Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 559

Just when the owner of the Void Throne began to be curious and concerned about Alan, far away in the No. 1 Dock of the Seven Waters, a black steel battleship was finally built, exuding Earth's nineteenth century to The breath of the twentieth century's age of giant ships and artillery.

Especially the two sturdy main gun barrels, just looking at them will make people feel hideous and fearful.

It is, without a doubt, a product of Azeroth's wild engineering and Earth design philosophies, and a standard "stitcher".

"My God! This...this is our boat?" Fatty Georgia Rini was so excited that her voice trembled.

At this moment, he could no longer use his barren vocabulary to describe the spectacular sight that his eyes saw.

More than 100 meters in length and 20 meters in width, the whole body is made of hard metal, and the outermost layer is even covered with some kind of black armor.

Neither the towering masts of other ships, nor the sails and cables.

Only the flag that symbolizes the symbol of the Demon Pirates is hanging at the highest point of the conning tower.

Apparently, this is a real beast of steel, enough to give anyone who sees an adrenaline rush.

Actually, not just Georgia Rini, but everyone else reacted similarly.

Whether it's eyes or facial expressions, they all reveal the word "shocked" without exception.

The last ex-CP9 members headed by Lu Qi felt that this ship was the legendary evil battleship - Hades.

"How, are you satisfied?" Alan asked with a smile, standing on the deck with open arms.

"Satisfied! Of course satisfied!" Nami nodded vigorously, her eyes sparkling with naked and undisguised joy.

Although she was also one of the builders of the boat, she realized what a great project she was involved in at the moment of completion, and all the hardships and fatigue she had suffered before were all swept away.

"Hahahaha! I don't think this world will find a second ship that can match her." Ike laughed excitedly while sitting on the barrel of the main gun.

"The innermost room is mine!"

Perona had long forgotten her pet's identity, and carried a lot of clothes back into the cabin.

You don't need to ask to know that the launch of this ship has greatly improved morale, as well as increased team identity and solidarity.

As the co-captain, Robin stroked his long black hair and asked with a smile, "Boss, have you thought about a name for our ship?"

"Let's call it the Endless Abyss." Without even thinking about it, Alan said the name of the ship he had already decided on.

After all, Bottomless Abyss is the hometown of the devil, and it is also the place where countless gods have fallen, which perfectly fits the next thing to do.

"The Endless Abyss? Sounds good." Robin agreed softly.

Just when she was about to say something, Lu Qi finally couldn't help lowering his voice and asked, "Is this an extremely vicious battleship built according to the ancient weapon Pluto?"


"The ancient weapon Pluto? No, of course not. It was designed and built by me from the beginning to the end. And believe me, Pluto is not even qualified to carry her shoes." Alan meaningful replied .

"But the world government and the navy don't think so. After they get the information and intelligence of this ship, they will definitely destroy us at all costs." Seriously reminded.

But Alan smiled indifferently: "Relax, let's not say whether the Five Old Stars will do this, what if they come? Don't you think the speed of the Navy is extremely slow? Can our ships catch up to us? Or are their ships able to stop the cannon fire?"

"The two sect master guns..." Kalifa glanced at the thick, long guns The tube seemed to realize something.

"en! You guessed it. Both sect master guns have the formidable power to sink an island with one shot. So it never matters what they think, what matters is that I don't mind if it annoys me. Just wipe the Holy Land Mary Joa and the draconians who live in it from the map, in a physical sense."

After saying this, Alan turned around and walked into the conning tower to press start up button.


The huge golden energy core begins to output energy outward, and the Arcanist converter quickly converts the energy into kinetic energy.

Under the action of the transmission device, the huge propeller located in the tail section of the ship finally slowly began to rotate, and the direct breakthrough gate slammed out of the dock and entered the sea of cyan.

Fortunately, the shipyard is located next to a natural deep-water port, otherwise it would be 100% stranded due to the tonnage and structure of the Endless Abyss.

"Lu Qi, do you think the captain's words are a joke or serious?" Kaku asked in an uncertain tone.

"Do you think Alan would be the kind of person who jokes about this kind of thing?" Lu Qi asked blankly.

If anyone in the entire ex-CP9 group knew Alan best, it would be him.

Because the two had already had an in-depth conversation privately once, and had a little bit of discussion.


It should be said to be one-sided ravages and beatings.

Lu Qi has always had the most confidence in his own strength. For the first time, he saw what a truly overwhelming power is. At the end, he even got a devil fruit, and a name called life energy and Domineering cultivation method.

That's exactly the case, he's the most loyal of these former CP9 members.

If someone privately wants to contact the world government and betray intelligence, this genius of body refinement will definitely execute him without the slightest hesitation.

"Damn it! Destroy Holy Land Mary Joa? Kill all the draconians? What a crazy captain we are with!" Gabra scratched his numb scalp.

For someone like him who came from a CP spy agency, the world government is completely invincible.

And no matter who the draconian is, as long as they dare to make any disobedient actions, they will immediately cause a huge shock.

"In any case, we have no way out. So if you don't want to die, let's play well and try to make the captain one of the four emperors as soon as possible. Only in this way can we get the capital to fight against the world government. "

When she said this and that, Kalifa's tone was extremely serious, because she knew that the terrifying storm was coming.

"Do you still need to say that? Since obtaining the Devil Fruit, which of us have not tried our best to develop our abilities. But the problem is, compared to the high-end battle strength of the Four Emperor Pirates, we still have Not a small gap." KUKA subconsciously clenched the two new sabres hanging around his waist, with a touch of helplessness in his tone.

Although he obtained a super weapon that surpassed the Supreme Sword from Alan, a devil fruit that fits him very well, but when he was discussing with Dora, he realized his understanding of sword technique How superficial.

If it weren't for the sparring, he could guarantee that the taciturn female Swordsman would be able to cut herself into two sections in an instant.

"no! You're wrong! Alan also has a method for each of you to grow quickly. But first, you have to earn his trust, just like me."

As he spoke, Lu Qi suddenly threw his fist into the air beside him without warning.

bang! ! ! ! !

The terrifying sonic boom and shock wave instantly set off a strong airflow, making several others around them stunned.

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