

Alan is aware of this, so he never calls his killings in the name of justice.

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