Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 572

"Captain, hiccup! Why...why are we all suddenly called back?"

fatty Georgia Riney had just returned to the ship when he found Alan with a sullen belly and a drunken face. 's question.

It's not difficult to tell from the pungent smell that this guy definitely didn't drink much.

Not only him, but the rest of the fellow pirates are also in similar condition.

Although they are not as drunk as they are, they still exude a strong smell of alcohol.

After all, they had just defeated the Demon Slayer fleet led by the Navy General and planted the flag of the Demon Pirates on the Chambord Islands.

According to the tradition of pirates, it is natural to hold a banquet to celebrate after winning a victory.

So after finishing the work, go into the restaurant or pub, enjoy the wine and food to the fullest, and brag about your heroic fearless performance today.

Only Lu Qi, Owl, Kaku and the others from CP9 are very self-disciplined and have no alcoholic beverages at all.

As for Nami and Perona, they were hiding in the corner with a bunch of jewelry, beautiful clothes and shoes, laughing at the "splitting the spoils".

Especially Perona, after getting along for a while, she found that Alan was not as terrifying as she imagined, and her courage gradually became bigger, and she even became a best friend and a best friend with Naomi. Best buddies.

[Alas, what a group of problem children...]

Alan secretly sighed,

Fortunately there are two gold medal female secretaries, Robin and Kalifa , otherwise his idea of building a utopia can only stay in his mind, but cannot be put into practice.

Sure enough, we still need more management talents.


Go to Eastern Sea and get Captain Chloe from the Black Cat Pirates too?

This guy seems to be one of the few smarter guys in the entire One Piece world, and he doesn't have any big ambitions. He just wants to live a stable life.

Seeing that Alan was lost in thought again, Robin, the co-captain, immediately leaned forward and reminded in a low voice, "Boss, the crew is still waiting for you."


"Sorry, I was a little distracted just now."

Alan scooped out the ears that were itchy from the archaeologist's blowing, and smiled at the eyes with a strong enterprising spirit. "The reason I called you all back is because we're about to set off into the New World."

"Into the New World? But our ship hasn't been coated yet." Na Mei glanced at the bare hull of the Endless Abyss.

"No, no coating needed. Because we're the Demon Pirates! From the moment we were born, it meant surpassing everyone. There's been so many roads to the New World through Fishman Island People walk by, this time I want to fly directly over Holy Land Mary Joa in a unique way."

Although Alan said this remark in a very calm tone, there was basically nothing Up and down.

But everyone who heard it involuntarily began to breathe short, and guys from traditional pirates like Georgia Rini, Moore, and Omer clenched their fists in excitement, and their faces surfaced. Excited expression.

Because they know what it means!

From capturing the Chambord Islands to flying over Holy Land Mary Joa, Alan is taking everyone to make history, doing what neither Roger the Pirate King nor the strongest Whitebeard in the world have ever done before. matter.


It won't be long before their names will be heard all over the world with the success of the summit.

What are countless people risking mortal danger to go to sea for?

Not just for fame and power!

As for wealth...

There are a few real pirates who care about money.

"Flying over Holy Land, Mary Joa? Captain! If you do this, you might annoy the world government and the draconian." Lu Qi raised his mouth and reminded meaningfully.

"It doesn't matter! Don't you think we didn't annoy them by taking the Chambord? The answer is obviously no! But what made them choose to endure for a while? It's power! Powerful power! Enough to threaten To the power of balance in the world! As long as we remain strong, what is the world government and the draconian?"

Alan showed his disdain for the world government and the draconian in public for the first time. Testing the reaction of these crew members.

As he expected, most people were mixed with excitement and shock when they heard this remark.

Only Drake's eyes flashed with fear.

In fact, when General Kizaru and many lieutenant generals were captured, this guy had already secretly made some small actions in private, such as finding a doctor to treat those seriously injured marine soldiers,


He thought that everyone was searching for treasures, and no one noticed him, but he didn't know that these actions were seen by Moore, the man with the ability of transparent fruit.

"hahahaha! Well said! Captain, what are you waiting for, hurry up and fly us over Holy Land Maryjoa! I can't wait to see how the draconians will react in those days ." Ike urged with a big laugh.

"That's right! Let's make a big news!" Georgia Rini shouted, too, fueled by alcohol.

Obviously, although many people still maintain a certain degree of fear of the world government and the draconian.

But with the victory of one after another, that awe is getting weaker.

It is estimated that after defeating Charlotte Lingling to reach the top of the Four Emperors, when the time comes, even ordering them to kill the draconian will not be a big problem.

"Stand up! Next we'll fly over Holy Land Mary Joa!"

tone barely fell!

Alan's eyes instantly radiated a light purple glow, and a black round frame spread outward with the pupil as the center.

You don't have to ask, this is the Samsara Eye that controls gravity.

Because the last time I went to the empty island was to control a small wooden boat, I could easily do it even if I didn't show my form.

But the "Endless Abyss" is a heavy metal battleship with a displacement of up to tens of thousands of tons. It is important to control it to fly into the air. Naturally, it is necessary to completely release the power of Samsara Eye.

Just as he pushed the anti-gravity to slowly lift the giant ship out of the sea, the crew noticed the unusual change in their captain's eyes.

Before they could whisper, a powerful downward force made everyone feel a slight discomfort.

Through the windows, everyone can clearly see the rapidly changing scene outside, and even seabirds flying by the side of the thread.

"Flying...Flying! Really flying?!"

Nami, who saw this spectacular mirror image for the first time, hugged Perona excitedly and cheered loudly .

And those who joined later had a stark, unabashed adoration for Alan on their faces.

Because the last person who can make a huge battleship fly in the air is called Golden Lion Shiki, the person with fluttering fruit ability, the admiral of the Flying Pirates, and the great character who can be as famous as Roger and Whitebeard.

Similarly, he is also the most troublesome enemy of the navy and the world government.

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