Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 567

Totally enclosed private room with toilet and bathroom...

24/7 fresh and hot water supply...

Various functional lounges , recreation room, gym, swimming pool...

There is even a small garden in the mid-level area...

Plus the never-before-seen fully electric lighting system, and the cabin The plants inside can be seen everywhere...

It can be said that the "Endless Abyss" completely refreshed X Drake's inherent understanding of ships.

Since boarding the ship, he has been secretly collecting all kinds of intelligence.

Especially the two sect master guns raised on the deck, I secretly watched it several times in my spare time.

But no matter how you look at it, you can't figure out what the principle of this exaggerated cannon is to launch the shells.

After all, there is not even a barrel of gunpowder on the whole ship, let alone traditional solid projectiles, and some are just oval shells placed on the ground one after another.

As for the internal core power system, this spy from the Navy has not been able to access it yet.

To be precise, Alan directly closed the key position when designing it, and no second person could enter except himself.

The more he knows, the more Drake realizes why his boss gave up his original plan and ordered him to go undercover with the Devil Pirates.

Because it is different from other traditional pirate groups, there are too many things that are beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding.

Fear comes from the unknown!

For unknown enemies, no amount of caution can be overstated.

But what Drake didn't know was that Moore, who was hiding in the dark, could see his every move these days, and everyday all would report the observed details to the deputy. Captain Nicole Robin.

When the "Endless Abyss" approached the Chambord Islands, it finally encountered the naval fleet that had been waiting here for a long time.

"This is... a demon slaying order?!"

Robin stared at the navy lined up opposite, and there was a glint in his eyes that could not be easily detected. Fear and panic.

As the last survivor of O'Hara, she will never forget the horrific sight of the entire island burning under shelling as a child, even for a long time, this lingering nightmare.

"hmph! Interesting! It looks like they want to try out the formidable power of our new ship." Alan saw through the other party's plans at a glance, and the corners of his mouth curled into a mocking smile.

"That is to say, we are going to war with the navy, right?" Ike took off his shirt to reveal his muscles as exaggerated as armor.

With the in-depth development of life energy, he has mastered a certain ability to control muscles. He can form a super muscle armor that integrates offense and defense in a short period of time. Combined with the ability to transform into a giant ape, it is simply Just a battlefield meat grinder.

“Hahahaha! Finally got a chance to test the results of my recent cultivation efforts!” Fatty Georgia Rini also laughed excitedly.

Although there was an upgraded version of the Demon Slayer fleet led by General Kizaru, none of the Demon Pirates showed even the slightest fear.

Just the opposite!

Every one of them is very clear that their target is the Four Emperor Pirates of the New World, so trifling an upgraded version of the Demon Slayer fleet can only be regarded as an appetizer before the dinner.

"Moore, go get ready. Since the navy has put up such a big battle, let's show kindness and let them see the power of the Endless Abyss." Alan nodded. Not back to the instructed.

"Oh? Are you finally willing to use the No. 1 main gun?"

Sniper Moore's eyes lit up instantly, and he was in an extremely excited mood.

“en! Think of it as a celebratory firework for the second half of the Great Route. Remember to aim and don’t accidentally blow up the Chambord Islands.”

says Well, one of Alan's arms instantly elementalized and began to continuously charge the railgun.

In the blink of an eye, the gun barrel full of sci-fi colors began to flash silver white electric light, and a strange smell quickly filled the air.

You don't need to ask, it's because the ozone is produced by a lot of electrolysis of the air.

With an excellent transmission system, Moore quickly aimed the muzzle at the navy two kilometers away.

Similarly, the navy also noticed this strange main gun that was constantly releasing dazzling electric light, and everyone immediately became nervous.

Especially, Polusalino is ready to take action at any time, using the incomparable speed of the Glitter Fruit to intercept possible shelling.

"Load armor-piercing rounds! Fire!" Alan without the slightest hesitation gave the order to attack.


Moore immediately wrapped the incomparable gigantic shell in armament color, pushed it into the barrel, and pulled the trigger decisively.

Next second...

Tzzzzzzz Tzzzzzz! ! ! !


bang! !

There is no violent vibration caused by chemical explosions, only the shock waves and loud noises generated by artillery shells when they exceed the sound barrier.

Under the blessing of more than ten times the speed of the sound, the domineering cannonball wrapped in armed color instantly set off a huge wave on the sea, which looked like it was cutting the sea apart from a distance.

"Not good!"

As the number one haste in the pirate world, Kizaru immediately realized what would happen to this shell once it hit, it was too late. Thinking of it, he immediately turned into a light and greeted him.

He had to intercept the shells before they could get close to the fleet, otherwise the fleet would be crippled in an instant, and thousands of admirals and soldiers would also be buried in the sea.

Just 0.01 seconds later, golden's light collided with black's cannonball.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

At the moment when kinetic energy is converted into internal energy, it releases its terrifying destructive power.

A huge wave with more than two hundred meters rises in an instant!

The whistling engulfed both of them.


"Peach Rabbit" Gion saw this scene and could no longer keep calm.

Let's not talk about the strength of the head-on collision with the cannonball, the fact that the devil fruit person can't be contaminated with sea water is enough to make her worry about Kizaru.

If the General, who symbolizes the highest battle strength, is killed by this cannon, then the fragile suffocation and balance that the Navy has managed to maintain will be completely disintegrated in minutes.

Just when all the naval officers and soldiers were wide-eyed looking for the trail of the kiwi, the normally unformed General fell directly from the in midair, and fiercely smashed on the deck of the warship.


At this moment, Polsalino no longer has the imposing manner of calming down no matter what he encounters. Not only was a black and charred terrifying wound torn open on his chest, but he was also soaked wet. Yes, looking embarrassed and distressed.

Obviously, he paid a heavy price for his carelessness.

Under the dual effects of the domineering armament and the sea water, he could not achieve elementalization at all. If the shock wave generated by the final explosion of the armor-piercing projectile pushed it back, it is estimated that he would have sunk into the sea to feed the fish.

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