Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 566

Alan's battle with Hawkeye completely changed the terrain of the island.

To be precise, the entire island was cut off from the middle and turned into two small islands separated by a narrow trench.

As for the animals and plants above, they were almost completely destroyed by slashing, and it is estimated that it will take many years to recover.

In the world of One Piece, a duel between two Peak powerhouses often means the destruction of an island.

Although Alan has only been around for a few months, he has already sunk two small islands into seabed, and one has become a devastated ruin.

Sometimes he even suspected that, if things continued like this, the relatively small lands on the Great Route would eventually disappear without exception.

After all, whether it is a Peak Devil Fruit ability like Whitebeard, or a great swordsman like Mihawk, they all have the ability to destroy an island with no difficulty.

When two powerhouses of equal strength go to battle, it will inevitably cause irreparable damage to the island's ecology and even the foundation.

Just as Alan and Hawkeye returned to the boat from the tattered island, Robin immediately approached and said in a low voice, "Boss, the ship of the fallen Major General X. Drake just tried to get close. Kojima, and said he wanted to join us."


Alan immediately pursed his lips into a playful smile when he heard the name.

Playing Infernal Affairs and Mission Impossible with Lao Tzu?

Eat shit!

If I remember correctly, in the original plot, the undercover agent sent by the navy joined Kaido, one of the four emperors.

Now the navy apparently felt he was more of a threat than Kaido, so changed the original plan and sent the undercover agent over.

"Captain, I think there may be something wrong with this guy." Lu Qi also reminded him.

"Be confident and remove the word "maybe", he just has a problem." Alan said with contempt.

No way!

It's just that the navy's methods are too inferior and crude, and it is estimated that they can only deceive those idiots who have no brains.

If it is replaced by the CP intelligence agency directly under the world government, it will definitely arrange a new identity first, approach the target step by step, and then little by little to win the trust of the other party, just like what CP9 did to Iceberg .

Can you see what the Navy did?

They directly made Drake appear in the eyes of the world as a naval traitor.

Based on this alone, the smart pirates will immediately have a strong rejection and vigilance.

"Then I'll kill him!"

Lucci undoubtedly belongs to the type of people who don't talk much, and his whole body suddenly exudes a faint murderous aura.

But before he could use the razor to get up in the air, Alan grabbed him: "Wait! Who said he was going to kill him?"

"en? But you He just said clearly that there is something wrong with him." Lu Qi was stunned for a moment, feeling that he couldn't keep up with his captain's brain circuit.

"Must kill if there is a problem? I think Drake will be a good pawn." Alan touched the chin and said meaningfully.

A spy can only maximize his power when his identity is unknown.

But once the identity is exposed, it can be used in reverse.

For example, deliberately revealing some wrong information, and then revealing it to the other party by the spy, in order to mislead the other party's judgment and actions.

As long as it is used well, Drake can be turned into a secret weapon used to deceive people.

Nicole Robin spent a long time in the gray area of intrigue when she was young, and immediately realized the subtext that Alan wanted to express, and nodded: "BOSS, you are right. I also Thought it would be a good idea to have Drake join us."

"We can keep an eye on him in the dark." Khalifa stood up on behalf of all former CP9 members.

Surveillance is what they are best at, and with the various abilities developed from life energy, getting a trifling Drake is no problem at all.

"No, I think it's better to leave this to me." Moore volunteered to fight.

The reason is simple!

He is a transparent fruit power user, and he has developed it to a considerable extent, so there is no need to worry about being discovered when he does this kind of thing.

even more how as a sniper, he also has extraordinary patience and insight, even from a distance of several hundred meters, he can know what the other party is saying by reading his lips.

Seeing the positive reaction of the crew, Alan couldn't help but teased with a smile: "It seems that our fallen major general Mr. X. Drake, the future on the ship may not be very good. Since that is the case. , Lu Qi, go and invite him over. Remember to be polite, at least on the surface to maintain a harmonious partnership."

"Got it."

Lu Qi Fu He snapped his top hat and disappeared directly in place.

About ten minutes later, the two ships slammed together, and Drake climbed the deck of the "Endless Abyss" along the rope.

The moment he saw Hawkeye, the world's largest swordsman, also standing beside Alan, his heart immediately began to beat wildly uncontrollably.


This navy spy quickly suppressed the fear and agitation in his heart in order to forget his identity, forcing a calm step forward, took off his hat and respectfully gave a salute: "You Alright, Captain Alan. I'm X. Drake, the Dragon Fruit Real-Allosaurus form, with a bounty of 220 million Baileys, hoping to join the Demon Pirates."

"Do you know my rules?" Alan asked, taking the drink from Robin and sipping.

"Know! All forms of looting are prohibited, and civilians are never allowed." Drake responded without thinking.

Although he didn't know that the man in front of him would set such a strange rule that was completely inconsistent with the style of a pirate, it didn't prevent him from agreeing in his heart.

At least undercover in the Demon Pirates, there is no need to worry about participating in atrocities such as looting and massacres of civilians.

"Very good! Now that you've got the corresponding awareness, I'd welcome you to join me. See this lady next to me? Her name is Nicole Robin, and she's on this ship. The deputy captain, what she said when I was away was equivalent to what I said, and the orders she gave were equivalent to the orders I gave. If you have any needs or questions, you can go directly to her at any time.”

Alan officially confirmed in front of everyone the status of Miss Archaeologist under a single person but above ten thousand others on this ship.

As the team continues to expand, he does not have so much energy on management, and simply entrusts Robin to handle it.

"Understood! Please take care of me, Vice-Captain Robin." Drake bowed slightly to Robin very well-behaved.

"Hehe, you're welcome, we will all be companions on the same boat from now on. If there is any difficulty, it would be good for everyone to help each other." Robin smiled and showed his strong social skills.

Under her introduction, Drake quickly greeted other team members, and chose a cabin as his private room to settle down completely.

And the wooden sailboat that Drake was on, and the pirates on board, found that he was not qualified to join the Devil Pirates at all, so he could only re-elect a captain and moved towards the closest one. Island sailing away.

Whether they will disband or move on under a new captain is none of Alan's business.

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