Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 560

"Is this really a battleship from Dock No. 1?!"

Bingshan stood on the second floor window of the office, staring wide-eyed at the incomparable gigantic black on the dock Metal ships, the whole person fell into a sluggish state.

If he hadn't seen Frankie secretly a few days ago, he would even think that this brother secretly handed over the design drawings that teacher left behind to others.

But after careful observation, he realized that the "Endless Abyss" is not the most evil battleship Hades.

On the contrary, this ship is much more terrifying than Hades.

Especially the two main guns with completely different structures do not look like devices used to launch solid iron balls, but use a technology that has never been seen before, but is extremely advanced .

"Damn! That guy really hurt me this time." Iceberg gnashing teeth cursed.

Because he knows better than anyone, the world government has never given up on taking the blueprint of Hades left by teacher Tom from himself.

But now, a super battleship that is very similar to the legendary ancient weapon Pluto has been born, which will undoubtedly give those guys who were originally immortal a perfect excuse to do it.

"Boss, what are we going to do now? If the world government knows about this, it will definitely come to trouble us."

Barry obviously didn't understand the seriousness of the situation, Just simply think that the world government will make some severe punishments for the company because of the concession dock.

"You're here! I'm going to the pier."

Bingberg didn't have time to think about it.

He must immediately find Alan and ask what is going on with this battleship, and at the same time send Franky away before the world government can react.


At the same time, Franky also saw the steel giant ship docked at the dock, his mouth widened and an expression of disbelief appeared.

"Oh my God! This boat...this boat is the ultimate romance for any boat builder! Look at the streamlined hull! And the invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable metal hull And the armor! Plus those two thick and long main guns! It's awesome! It's just awesome!"

Without any hesitation!

This pervert, who only wears a pair of swimming shorts and runs around all day, directly spreads his legs, rushes to the pier in one breath, and squeezes to the front from a large number of people watching the lively, so fascinated to appreciate the sight in front of him This industrial work of art.

That's right!

In Franky's eyes, the "Endless Abyss" is the ship that he longed to build in his dreams.

Just as he was about to board the ship to take a closer look, he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, and when he looked back, he found that it was actually an iceberg of gasping for breath.

The latter didn't care about his lungs that were about to burst after vigorous exercise, and forcibly pulled Franky away from the crowd to a relatively secluded place, and blunt asked, "Tell me, that ship Did you participate?"

"Are you suspecting that I leaked the blueprint of Hades?"

Frankie knew what the other party meant as soon as he heard it, and his face showed anger Incredible expression.

"no! I just want to know, did you use something from Hades' blueprint on that steel battleship." Iceberg explained with a wry smile.

"No! I didn't even know that Dock No. 1 was actually building such a work of art. If I did, I might really be able to get involved."

Speaking During this remark, Franky's eyes never left the "Endless Abyss", and he didn't even hide his strong curiosity and desire.

"That is to say, that man built a super battleship comparable to Hades in less than a month without any help from outsiders?" Iceberg was stunned, Can't believe this fact at all.

After all, the Seven Waters is the most developed place in the entire world's shipbuilding industry, and its accumulation of technology and skilled shipbuilders are simply not comparable to other places.

It was through the integration of seven shipyards that he made the world government have to cooperate with him to become the naval construction and maintenance base for the Royal Navy, so that those CP agents did not dare to act rashly, and finally kept the ship. A blueprint for Hades.

"Don't jump to conclusions." Frankie's indifferent expression's shock the head. "Whether it's a super battleship, first test the speed and performance of the ship, especially the formidable power of the two sect master guns. Unless they can also reach the formidable power of destroying an island in one shot, it is far from being strong. It's not enough."

"Testing? Are you kidding me? She's already docked at the pier of the Seven Waters, and I'm already devastated. It is foreseeable that when the world government gets news, it will definitely send People come to investigate, when the time comes Pluto's design will inevitably be exposed. So you must leave immediately to ensure the safety of Pluto's design." Iceberg issued a stern warning.

"Leave? What about my brother sisters?" asked Frankie frowned loudly.

Bingberg replied without thinking: "Don't worry about this, I will take care of them. The only thing you need to do now is to disappear immediately, disappear from the eyes of the world government."


"Can I get on that ship?" Franky asked in an uncertain tone.

"No! That man is too dangerous! Maybe he will face the encirclement and suppression from the world government and the elites of the navy next, I don't want you to be involved in danger. I have found it for you. A ship bound for Alabasta, you immediately set off to hide for a while in this great country located in the first half of the great route."

After that, the iceberg forcibly sent Franky on an unremarkable ship. The small merchant ship watched as it left the port and gradually disappeared at the end of the horizon.


On the other hand, Alan obviously doesn't know how huge the "Endless Abyss" he built by himself has made the senior and junior brothers Iceberg and Franky. In the market, they are buying all kinds of food, cured meat, bacon, condiments, wine, tableware, clothing and a series of materials necessary for long-term sailing.

As for the original small sailboat, after emptying all its belongings, it disintegrated and sank into the sea.

He didn't want to reveal the secrets of how the ship's interior had been remodeled.

When massive amounts of materials were transported into the freezer warehouse one after another, the "Endless Abyss" finally sounded the whistle of the industrial age, riding the wind and waves at a very fast speed under the watchful eyes of countless people, and set foot on the New World 's journey.

The naval branch stationed here also reported the news and several photos to the naval headquarters.

For a while, the Devil Pirates, which had been silent for a while, once again made the front page of the newspaper.

The "Endless Abyss" has become the focus of high-level debate in the Navy.

No one knows how powerful this steel battleship is, let alone what impact she will have on this world.

Only one thing is for sure, and that is faster than any large naval battleship in terms of speed, so fast that even an interception will not help.

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