Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 564

Drawing the sword, also known as Iai, is a sword technique that emphasizes one strike certain kill by surprise.

Usually speaking, the winner is decided the moment the knife is unsheathed.

However, Alan's slashing is not Iai in the ordinary sense, but a combination of the dual characteristics of Naruto world and Underground City world, combined with his physical fitness and reaction speed that surpasses human beings, in an instant Give the enemy a sense of time and space distortion.

The more sensitive a person is, the stronger the sense of confusion and the inability to make correct judgments.

He now wants to know whether the world's No. 1 swordsman can still maintain absolute calm and rationality as he did just now under this strange sword technique with visual Illusion Technique. .

No language communication whatsoever!

No language communication is required either!

The two stared at each other's eyes like this, extending the domineering to the extreme.

After going through round after round of anticipation, Alan finally seized the fleeting opportunity and suddenly pulled the black blade limpid autumn water out of the sheath .


The pattern on the blade forms a gorgeous cold glow under the sunlight!

Although from drawing the sword to cutting it out, the whole process is less than 0.01 seconds.

But in Mihawk's eyes, this blow was like slow motion, and he could see it clearly.

Especially the length of the blade, as if it was infinitely flattened and elongated.

Although the distance between the two is five or six meters away, it is absolutely impossible to hit even with the length of the arm, but he has a feeling that he will definitely be hit.

What's more terrifying is that the eyes can see clearly, but the body can't make any response, as if caught in some very slow Time Flow Speed.



All distorted in a strong sense of confusion!

Eagle Eye is obviously the first time I have encountered such a strange sword technique. Golden's pupils suddenly dilated, forcing his body to go beyond the limit. At the moment when a dazzling blade light is about to slash his body, he forcibly waved. There was a flying slash.

Next second...

bang! ! ! !

The two black edged blades collided again, and the terrifying slash formed a ravine that was several meters deep one after another.

"You actually pushed your body beyond the limit in an instant?!" Alan's tone was full of surprise.

"It's really dangerous! If I slow down a little bit, I'm afraid I'll have moved my head by now."

After the two separated, Mihawk touched his heart with lingering fears. I touched the pale red blood line on my neck.

But instead of fear, those falcon-like eyes were full of excitement and joy.

Every confrontation is like passing by Death God!

This is the duel between Swordsman and Swordsman he's been waiting for!

"But after all, you have completed your self-transcendence between life and death, haven't you?" Alan said with a smile.

Although he has quite overestimated the potential of the world's number one swordsman, he absolutely didn't expect the opponent's potential to be far more terrifying than he imagined.

Eagle eye nodded lightly: "Yeah! I also thank you for this. If I didn't meet you, I'm afraid it would take many years to enter this level. As a thank you, I will take out Do everything in your power to win."

"hahahaha! If that's the case, then come on, knowing that I'm also quite a person who likes to fight in a way."

With that, Alan laughed and attacked again.

In the blink of an eye, the two were wielding the same black blade and fighting together, and the voices of various ding ding dong dong were heard endlessly.

Such a tense, intense and exciting battle made the crew of the "Endless Abyss" both excited and proud.

Excited that all of them who use swords can learn a lot of useful skills from it.

The proud thing is that the captain of his own can still control the world's largest swordsman with the sword technique without using the devil fruit and life energy.

Especially the weird sword technique of all kinds of strange things, which makes you can't guard against it, which can be seen from the constant knife wounds on Hawkeye's body.

"Dora, has BOSS's sword technique always been this strong?" Kalifa asked in an uncertain tone.

"en! As early as in the Eastern Sea, he once ripped apart the sea with one sword and wiped out the entire fleet in an instant. But these superb skills are the first time I have seen them." Pull the replied overwhelmed by emotions.

"What a terrifying guy, looks like we'll be adding a new partner soon."

Nicole Robin in a purple swimsuit holds the edge of the boat The guardrail, raised the corners of his mouth to reveal a meaningful smile.

As the team continues to expand, the crew's battle strength is getting stronger and stronger, and she is more and more confident in the plan proposed by Alan, and she has even begun to take her own revenge in the process.

Just when everyone was attracted by the heaven shaking, earth shattering fierce battle on the island, Moore, the sniper at the top of the command tower, suddenly shouted: "At nine o'clock, we found a An unknown ship is approaching!"


Robin hurriedly picked up the telescope and looked at nine o'clock, and he found a large ship heading here. An island is approaching.

It's just that this ship neither flies the pirate flag nor the navy flag, and both sides are densely packed with gun muzzles, which looks quite weird.

"What to do? Are you going to kill them?"

fatty Georgia Riney clucked his fists with a be eager to have a try expression all over his face.

"Well—let's go first with courtesy before soldiers. Send someone over to warn them to leave, and it's not too late if they don't listen."

As a de facto co-captain, Robin is very A decision was soon made.

"Come on! I'm the best at this kind of thing."

Lu Qi took the initiative to take this task, and immediately used the "shaved" in the six-style to disappear in place.

Watching the former CP9 ace board the ship of unknown origin, Kaku suddenly sighed slightly: "I hope those guys can get to know each other, otherwise the consequences will be very serious."


"You're right! I don't want to see mutilated corpses all over the place for a while." Kalifa agreed nodded.

"What are you talking about?"

Georgia Rini blinked with a sullen face.

"Hehe! Do you know why Lu Qi is called the strongest and most ruthless killing weapon in CP9 history?" Gabra asked with a grin.

But before fatty could respond, he explained each minding their own business: "Because he's in the process of performing his mission without any personal emotion at all. This means that As long as it is beneficial to the mission, he will clear all obstacles by killing, whether the obstacle is one person, a hundred people, a thousand people..."

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