Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 561

Inside the Marshal's Office of Marine Vando at the Navy Headquarters.

There is silence at the moment.

Everyone held their breath, not even daring to take a breath.

A full minute later, a dull sound broke the silence.


I saw Sengoku Fiercely patted the table and roared furiously: "It's this guy again! Can't he stop?"

"Ah? What happened? Are you so angry?" Karp asked with interest while picking his nostrils.

"You still have the face to ask? Take a look at this information!" Sengoku resisted the urge to punch the old bastard and threw the information in his hand.


The huge and ferocious steel battleship in that photo made the complexity greatly changed for everyone present.

Especially Akainu stood up from the chair suddenly and asked loudly in a solemn tone: "What is this? Is it the ancient weapon Pluto?"

" I don't know! But what is certain is that this ship came out of the No. 1 dock in the Capital of Seven Waters and belongs to the Demon Pirates. At present, the CP intelligence agency has begun to intervene in the investigation, and I believe there will be results soon. But before that, we have to figure out what its battle strength is." Sengoku gloomy face replied .

He couldn't believe it in his dreams, and in less than a month of silence, Alan had risen above such a vicious battleship that made the whole sea tremble.

Although so far, the ship has not been field tested.

But only the Iron Body that is invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, and can reach extremely fast sailing speed without sails, even a fool knows that its destructive power will definitely be very scary.

"Alan the sea devil?!"

Akainu's pupils instantly dilated, and he subconsciously touched the re-equipped sword on his waist.

There is no doubt that the humiliation he suffered in the Navy Headquarters not long ago made him realize that the lava fruit could not pose any threat to Alan at all, so he picked up the sword technique that had been discarded for many years.

Not only him, but Aokiji, who is also General, also made the exact same judgment.

Only Kizaru remained lazy as always, as if he didn't care about this kind of thing at all.

But if you look closely, you will find that the corner of his eye has never left the "Endless Abyss" in the photo.

"That's right! It's him!" Sengoku tapped the table lightly for a moment, and then turned his attention to Kizaru. "Polusalino, I want you to lead a fleet to the Chambord Islands to intercept the Demon Pirates. You don't need to have any results, just find out the true battle strength of this ship."

"But what about the Five Old Stars? They ordered us to prohibit us from taking all actions against the Demon Pirates." Hezu frowned reminded.

"hmph! Those short-sighted bastards must have made some kind of agreement with Alan to let him go to the New World and mess up Heaven and Earth turning upside down. They don't even know that the sea demon Alan is the The most terrifying threat. For the peace and stability of this world, I will resist all pressures and responsibilities. Let go and do it."

At the critical moment, Sengoku showed a great attitude towards the supreme commander of the navy. Courage and responsibility.

Because the last time he met face to face, he couldn't see any awe or fear in Alan's eyes at all, only naked and unabashed contempt.

And such people, without exception, will eventually grow to be enough to overwhelm the vicious people of the entire era.

"Ai, all right. But the current youngster is really terrifying. I don't know if I will be killed."

Kizuna muttered softly, slowly Stand up and leave the Conference Hall.

As soon as he came to the corridor, codenamed "Peach Rabbit" Gion immediately followed, and asked in a very solemn tone: "Polusalino, can you bring me in this operation? ?"

"Oh? Are you also interested in that youngster?" Kizaru asked without looking back.

Gion's nodded thoughtlessly: "en! I want to see what the strength of the great swordsman who can make the three Generals work together is powerless."

"Since If so, then you can follow. But I want to remind you that when facing him, as long as there is a slight mistake, Yellow Springs will be killed immediately."

After saying this, Huang The ape just disappeared at the end of the corridor.

About two or three hours, he led a team of ten large battleships, five lieutenant generals, ten major generals and more than 10,000 elites from the navy headquarters, slowly left the port, and moved towards Shampoo. Land Islands set off.

Obviously, this configuration is basically based on the upgraded version of the Demon Killing Order.


Alan, who had just left the Seven Waters, obviously did not know that the Navy had decided to attack him, and was lying on the deck chair enjoying the sun and refreshing ice. juice.

Through the telescope, I can vaguely see a few boats behind the buttocks, trying their best to bite the current distance and not be pulled apart.

There are both navies and pirates flying skull flags.

What's more interesting is that they didn't fight, but got along very harmoniously and friendly.

You don't need to ask to know that these ships are all monitoring the "Endless Abyss".

They didn't know at all that the reason why they could keep up was because Alan deliberately slowed down.

Otherwise, at a maximum speed of about ten to eighteen knots on a wooden sailboat, the "Endless Abyss" only needs to start half of the horsepower, which is enough to make the other party unable to do anything.

"Captain, do you want to kill those pesky tag-a-longs in the back?" Moore came over and asked.

As a sniper, he wanted more than anyone to test the formidable power of the two different main guns in the front and rear of the ship.

"No need, let them follow." Alan rejected the proposal with a smile.

Just kidding!

Can the two sect master guns he designed by himself be able to fire casually?

Even a normal shell into the smallest formidable power railgun is enough to tear everything within a radius of two or three hundred meters to shreds.

It would be a waste to use such a weapon against a bunch of worthless targets.

"BOSS is right. With the launch of the Endless Abyss, we will inevitably become the object of the whole world's attention, so there will be more and more similar situations in the future. Even if you kill them, It won't be long before someone will follow. Instead of wasting time and energy on them, it's better to focus on your own business."

Robin, dressed in a light purple swimsuit, took off his sunglasses and raised his glass to sip A small sip of the drink, the tone is very relaxed and comfortable.

Since killing Spandam, her character has moved towards a "black-belly" direction, while gradually putting her fears of the navy and world government behind her.

It is estimated that it will not take long before it will completely transform into a "Demoness" that makes everyone feel a headache.


Moore immediately carried a long spear to the stern to practice the life energy he had just mastered, and how to wrap the bullet with a domineering armament .

Just when Alan wanted to joke with the archaeologists, a sloop suddenly appeared out of thin air up ahead.

And the person sitting on this small boat is not a person, but the world's largest swordsman "Hawkeye" Mihawk, wearing a top hat and carrying a black broadsword on his back.

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