Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 573

"Damn! You let that guy grow up like this, and sooner or later he will become the second Rox pirate group."

Marshal Fozhi Sengoku stood in front of the Five Old Stars Roaring furiously.

Because these Old Guys, who hold the highest power in the world government, did not allow him to send the elites of the headquarters to rescue the captured General Kizaru, admirals and soldiers.

"No! No! Although the sea demon Alan himself has great potential, in addition to the world's largest swordsman Mihawk, the rest of his crew are small rateless characters. "One of the five old stars responded indifferently.

"Small characters? These small characters in your mouth have been evenly matched with the lieutenant general of the headquarters. If you continue to let it go, God knows if it will become Kaido, Golden Lion, Charlotte Lingling, and Whitebeard. Such a monster." Akainu mystifying said with a sneer.

Although he doesn't like the current Admiral and thinks that the other party is too weak in many situations, this time he is on the side of the Warring States without the slightest hesitation.

Not only Sakaski, but Karp, Kuzan, and Crane, the high-level executives who are qualified to meet with the Five Old Stars, all agree that the Devil Pirates have begun to get out of control.

Especially at this time, the upgraded version of the Navy's upgraded version of the slaughter of demons wiped out the entire fleet of the fleet and the occupation of the Chambord Islands, which made everyone present feel a strong sense of unease.

After all, Kizaru is the fastest among the three generals of the Navy. Even if he encounters an enemy like the Four Emperors, there is no problem in being beaten and running.

But now?

He was actually captured!

And with such a huge fleet, not even a single person escaped.

In addition to the "Endless Abyss", a suspected ancient weapon, the super battleship of Hades, it is not difficult to understand that the top decision-making level of the Navy could not help but want to obliterate it.

But unfortunately, the world government obviously doesn't think so.

Instead of taking a huge risk to kill Alan, they would rather maintain the current secret deal, continuously getting life potion.

This can be seen from the massive reduction of wrinkles and age spots on the face of the Five Old Stars.

As leaders on the surface, there is nothing that makes them feel more joyful than regaining their youth.

even more how, there are still plenty of draconians in Holy Land waiting with anticipation for the next batch of potions.

So for the strong dissatisfaction of the Navy's top management, the Five Old Stars only summoned them on a routine basis, but they did not intend to change the originally formulated strategy.

Just when the other five old star was about to say something, a scream suddenly came in from outside.

Before the people inside could react to what happened, a masked female CP0 rushed in from the outside, gasping for breath and shouting: "No! Not good! Sea devil Alan, put his super battleship over Holy Land!"

"What?!! What did you just say? Repeat it for me?"

keep The bushy-bearded Five Old Star stood up abruptly, his face full of disbelief.

After all, Holy Land Mary Joa is the seat of the world government headquarters, and has been the worthy center of the entire world for eight hundred years.

Except for the murloc explorer Fisher Tiger who had engaged in a slave riot more than ten years ago, no other person dared to make trouble here.

"The sea...the sea demon Alan and his Infinite Abyss are now above Holy Land," the female agent repeated in a slightly trembling voice.


The five old stars, who were originally indifferent, all showed shock and anger in their eyes.

Without any hesitation!

They all walked out of the Conference Hall to the outside, and they saw the huge black metal battleship covering the heavens and shielding the sun overhead.

Especially the two thick and long barrels are drooping slightly and seem to have aimed at the target on the ground.

Under this naked and undisguised deterrence, the ordinary people on the street have been frightened into chaos, only those draconians who have been raised as two fools are still standing on the street, rushing. The men shouted loudly, wanting to order it to take the ship and keep it for themselves.

Seeing this scene, the Warring States immediately couldn't help but use the topic to play: "Why, do you still think he is not a threat? Or, do you still think he will be in awe of the world's noble draconian? Don't Naive! That guy in the bones simply doesn't care about anyone. If a draconian messes with him one day, I'm sure the draconian will die very ugly."

"Shut up !"

A five old star snapped and interrupted the admiral's frigid irony and scorching satire.

Although he really wants to order the "Endless Abyss" above his head to be shot down, considering the damage that the two formidable power exaggerated main guns can cause to Holy Land Mary Joa, Especially the casualties of the draconian, they finally endured through gritted teeth.

"What now? Continue to pretend that nothing happened? If so, the front page of tomorrow's newspapers will definitely be Demon Pirates leaping over Holy Land Mary Joa, world government disgraced ." Akainu's gnashing teeth questioned.

If there is anyone among the high-ranking navy who hate the Devil Pirates the most, it must be him.

This double-standard dog has sworn at all costs to make Alan pay since he was fiercely humiliated at the Navy Headquarters pier.

"hahahaha! I think it's okay. Whatever you're trying to do, it's too late. At the speed of the Navy ships, we're impossible to catch them." Karp While picking his nostrils, he spoke the embarrassing cruel reality.

It's definitely impossible to do it on Holy Land.

Because once the two sect master artillery of the "Endless Abyss" opened fire, it would inevitably cause a large number of draconian injuries and deaths, and at the same time seriously damage the prestige of the world government.

And once they leave the Holy Land and enter the New World, how about a super battleship that can reach speeds of up to 40 knots per hour and even fly into the air?

After being silent for a long time, the five old stars headed immediately gloomy face instructed: "Go and inform Vega Punk! Let him stop all the research at hand, and be sure to devise a way in a short time. Destroy this battleship's super weapon. In addition, order all intelligence agencies, at all costs, to find the blueprint of the ancient weapon Hades."


The female CP0 agent hurriedly nodded , then quickly turned and left.

"Do we need our navy to do something?" Warring States asked meaningfully.

"I don't need it for the time being! You guys should send people to the Chambord Islands to restore order first, and take a look at the situation of the captured navy."

After saying this, The five old stars turned around and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

You don't need to ask to know that the most urgent thing for these Old Guys to do now is to go to the owner of the Void Throne and ask if they want to change their attitude towards Alan.

Because they have realized that this youngster is not as harmless to humans and animals as they thought.

On the contrary!

Alan has shown the power of terror to threaten the rule of world governments...

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