Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 571

There is no doubt that, aside from morals and laws, Don Quixote Daufrant Brother Ming is a perfect collaborator.

Because he doesn't have any bottom line at all, he can trade anything out.

Especially when he realized that Alan was not at all like the world government imagined, when he was a "rule-abiding" pirate emperor like the redhead, he immediately became extremely enthusiastic and seemed to forget the relationship between the two. deep hatred.

For Brother Ming, Dover, the entire world is as chaotic as possible.

Only when the world is in chaos will the five old stars and draconians of Holy Land rely more and more on the power and channels at their disposal.

As soon as he finished the deal and left, Robin frowned and asked, "BOSS, are you sure we want to work with someone like Brother Ming, Dover?"

Alan chuckled. shook the head: "no! You're thinking too much. I'm just using him to paralyze the world government and the Five Old Stars. After all, turning our faces now won't do us any good, instead, we will lose the important source of the Devil Fruit, the Advance City. ."

"Devil Fruits again? I don't understand, you already have so many Devil Fruits, why are you so obsessed with collecting them?" Robin finally asked the question that had been bothering him.

She couldn't understand at all, her captain already had two combinations of Devil Fruit abilities that could be called the "strongest", and his subordinates also got all kinds of powerful fruits, even There are at least dozens of reserves on the list, but why are they still collecting tirelessly.

According to the brain circuits of normal people, this thing has seriously overflowed for the Devil Pirates.

"You don't need to understand, just follow my instructions. Also, go and inform everyone that they will all board the ship in three hours, and we will be heading to New World soon."

After saying that, Alan ignored Miss Archaeologist and jumped off the balcony.

Looking at the retreating back, Nicole Robin immediately raised the corners of her mouth and muttered to herself meaningfully: "Collecting Devil Fruits? Could it be that you are hiding something I don't know about? Secret? Dear BOSS..."

tone barely fell!

She turned around immediately and turned her eyes to the half-closed door of the room: "Come out, I know you're there."

The next second...

The door was gently pushed open, and Kalifa with long golden hair walked in from the outside and explained apologetically: "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but to report the occupation The specific proceeds from Chambord Archipelago happened to be..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Robin immediately interrupted: "Relax, I didn't mean to blame you. On the contrary, I Want to hear what you think of the captain."

"Opinion?" Kalifa subconsciously held up the glasses that rested on her nose.

"That's right! Why do you think the boss is so obsessed with collecting Devil Fruits?" Robin asked, staring at the former CP9 agent who joined later.

Kalifa hesitated for a moment, and finally showed a wry smile: "I'm sorry, I don't know how to answer, because you asked the wrong person. Captain Alan is not a pirate in the ordinary sense, believe this One thing you should know best. I have worked in the intelligence agencies directly under the world government for a long time, and I have learned one thing, that is, when encountering something that I do not understand, it is better to ignore it, rather than find ways to get to the bottom of it.”

"Sounds like a good idea. Thanks for your advice and advice, I'll pay attention."

Robin is so smart, he immediately realizes that the other party is advising him Don't inquire too much about Alan's personal privacy.

After all, in a pirate group, especially the pirate group that is about to set off a battle to the top to become the emperor of the New World, the captain often has the authority of Supreme.

There are even some brutal guys who can kill any subordinates who dare to go against their will.

Although Alan doesn't show any tendency towards bloodthirsty and brutality, he doesn't look like a red-haired and white-bearded captain who is infinitely tolerant of his opponents, but somewhere in between.

In just a few words, Kalifa made Robin realize that he seemed to have crossed the line, and quickly gave up his original plan to continue digging deeper.

Meanwhile, far below the Chambord archipelago was the bottom of a sturdy rhizome.

Alan is raising his head, looking at the ten-tailed Divine Tree that has been hidden here for more than half a year, and the buds condensed on the Divine Tree, and sighs with a smile: "It is indeed a planet with extremely abundant life energy, It is about to bear fruit in such a short period of time."

"Yes! The life energy in this world is unbelievable. No wonder some people can temper their bodies to such an incredible level. If According to the standard you set, we can even extract more than two raw Life Fruits here, without worrying about affecting the ecological environment of this planet."

Verna, who has not spoken for a long time Lazas finally took off his disguise, with naked and undisguised greed and desire flashing in his eyes.

"How long will this fruit take?" Alan asked with interest.

"It will take about one to two months without disturbing others. Why, do you have any new plans?" Verna Razas raised his head and asked back.

Alan immediately nodded: "Yes! I plan to connect all the thirty-four surrounding islands after conquering all nations."

"Ah! I see! You want to use the power of the ten tails to connect the islands with plants to form forests and land. But don't you really plan to build a country in this world?" Verna Lazas's tone revealed strong surprise. .

She knows very well that her master has never had much interest in these power struggles.

"Country? No! I just want to create a template for all the rebels who are trying to overthrow the draconian rule, including the revolutionary army, for them to learn from. And I even thought of a name. , it's called Utopia." Alan casually said his thoughts.

"Utopia? Are you serious!" He widened his eyes, as if he didn't dare to detail the facts he heard.

Looking at the exaggerated facial expression of the red dragon, Alan couldn't help laughing: "hahahaha! Why not? Don't you think it's funny? For us with an almost endless lifespan, This is also a kind of accumulation of life experience. After all, in most worlds, rights are always something that cannot be avoided."

"Well, as you wish, who will let you be the master. ”

Verna Lazas sighed slightly, didn’t do too much tangle on this issue, quickly reduced the ten-tailed Divine Tree and closed it up, waiting for the defeat of the BIG·MOM pirates, and re-entering the center of the world Island put down roots.

And Alan released a lot of life energy, and the gap left by the ten-tailed Divine Tree was topped by the Alchiman mangrove.

Otherwise, it won't be long before the island collapses on a large scale due to structural problems.

After doing all this, he immediately returned to the "Endless Abyss" and began to prepare to fly over the Holy Land Maryjoa.

As for the route of diving into the water and walking to Fishman Island after coating, it was abandoned from the very beginning.

To be precise, Alan has absolutely no interest in the murloc race, let alone their life or death.

In addition to what the Evil Dragons did in the Eastern Sea, he did not directly erase the fish-man island and the fish-man race from the map, which is already a face for Whitebeard.

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