Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 570

Big news!

The sea demon Alan has captured the Chambord Islands!

Navy General Kizaru and Tu Mo wiped out the entire fleet!

The fifth pirate emperor is coming to New World!

The era of unprecedented evil is coming!


I have to say that the president of the World Economic News Agency - Morgans, worthy of being the six one of the kings of the Dark World, was able to manage in a short period of time. Get the news in under an hour, then print it in the latest issue of the newspaper and upload it all over the world.

And the picture of the headline on the front page is the scene where Ike tore down the flags of the world government and the navy and hung the black flag of the Devil Pirates at the top.

Under this very impactful visual performance, anyone who has read the newspaper will feel the arrogant arrogance and self-confidence.

Without a doubt!

Morgans is again trying to make big news and at the same time undermine the prestige of the world government, throwing the entire world into chaos again.

"Interesting, it seems that the next journey may not be too peaceful." Alan threw the newspaper on the table casually, lifts the head and looked out the window at the tense and bleak street scene.

At this moment, the Chambord Archipelago is no longer as prosperous and lively as it used to be, and most people hide at home and dare not go out.

Almost all those involved in human plundering and trafficking have been brutally and ruthless cleaned up, and their property has been confiscated and moved into the vault of the "Endless Abyss".

In just one morning, the Devil Pirates obtained more than 30 billion Baileys of banknotes and gold jewelry, as well as six Devil Fruits.

Alan used blood and death to remind these scumbags of the fear and despair of being dominated by sea demons, and even the draconian industries in the center of the island were not spared.

What's more interesting is that I don't know what the Five Old Stars and the Navy are thinking about, and they tacitly acquiesce to the fact that the Chambord Islands are occupied, and have no intention of sending a large army to conquer.

"BOSS, our supplies have been replenished. When do you plan to leave again?" Robin opened the door and walked in with a list in his hand.

From the slightly worried expression on her face, it's not difficult to see that she doesn't want to stay too long in a dangerous place like the Chambord Archipelago.

"Don't worry, I'm with the others." Alan said without looking back.

"and the others? Who?" Robin said with a strong surprise.

"Of course the one sent by the world government to negotiate. Haven't you found out yet? Our strength has reached the point where they have to refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases. Once it erupts In a full-scale war, the navy will lose all its ships, as well as a large number of elite soldiers and generals in a very short period of time. They cannot afford such a loss, and it will completely collapse the order and prestige that the world government has finally established.” Alan means a lot. explained.

Especially the "Endless Abyss", which has surpassed the entire era, is basically a complete crushing of the backward sailing ships in this world.

The world governments and navies simply cannot play to their numerical superiority.

No matter how large the fleet is, the final result will be sunk in minutes.

even more how, he and the Five Old Stars have a secret deal in progress. This time, the navy broke the agreement first. The unfortunate one should be the Admiral Warring States.

Just when Robin suddenly realized and wanted to say something, he suddenly heard a clapping sound from outside the window.

pa! pa! pa! pa! pa!

"What a wonderful analysis! As expected of the king who is about to rule the New World soon, he can actually guess the thoughts of the five old stars ."

With a familiar voice, a guy in a pink feather cloak appeared out of thin air on the balcony.

He is none other than Brother Ming Shichibukai Don Quixote Dover.

"Hehe, I've won the prize. Good to see, you look good." Alan greeted with a smile.

"Thanks to you, my business has been very good recently. Do you know why I am here today?" Walking in, he took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet and gave himself a drink.

"Could it be that the Five Old Stars entrusted you to negotiate with me?" Alan faint smile asked back.

"hahahaha! That's right! Do you know? Just a few hours ago, the Five Old Stars fiercely scolded the Warring States during the call and sternly warned that similar disobedience would happen again. Remove him from the position of Admiral."

When this matter was mentioned, Brother Ming's face suddenly showed a naked and undisguised taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

To be precise, the relationship between him and the senior navy has always been in a state of dislike for each other, but they are helpless with each other.

So when you see the Navy suffering a serious setback, how can you not applaud.

But Alan obviously didn't care about this, and blunt interrupted: "Sorry, I'm not interested in these gossip news. Tell me, what are the conditions offered by the Five Old Stars?"

"It's very simple! First, release all naval prisoners, including Kiabou. Second, leave the Chambord Islands as quickly as possible. In exchange, the world government will provide you with twenty prisoners in Advance City. The devil fruit capable person of his, and a detailed information about the important cadres of the four emperors."

After saying that, Brother Ming of Dover raised his head and drank the wine in the glass.

"Oh? You know the deal between me and the Five Old Stars?" Alan looked at this alternative draconian descendant with interest.

Brother Ming of Dover grinned, with a ferocious expression on his face: "Of course! It's not about using devil fruits or powers in exchange for mysterious that can heal all injuries and even prolong lifespan for ten years. Potion? From now on, the Five Old Stars have handed over this matter to me, please take care of me in the future."

"This is really surprising. If I am not mistaken If so, you should have paid a small price for it, right?" Alan's eyes flickered with playful rays of light.

If he remembered correctly, the reason why the guy in front of him was able to climb to the current position was actually because he had mastered the secret of the draconian national treasure and used it as a threat.

In other words, the relationship between Brother Ming and the Five Old Stars is not as harmonious as the outside world imagined.

Just the opposite!

Both sides are just using each other and secretly looking for opportunities to kill each other.

"Hehe, I paid more than you can imagine. But it's all worth it, isn't it?" Brother Ming, Dover, hinted at a pun.

Alan nodded lightly: "Yeah! It's all worth it. As long as I can make an overweight that makes my heart beat, I can give you whatever you want. After all, nothing lasts forever. Enemies, only eternal interests."

"Well said! Since I am like this, let's discuss about transactions and cooperation. First of all, tell me, you enter the New World After that, will the Four Emperors Pirates be chosen as the target?" Brother Ming of Dover quickly raised the question he was most concerned about.

"Don't worry, it's not Kaido, it's Charlotte Lingling..."

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