Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 569


After a crisp sound, two blade dao lights staggered past.

Looking at the slit on the admiral's trench coat, Taotu turned around and frowned and asked, "Why? Why does a man like you appear here? Don't you want to keep Wang Xiaqi? Where is Wuhai?"

"hmph! Do you think I would care about the name of a trifling Qiwuhai?" Hawkeye showed a contemptuous smile.

As a Swordsman, all he desires is to constantly compete with sword technique experts and improve his attainment in sword technique.

As for things like fame, power, and wealth, they are fundamentally insignificant...

"What is it that makes you, who are used to being alone, choose to join a pirate group?" Taotu obviously did not give up easily.

On the contrary, she really wanted to find out what kind of magic Alan used to make the world's largest swordsman make a huge change.

After all, Mihawk refused even the red-haired invitation.

"Not so much why! I'm just fulfilling a promise I made, that's all. And...there's something I've been looking for too."

Speaking, Eagle He subconsciously glanced at Alan not far away who was completely suppressing Kiwi.

At this moment, this shining fruit capable person, the General who symbolizes the highest battle strength of the navy, has completely turned into a punching bag.

Whenever he attempts to elementalize, Alan releases the still-developing "time stop", bringing the otherwise physically fastest speed of light into a relative stagnation.

And then fiercely hit Kizaru's wretched face with a domineering fist wrapped in armed color.

Combined with the speed of the Thunder Fruit's movement, which is almost the same as that of light, and the electric field sensing skills he developed in the Naruto world, Polsalino didn't even have a chance to escape.

"Aiya! The Navy General is so terrifying, everyone is a monster!"

Alan kicked Kiabou from the in midair to the deck of the warship below, imitating the opponent's Said in a sarcastic tone.

Through one-on-one high-intensity battles, he has gradually realized why anyone with a little strength can take on the so-called "Light Speed Kick", "Eight Inch Mirror", "Eight Inch Mirror", and "Eight Inch Mirror" with no difficulty. "Qiong Gouyu" and other moves are not the speed of light in the true sense.

Because the glittering fruit gave the yellow monkey the ability to transform itself into light and move at the speed of light, but it did not give it the same level of perception and control ability.

Simply explained, the brain and the mind can't keep up.

Although it can reach the speed of light in theory, there are many problems in practice.

This also means that every time Kizaru uses the flash fruit ability to attack, it just maintains the form of light, and then briefly accelerates in an instant.

Otherwise, he is very likely to fly 30,000 kilometers in 0.1 seconds, and then fall into the sea to drown himself alive, or rush out of the atmosphere and float in the airless universe Suffocated, frozen to death.

But Alan is different!

With the help of electric field induction, he can really be as fast as lightning.

Just a single thought, you can move freely within the coverage of the electric field.


Polusalino spit out the blood in his mouth, slowly got up from the deck, and sighed: "The fruit of slowness and the fruit of thunder are in you. In my hands, I really exerted an extraordinary formidable power, and even my light was restricted."

"No, it is not me that restricts you, but yourself. Do you know why in ancient times, the gods who mastered light and lightning were often the main gods of a certain god system Supreme?" Alan asked meaningfully.


Kizuna bent down and picked up the shattered sunglasses that had fallen on the ground and put them on again.

"Because both of these forces are beyond the limits of mortal comprehension. The speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second, and electricity travels at about the same speed in an electric field environment, and the human brain and nerves The transmission speed is only about 100 meters per second. This means that for the overwhelming majority, even if they have obtained the power of light and lightning, there is no way to really grasp it, let alone play its strongest might."

Alan casually started doing science.

In fact, let alone a mortal body like Polsalino, even he, an extraordinary lifeform who ate chakra fruit and magic fruit, couldn't use 100% light and harmony. The power of lightning.

This has nothing to do with strength, it is completely determined by the structure of the brain and body.

It's just that Alan can use his life energy and magic to get around these inherent limitations, while Kiaboshi can't.

"As expected of a monster who ate two Devil Fruits and didn't die, he was able to perceive this so quickly. Tell me, what do you want?"

Bo Rusalino obviously saw that the other party didn't want to kill, and even most of the military soldiers and generals who were knocked down were only in a coma and did not really die. Fortunately, they chose a showdown.

Because he has already completed the task given to him by Marshal Warring States, there is no need to continue the adventure.

"Hehe, it's very simple, occupy the Chambord Islands and announce to the whole New World that I am here."

Alan didn't mean to hide anything, and spoke his own words generously. Intend.

"Occupy the Chambord Islands? You're crazy!" Kizaru stared wide-eyed in surprise.

Although many people in the navy regarded the guy in front of him as a lunatic when they invaded Marin Vando last time, he never imagined that the other party would brazenly do things under the eyes of the world government.

And it's a major event of heaven shaking, earth shattering!

Where are the Chambord Islands?

It is close to the red earth continent, and in front of it is the seat of the world government, Holy Land Mary Joa, inhabited by a large number of draconian nobles, and not far from the naval headquarters.

If something happens here, it's basically equivalent to fiercely slapping the world's government in the face.

But Alan spread his hands nonchalantly: "No way, you forced me. Because of the unfriendly behavior of the Navy this time, I must let everyone understand what provocation means. ."

tone barely fell!

He opened his arms and began to guide the charge in the clouds in the sky.

In just a few seconds, a dark cloud of black enveloped the entire Chambord Archipelago.

Before the others could react, one after another, an extremely thick thunderbolt fell from the sky, raging around No. 60 to No. 69.

And this area happens to be where the navy and world government agencies are located.

Under the impact of incomparably thick silver lightning, the surroundings soon turned into ruins, and countless people rushed to flee.

Ike jumped to the top of a building when he saw this scene, removed the flags of the world government and the navy, and hung up the black flag of the Devil Pirates. .

Without a doubt!

This unusual move represents occupation and conquest!

Before this, no one pirate group has the ability and courage to do this!

But today, the Demon Pirates did it...

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