Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 565


With an air explosion, Lu Qi crossed the wide sea and landed firmly on the deck of this unknown ship.

As soon as he stood firm, he saw a man wearing a swordsman hat and a huge X mark on his chest standing in front of him.

"Degenerate Major General X. Drake?"

The former CP9 ace agent called out the opponent's name at once.

Of course, he didn't know that the guy who defected was actually a member of the Navy's secret force "SWORD", who was ordered to go undercover inside the pirates.

It's just that only a very small number of senior naval officials know about this, and even the CP espionage agency affiliated to the world government has been kept in the dark.

"Are you a new member of the Demon Pirates?"

While Luigi was staring at Drake, Drake was also looking at each other.

After all, whether it's the "shaving" used just now, or the oppression that came out unintentionally, it shows that this man in a white dress is definitely not a generalist.

"That's right! I'm here to warn you, it's better to stay away from the small island ahead, otherwise don't blame us for being rude." Lu Qi blunt threatened.

"The island up ahead?" Drake subconsciously lifts the head with a glance.

Although due to the distance, he couldn't see what was happening at all, but from the amazing destructive power generated by the constant collision of flying slashes, anyone who is not an idiot can realize that there are two Peak's great swordsmen are fighting.

Combined with the "Endless Abyss" and docked next to it, one of them knew it was definitely Alan without asking.

And the latest order Drake received was to break into the Devil's Pirates to gather intelligence, so he immediately explained: "I think you misunderstood something. The reason I came here, Just to join you."

"Join?" Luigi narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

"Yes!" Drake pretended to be serious nodded. "I heard that Captain Alan was recruiting most recently, so I came here from far away."

"Stop now! Drop anchor! I'll let the captain know later."

Obviously, although Lu Qi didn't believe this statement, he couldn't make any decision in place of Alan. He had to force the ship to stop first.


Drake agreed very simply, and raised his hand to signal the other sailors to lower their sails and stop the boat.

Seeing that the other party didn't mean to cross the border, Lu Qi slightly relaxed his vigilance and used the shave again to return to the deck of the "Endless Abyss".

"What happened to that ship?" Robin asked quickly.

"That ship was the fallen Major General X. Drake, he said he came to defect to us." Lu Qi succinctly replied.

"X Drake?"

A strange rays of light flashed in Robin's eyes.

As a "Son of Demons" who was hunted down by the Navy and CP intelligence agencies since she was a child, she understands more than anyone else on the ship how powerful the methods of the world government are, and even the Four Emperors Pirates have some insecurities. Less "inner ghosts".

It is clear that there is quite a bit of dubiousness about the identity and behavior of this unfathomable mystery Major General who defected from the Navy.

Of course, like Lu Qi, Miss Archaeologist has no right to decide whether to accept or reject a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million.

Because there is only one true leader of the Demon Pirates, and that is Alan.

Just as the two kept exchanging glances and thinking about what to do with X Drake, a deafening bang suddenly broke out on the island.


The terrifying slash directly divided the island into two, and under the enormous pressure, countless seawater spewed out from the broken ground in an instant, forming a magnificent scenery that could not be described in words.

"It's over!"

Alan said meaningfully, holding the black blade limpid autumn water in his hand.

You don't need to ask to know that the slash that flashed just now is his masterpiece, and at the same time, it is also the proof that the armed arrogance has receded to the highest level.

That sword was not an ordinary slash, but destroyed the entire island from the inside through the armed color.

Before, although he could barely smash it from the inside, he couldn't make such a smooth and neat cut.

But with the pure sword technique duel with Hawkeye, I finally comprehended the use of the highest level armament color in combat, especially how to attach to the blade to cut the target in half.


Jolaquel Mihawk gasped violently with his mouth open, his face full of disbelief.

It took a full minute before he put away his black sword and responded with a slightly emotional tone: "Yeah! It's over! I lost! I can't believe it, you monster. How can I keep improving the level of the armed and the knowledgeable in battle."

Alan spread his hands with a smile: "This is also impossible. After all, under the premise of not being able to use any other abilities, thinking To beat an opponent like you, you have to reach a higher level of domineering. Otherwise it will just end up in a war of protracted and attrition. I don't want to win in such a boring way."

"hmph! Don't be too happy, I will one day take back the title of the world's greatest swordsman from you."

After saying that, Mihawk lowered his head and looked at the sword that stretched from the left shoulder to the right. Terrible wound on the leg.

This was caused by the slash that cut through the island just now.

If he hadn't covered his entire body with his armed color in time, he would have been lying on the ground and turned into two lifeless corpses.

"The greatest swordsman in the world? Sorry, I don't have any interest in this title. For me, domineering, sword technique, body refinement and Devil Fruit abilities are not fundamentally different, they are all just One of many powers. Use it when you need it, and put it in the showcase when you don't need it."

Alan spoke in a casual tone about his The attitude of the sword technique.

As a pragmatist, he does not limit himself to a certain field, but holds the idea of "I want it all".

And in this world, he's clearly more interested in devil fruit than sword technique.

"Then your innate talent is really enviable. Even if you don't need to concentrate fully, you can achieve the pinnacle in the field of sword technique with no difficulty." Hawkeye stared at Alan with complex eyes .

"No, you're wrong. My innate talent in sword technique is no better than yours, it's just that I'm more physically fit and faster in nerve reflexes, and have seen too many kinds of The sword technique of strange things doesn't necessarily require less time and effort than you."

Alan explained as he took out a bottle of healing potion and threw it over.

He didn't want the repercussions left by Mihawk, whom he had managed to conquer, or the infection of the wound that led to fever and illness.

Eagle Eye had obviously heard of this potion that could heal all wounds from the redhead, and immediately raised his head and poured it.

In just a few seconds, all the stab wounds on the body were scarred and healed at a speed that naked eyes would see.

Touching the wound on his chest that had disappeared, he immediately showed a surprised expression: "It seems that Shanks is right, the potions and weapons and equipment you create are as incredible as the power you master. ."

"Hehe, believe me, this is just the beginning, and you'll see more incredible things next. Like our battleship Endless Abyss..."

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