Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 568

"There's no need to go on testing! Immediately turn the bow!"

Kizuna didn't even hesitate, and immediately issued an order to retreat as General.

Because he understood that the shot just now was just a warning. If he continued to approach, then the next thing waiting for the entire naval fleet would be destruction and death.

even more how , he experienced firsthand how powerful that super high-speed flying cannonball is.

In addition to myself, there is no second person in the fleet who can intercept it, not even the "Peach Rabbit" who has the strength to supplement the General.

Once the oval shell enters the range of 50 meters, even if it can be destroyed in time, it will instantly cause a violent explosion.

Whether it is a subsequent shock wave or a huge wave with a height of tens of meters, it will inevitably cause serious damage to the ship, and it may not be impossible to sink directly.

This also means that naval warfare in the traditional sense has become meaningless in front of the "Endless Abyss".

No matter how many battleships the navy dispatches, it will only end up as a moving target on the sea.

Even using a shaver to fly over in midair, there is a very high risk of being hit by the terrifying main cannon and buried in the sea.

"What? Retreat! You'll make our navy the laughing stock of the world!"

Gion's eyes widened, unable to believe that this order came from the General's mouth from.

"Tell me, if you don't retreat in this situation, is there any better way? Or, do you think you can stop that kind of high-velocity shells with amazing formidable power?" Polusari Nuo Qiang endured the pain and lifted the head and asked.

"I..." Gion was at a loss for words, not knowing how to answer.

After all, even Kizaru, who has flash speed, was injured like this, how could she ensure that she could block the cannonball that was so fast that her eyes couldn't track it?

Since they can't be intercepted, it means that the fleet is all exposed to the opponent's range and can only be beaten and cannot fight back.

Judging by the formidable power of the shell just now.

Once hit, except for a few generals, the rest of the soldiers, along with the ships, will all be destroyed.

Is the face of the Navy more important?

Or is the life of thousands of soldiers more important?

This is undoubtedly an extremely difficult choice.

Just when Taotu was hesitating, the electromagnetic cannon of the "Endless Abyss" turned on the silver's electric light again, followed by the ear-piercing scream of the cannonball passing through the air once again echoed in this piece. Over the Sea Territory.

Before she could react, all the battleships of the navy began to shake violently at the same time.

The people on the deck were blown up and down by the strong airflow, and some accidentally slipped into the sea.

In the end, the shell did not hit any of the ships, but passed through the gap between the two ships and accurately hit the No. 1 island of the Chambord Archipelago.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

The dazzling red fire rose into the sky, forming an umbrella-shaped mushroom cloud in the sky.

Everything on the island, including the Auction House that sells slaves, as well as a large number of special places dedicated to the draconian, all disappeared in one blow.

There is no doubt that this is not the armor-piercing projectile used just now, but a high-explosive projectile.

Such a terrifying range and formidable power, not only the navy headed by Kiabou was stunned, but even the residents and passengers on the Chambord Islands were stunned.

"My God! this the formidable power of the main gun?" Nami screamed with her mouth wide open.

Although she had long expected that the formidable power of the main gun would definitely be quite terrifying, she absolutely didn't expect it to be able to level an island with one shot.

"Hahahaha! Long live the Demon Pirates! Long live Captain Alan!" Georgia Riney raised his hands and cheered loudly.

In the eyes of this fatty, since they have such a powerful battleship, it is not a matter of minutes to defeat the Four Emperors and dominate the New World.

Combined with the terrifying personal strength of his own captain, it is only a matter of time before reaching the top of the entire world.

"Moore! Great fight! Raze all islands from No. 1 to No. 29 to the ground."

Ike clapped and clapped while shouting Sniper yells.

Because he was almost sold as a slave by human traffickers, he was full of undisguised disgust for the dark side of the Chambord Islands, and No. 1 to No. 29 happened to be where these guys gathered.

"OK! Don't rush, I'm aiming."

Moore reloaded a shell into the barrel, squinting through the scope to observe the situation in the distance , especially those ordinary commoners and slaves who are running away.

He didn't want to break the rules set by his captain by accidentally hurting these people.

As soon as they all left an island, he pulled the trigger again without the slightest hesitation.

Tzzzzzzz zi zi...


Accompanied by the familiar sound of the electromagnetic gun, the high-explosive bomb passed through the middle of the naval fleet again, and leveled a sinful island engaged in human trafficking.

Looking at the picture full of destruction and death in the distance, Hawkeye finally couldn't help but ask: "Is this the surprise you said?"

"That's right! How is it? , isn't my boat bad?" Alan pursed his lips and asked with a smile.

"It's not bad, I think after today, whether it's the navy or the world government, I'm afraid it will start to have a headache." Hawkeye's tone was a little bit of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"In order to prevent them from making wrong judgments, I think I should do something a little bit, so that these guys who are used to aloof and remote understand what it takes to provoke me."

Having said this, Alan paused deliberately, turned to look at the high spirits of the crew.

"As captain! I now order you all to strike! Defeat the navy in front of you! Occupy the entire Chambord! Go! Announcing our arrival to the whole New World!"

"As captain! p>

"Oh oh oh!!!!!!"

"Full speed ahead!"


"Dry flip Navy!"

"We are the strongest!"


In the cheers of the crew, the "Endless Abyss" power system Fully open.

It didn't take long for him to catch up with the yellow monkey.

No chat!

All the main fighters, including Hawkeye, rushed out and launched an active attack directly on this huge fleet.

For a while, the "Devil Slaughtering Order" that once made people become terror-stricken at the news has actually become the target of being hunted.

In just a few minutes, a large number of elite soldiers and generals of the Navy Headquarters fell on the deck and lost their ability to move.

As for high-end battle strengths like Kiwi and Taotu, they were intercepted by Alan and Hawkeye, not to mention supporting others, and even self-protection became a problem.

Among them, the yellow monkey was attacked by the two abilities of the slow fruit and the thundering fruit. For the first time, he tasted the feeling of being at a disadvantage in speed.

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