Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 563

With its extremely powerful power system, "Endless Abyss" found the nearest uninhabited island in less than three hours.

As for the navy and pirates who were following behind, they have long since been dumped.

Even if they continue to pursue in the original direction, it will take at least five or six hours to get here.

And these five or six hours were enough for Alan and Hawkeye to decide the winner.

After all, even if he doesn't use any abilities, with just his superhuman physique and lightning-like reaction speed, Alan can completely crush this so-called world's largest swordsman.

In fact, although Jo Lakol Mihawk can be called the strongest in sword technique, his level of domineering is not, and in addition, he did not take any devil fruit, so he did not take any devil fruit at all. Can't pose a big threat.

At least in Alan's eyes, the threat of Hawkeye is not even comparable to that of the ghost Princess Perona, the childlike fruit ability sugar.

But unfortunately, Mihawk didn't know what kind of monster he was dealing with.

After observing the environment all around the island, he raised the black blade in his hand and pointed at the opponent and shouted: "Come on! Let me see your legendary sword that surpasses Supreme. Divine Sword of Sharp Sword!"

"Sorry, you may not see the flame demon sword today. Because I promised you just now that I won't use any other abilities except sword technique. So in order to To be fair, I'll use this black edged blade limpid autumn water to fight you first."

Speaking, Alan slowly pulled out the long knife he had temporarily borrowed from Dora.

As the sword of the Dragon Horse, the great swordsman of Wano Kingdom, the biggest feature of this weapon is its hardness, which is incomparable. It is said that even if a dinosaur steps on it, it will not bend a millimeter.

In addition to the long-term tempering of armed domineering, it is not inferior to the black blade night that Mihawk said.

"limpid autumn water?!"

Hawkeye's eyes lit up when he heard the name, and he was obviously full of longing for Dragon Horse, the great swordsman who slashed the wyvern.

It's a pity that the age difference between the two is too far, and the latter died before Hawkeye went to sea.

"en! That's right! black blade limpid autumn water! This is the unexpected harvest of spills of war at Moonshine Moriah. Although I don't like the quality of this knife a bit, but only if you use It's only fair to you. Get ready, I'm coming..."

tone barely fell!

Alan instantly turned into a stream of light and rushed out.

Next second...


The two black blades collided together, immediately splashing dazzling golden sparks, and at the same time, the ground under the feet collapsed under the pressure of huge force, dented down five or six meters, and the surrounding densely packed appeared. Cracks like spider web.

Because of the domineering relationship of the armed color, although the blade was under such terrifying pressure, there was no gap or curling of the blade.

"Awesome! Such power! Such speed! You really deserve to be the man that Shanks will never forget!" Mihawk couldn't help but admire.

"Shanks? Oh! So you got the information about me from him."

as everyone knows, Redhead and Hawkeye are good friends.

Especially before the former broke his arm, the two would get together to learn from each other and drink alcohol when they were idle.

So once he encounters any interesting things and people, Shanks will never mind sharing them.

When Hawkeye learns that there is a Swordsman who can rival the red-haired, even the strongest whitebeard in the world, he will naturally want to meet for a while.

"Come on! Show off your full strength in sword technique, it doesn't matter if you kill me." Mihawk burst out with a strong fighting intent.

As the so-called opponent is hard to find!

As the world's No. 1 swordsman, he hasn't met an opponent who can evenly match his sword technique for too long.

Not to mention that the opponent even completely crushed himself in terms of strength, speed and reaction.

This feeling of being in a disadvantaged position reminded him of his passionate days of constantly challenging the powerhouse.

"As you wish! But be careful, because what I'm going to show next is an assassination sword technique without any fancy techniques, just for killing."

With the last word blurted out, Alan disappeared instantly, leaving only a vague afterimage.

Not good!

Hawkeye's combat experience is so rich, he immediately senses the opponent's attack direction through his arrogance.

Just as he turned the blade and wanted to block, a severe pain instantly came from his abdomen.


The dazzling red liquid splashed out, streaking a line of blood in the air.

【I was hacked? ! ]

Looking at the not too deep wound on his waist, Mihawk's face was full of disbelief.

Because the speed of this blade just now surpassed the sound, I didn't even see the trajectory of the limbid autumn water, I just used the black blade to block a blurry afterimage at night.

After a successful blow, Alan did not continue to pursue, but gently shook off the blood stained on the blade, and asked without looking back: "How do you feel?"

"What a fast speed! As expected of an assassination sword technique for killing! If you cut my neck just now, then I should be dead by now." Hawkeye marveled while covering his wound.

Obviously, this is the first time he has encountered this extreme sword technique that does not use any domineering, completely shields his breath, and only pursues one strike certain kill.

"This is what I learned from a ninja village called Konoha. But for a powerhouse like you, as long as you feel it once, you shouldn't be cut twice. That's right." Alan said meaningfully.

Eagle eye nodded lightly: "Yes! You also said just now that this is an assassination sword technique for killing, and it can only exert its greatest might when it is unexpected. After people have seen it, they naturally lose their biggest support, but it is just a slightly faster slash."

"In this case, I will use another one when I attack next time. The sword technique is ready."

After saying that, Alan put the black blade limpid autumn water back into the sheath, and bent down in a posture of drawing a sword.

"Wano country warrior's sword cut?" Mihawk's eyes flashed a surprised look.

Because in this world, apart from the warriors of Wano, there is no second group that will use the special sword dao technique of drawing a sword.

Alan explained with a smile: "no! I advise you not to treat him as an ordinary slash. Because when the knife is unsheathed, you will see the most shining light in this world. The light is also the light of the coming of Death God."

"I'm looking forward to it even more when you say this. What are you waiting for, come and kill me!" Hawkeye urged loudly and excitedly. .

Although he usually gives a calm impression, in fact, when he encounters a sword technique he has never seen before, or a formidable opponent, the world's largest swordsman It's no different from an ordinary person, it's also excited and excited...

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