Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 557

"You want me to get on your boat?"

Lucci was obviously not a fool, and immediately realized the real intention of Alan's actions.

What he didn't understand was what price the other party paid for the world government to directly throw the entire CP9 out as an abandoned child.

Alan nodded lightly: "Yes! Actually, you are all on my recruiting list. But I will not force anyone, so you still have the right to choose to leave."

"Recruit us?" Kaku subconsciously frowned.

As the second expert of CP9second only to Lu Qi, he doesn't have any beliefs or the like, but simply wants to find out whether the man in front of him is worth his refuge.

"Yes! I believe you should have heard of it. Soon I will go to the New World to start a battle to the top and pull down one of the current four emperors, so I urgently need to add some battles. strength. But at the same time, I didn't want to absorb the garbage that looted towns and slaughtered civilians, so I hit your idea. Although you have done a lot of assassinations, but none of the targets are Civilians."

Alan didn't hide anything, and blunt spoke his thoughts and plans.

Because what he needs is a crew of crew members who sincerely want to take refuge in him, not a group of prisoners whose harbor ulterior motives always want to escape.

As for whether the world government will secretly reactivate these agents in the future, he is not worried at all.

Once you kill the Big Mom Pirates and become the emperor of New World, it is estimated that even if the five old stars come to apologize in person, they will not be able to make these CP9 members who have been sad and disappointed above their heads change their minds.

After all, they'll never know when these aloof and remote draconians will throw them out again as discards and trading chips.

As long as the rift of distrust arises, it will only grow larger over time and will never be repaired.

"I'll join!" Bruno was the first to express his attitude.

He has observed the internal conditions of the members of the Devil Pirates in the bar these days, so he chose to be the first person to eat crabs at the critical moment.

"Bruno! You..."

Kalifa was obviously taken aback by this colleague's decisiveness.

But Bruno smiled and advised: "Don't hesitate! Come join this pirate group with me. Trust me, Captain Alan won't let us down. Even more how, you Do you think there will be room for us to live in this sea after the arrest warrant and bounty are released?"


If the arrest warrant and bounty are released, will there still be room for them CP9 agents in this sea?

First of all, the Navy will think that they are a group of traitors and will do their best to encircle and suppress them.

Not only the navy, but also other spy agencies from CP1 to CP8 will send elites to strangle them to prevent the dark secrets of the world government from being exposed.

Secondly, the pirates will never accept them, but still regard them as the lackeys of the government.

To sum up in one sentence, Zhu Bajie looks in the mirror, he is not a person inside or outside.

After thinking about this, Kalifa stepped on high heels and came to Alan, and asked in a serious tone: "Boss, if I choose to get on the boat, will you really accept me?"

"Of course! You can ask the three newcomers who joined not long ago about this."

As he spoke, Alan glanced at Georgia out of the corner of his eye. · Rini, Moore and Omer three.

Especially fatty Georgia Rini, who immediately understood the meaning of his captain, instantly activated the ability of the stone fruit, transformed into a tall and strong rock giant, and then patted his chest to show off: "Look. Have you arrived? This is the welcome gift that the captain gave us to board the ship, a powerful devil fruit. So there is no need to hesitate! As long as you join, we will be good partners in the future."

"Stone stone fruit?!!"

Kalyfa's pupils suddenly dilated.

As a member of CP9, she naturally impossible not to know that this fruit originally belonged to Pika.

The problem is that Pika has been beheaded in the battle of Chambord Islands, and his devil fruit appeared in Alan's hands, so it's hard not to cause some kind of association.

In contrast, the three CP0 agents were very calm.

Because they have long known from the Five Old Stars that Alan has the mysterious power to extract Devil Fruits from those with abilities, and even has two Devil Fruit abilities himself.

This is also one of the reasons why the Five Old Stars finally chose to trade instead of strong.

"I join too!" Kaku made the second choice.

His new team triggered the Domino Bone Token effect on the spot.

In just one minute, Kalifa, Gabra, Owl, and Lion Snuggle all let go of their original vigilance.

After all, just being able to hand over the stone fruit to a newcomer who has just boarded the ship is enough to show that Alan is a captain who is willing to give his subordinates enough trust, more than Spanda who only knows greed and blame. Mu Qiang didn't know how many times.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

In the end, only Lu Qi was left standing there, as if thinking about something.

It took him about three or five minutes to lift the head, and asked in a very eccentric manner: "Tell me, Alan. What makes someone like you end up being a pirate instead of a pirate? Navy?"

"You want to know the answer? Then come join my team and I promise you will see the truth of this world." Alan smiled and invited.


Lu Qi simply agreed.

With his addition, the most essential part of the entire CP9 has been completely digested and absorbed.

The Devil Pirates finally got rid of the previous state of being sparsely populated, and they have a little bit of strength.

Especially for these body refinement experts who are proficient in six styles, as long as they eat the devil fruit and develop their life energy and domineering a little, their strength will explode in minutes.

At this point, Alan's ideal team framework is still built.

The next thing to wait is for the super battleship to be built, and then rush into the second half of the great route in a spurt of energy, turning this world into Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Of course, before that, we have to go to the wharf to complete this transaction with the world government.

The insidious and cunning politicians like the Five Old Stars are obviously impossible to hand over precious Devil Fruits easily, so they sent a group of Devil Fruit capable users who were imprisoned by the Navy.

The three CP0s were watching Alan's every move the whole time, trying to figure out how he grabbed the Devil Fruit from the Ability.

But unfortunately, the cooperation between Alan and Verna Razas has already reached a perfect level. No matter how they observed, they could not find anything abnormal in the end.

The only thing that can be observed is that the prisoners die one by one.

When the transaction was completed, the three agents left immediately, protecting the box full of potions and going straight to their destination.

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