Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 562

"Jolaquel Mihawk?"

"How come the world's No. 1 swordsman is here?"

"He came to trouble us Is it?"


There is no doubt that the appearance of Hawkeye instantly made everyone on board become restless.

Dora stood immediately on the bow, pressing her right hand on the hilt of the sword, her eyes flashing rays of light with excitement and anticipation.

As a Swordsman, although she knows that she is far from an opponent, she also wants to see the strength and style of the world's largest swordsman with her own eyes.


Seeing and hearing are full of domineering!

The armed color also instantly wraps the long sword like a tide, forming a completely non-reflective black.

【Challenger? a woman? ]

A hint of surprise appeared on Hawkeye's face, he slowly stood up from the chair, and slowly pulled out the Supreme Sword - Ye.

Although he has stood at the top of all Swordsman long ago, he never refuses any challenge from behind.

And even give pointers to the younger generation who have the potential to pose a threat, and hope that the other party will one day be able to dignified to defeat him.

Obviously, this is a typical powerhouse mentality, not afraid of any form of challenge at all, and enjoys the excitement of facing various unknown challenges, and uses this as nourishment to continuously strengthen the sword. dao's understanding.

It can be said that Mihawk can become the world's largest swordsman, not only because of his strength, but also because of his mentality.

As the distance got closer, the imposing manner of the two Swordsman kept climbing, and even the surrounding air became anxious.

"Boss, are you really going to stop them?" Robin asked in an uncertain tone.

"Why stop it? Don't you know how to challenge Hawkeye, but this world is all about Swordsman yearn for something even in dreams. Even more how, isn't it the captain's duty to help the crew realize their dreams? What. Don't worry, if Dora is in mortal danger, I will take action."

After that, Alan raised his hand to signal that the crew members who are eager to have a try don't be impatient.

According to the established rules on the sea, in a one-on-one duel like this, other people cannot easily intervene, otherwise even if they win, they will only be cast aside.

The moment when the imposing manner of the two climbed to the top!

Dora instantly waved the long sword in her hand at a speed that her naked eye couldn't tell.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! !

The sea was split on the spot under this blow!

The Flying Slash approached the sloop in less than one tenth of a second.

If it was someone else, he would definitely not be able to react in such a short time, and he could only watch himself and the boat being killed together.

But Hawkeye is the world's greatest swordsman after all.

Although he was extremely surprised by this super-high speed of swinging his sword, he still managed to counter it in a hurry even with the huge black blade in his hand.

When the two slashes collided, it immediately presented a spectacular scene like a tsunami.

When the waves subsided, Hawkeye immediately jumped onto the deck of the "Endless Abyss", first looking up and down the woman who was swinging her sword several times faster than herself, He praised: "You are very good! No, it should be said that you gave me an incomparable gigantic surprise. Before the blow just now, I would never have believed that there would be such a speedy sword technique in the world."

"But my high-speed slash was still blocked by you." Dora's tone was a little disappointed.

Because the attack just now was the result of her spare no effort, the original one could make this world's number one swordsman in a hurry.

But unfortunately, the end result was far from what was expected.

"no! You are wrong! The reason why I was able to block it is because my arrogance and combat experience are much higher than yours. When you also have the same level of sensuality and experience , even I could be slashed in an instant. And you should be able to go faster, right?" Mihawk's eyes flashed with rays of light of excitement.

He could feel that as long as the woman in front of her continued to grow, she would one day reach the point where she might kill him.

And such an opponent is exactly what he desires most.

"You mean... I can continue on this road?" Dora's originally dull eyes immediately lit up.

"That's right! Not only can I go on, it may even surpass me and become the world's number one female swordsman. Come on, Dora, I will tell you that from now on An opponent of the same magnitude." Hawkeye praised without hesitation.

"Got it. Thank you! I won't let you down."

Dora put away her weapon with a serious and solemn expression on her face.

Unlike those guys who are flamboyant and refuse to accept anyone, as long as someone has given her advice and help, she will definitely try to repay the other party.

And for Hawkeye, the best way to repay is naturally to beat the opponent on the sword technique.

"I'm looking forward to playing with you next time."

Mihawk undoubtedly understood what Dora wanted to express, and immediately smiled with satisfaction, and then went straight to Alan's side bluntly stated his intention: "I want to have a one-on-one duel with you!"

"Duel?" Alan laughed playfully. "You should know that I'm not just a Swordsman. And why should I accept your invitation without any benefit?"

"What do you want?"

Hawkeye asked as he looked at the steel battleship that has been frequently appearing on the front pages of newspapers recently.

"It's easy! I can answer your invitation to a duel, but I'll have to give it a shot. If you win, you don't have to pay anything, but if I win, you'll join the devil Pirates, come with me to conquer the New World." Alan casually offered the condition.

You don't need to ask to know, he wants to take this opportunity to see if he can take this powerful battle strength under his command.

"You want me on your boat?" Mihawk clearly startled.

You must know that his current identity is Shichibukai and the world's largest swordsman, even the red-haired Shanks' invitation was rejected by Ruthless.

"Hahahaha! That's right! How about it, your answer is?" Alan asked rhetorically, laughing.

Hawkeye seemed a little hesitant, but in the end he was nodded: "Yes! But you also have to promise me one condition, that you must not use any other power except sword technique and domineering."


"Do you only use domineering and sword techniques? Yes!" Alan agreed without even thinking about it. At the same time, he turned around and shouted at the orange short-haired girl who was at the helm in the command tower: "Nami! Adjust the sailing to the nearest island, I want to learn from the world's largest swordsman."


Nami quickly glanced at the wall hanging on the wall. The chart on the top, and the recording magnetic needle on the wrist, complete the heading adjustment at the fastest speed.

With more advanced instruments, she can now perform complex calculations that previously took half an hour in just a few minutes.

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