Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 558

"This is the legendary life potion that can add ten years of lifespan?"

Holy Land The center of supreme power in the Mary Joa world government, a Five Old Star cautiously took out a A bottle of potion, with strange rays of light flashing in his eyes.

"Yes! According to the research of Garpunk Academician, it has been basically proved that the effects of these drugs are not exaggerated." A female CP0 agent nodded with a serious expression.

Clearly, she is none other than one of the three members who went to the Seven Waters to trade with Alan not long ago.

"Unbelievable! Did Academician figure out the secret?" Another Five Old Stars stood up and asked.

"Sorry, I can't. According to the original words of Garpunk Academician, he can only detect that these medicines contain some unknown mysterious energy. As for the specific ingredients inside, there is no way to start. So far, I can't find anything that can match it."

The female agent, without omission and in detail, relayed what she heard in the scientific force research institute.

To be honest, this was the first time she saw Garpunk Academician feel helpless about something, and even asked the source of the potion again and again, impatiently wanting to talk to the potions. Producers meet face to face to communicate.

It's a pity that, no matter for security reasons or other reasons, the world government is impossible for Garpunk Academician and Alan to meet.

"Even the Punk Academician can't do anything..."

The Five Old Stars subconsciously frowned with the potion bottle in their hands.

You must know that this is not the case in his plan, but he should use the genius's brain to quickly crack, and then directly throw away Alan to copy.

But now, this is clearly an unrealistic idea.

After all, the magic potion made by Alan not only involves the extremely complicated mysterious alchemy, but also the raw materials in this world do not exist.

Aware of the failure of the decryption, the old man waved his hand immediately, signaling the CP0 agent to step down, and then brought the potion and the other four Five Old Stars to the Void Throne in the deepest part of Pan Ancient City.

"Sir Im!"

Without any hesitation!

Normally how aloof and remote the five old stars in charge of the highest power in the world government are, how humble they are at this moment, just like slaves who flatter their masters.

And the master on the Void Throne was accustomed to this, and asked casually: "How? Have you figured out the true purpose of those potions?"

"Yes! It's clear! All the potions are exactly as described in the intelligence. But so far, we still don't know how these potions were made, and what kind of technology and abilities were used." Star hurriedly stood up and explained.

"Really?! That is to say, that pirate named Alan has some kind of ability that can make people immortal?" Im abruptly stood up from the throne, his originally calm face A mixed expression of surprise and excitement appeared immediately.

"We don't have a definite answer on this. But the life potion he made can really make people younger. Apart from this, we also noticed that he seems to have two kinds of demons at the same time. The ability of the fruit, and it can also win the devil fruit by killing the ability person."

Five Laoxing did not dare to hide anything, and quickly told all the information he knew.

Hearing this remark, Im immediately touched the chin with a look of looked thoughtful, followed by asking in an uncertain tone: "Could he have eaten the alchemy fruit or something? The devil fruit with special ability, and then modified his body in some way?"

"Possible! But now the most important thing is not these, but what kind of attitude should we take to face it? He. If nothing else happens, it won't be long before this person will enter the New World and challenge one of the four emperors. If he succeeds, then he will have a stable rear and no longer needs our support and help."

A five old star took the initiative to stand up and name the current embarrassment of the world government.

On the one hand, they desperately need Alan to keep supplying those precious potions, not just a one-shot deal.

On the other hand, they didn't have the means to check and balance Alan.

After all, until now, the dignified world government, which controls the navy and countless spy agencies, has not been able to find out the origin of a person, let alone what relatives and friends the other party cares about. The means naturally cannot be used.

As for the suppression of martial power, the strength shown in Alan's face-to-face with the three Generals is enough to make them dispel this idea.

With the cooperation of the Thunder Fruit and the Slow Fruit, even the man with the fastest speed in the world can only follow his ass and eat ashes.

"Then he doesn't have any weaknesses?" Im sat down again, tapping the armrest of the throne lightly.

"From the current point of view, there are only two weaknesses we have observed. One is his distaste for the massacre of civilians, and he seems to be very keen on collecting devil fruits." After thinking for a while, Lao Xing gave his own judgment.

"hmph! Since that's the case, let's start with these two points. Anyway, there are countless devil fruit capable people locked up in the city prison. The next time you trade, secretly take the people of the revolutionary army. Throw it to him along with the vicious big pirate. If you can use his hand to deal with the revolutionary army, it will be even better." Yimu raised his mouth and revealed a sinister smile.

Without a doubt!

If the Four Emperors of New World are foreign enemies that make the world government feel a headache, then the revolutionary army led by Long is a confidant that can shake the foundation of the world.

However, the owner of the Void Throne does not know that Alan from another world is the real gravedigger of the draconian ruling group.

It's just that he's not like those pirates and the revolutionary army, who always stand on the surface too early to carry out unnecessary confrontations.

On the contrary, until the time comes, Alan prefers to disguise himself as a powerful, yet harmless to humans and animals image.

The most important thing is that he has in his hands what the world government desires.

"Understood! We'll start the next transaction as soon as possible."

The five old stars who understood, bowed down and saluted, and quickly turned to leave this mysterious and quiet place.

But when they left, they didn't take the box full of potions with them.

Watching the five loyal subordinates disappear into the distance, Yimu lifted one of the potions, raised his head to the sky and muttered to himself: "This world really exists to make people The potion of immortality? Sea devil Alan, let me see who you are and what you want to do..."

tone barely fell!

The light in the entire hall was instantly extinguished, and it fell into a darkness that could not be seen, only his eyes flashed with terrifying rays of light.

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