Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 574

Holy Land Mary Joa is not that big.

In just a few minutes, the "Endless Abyss" slowly passed over the city.

Although there were quite a few draconians with cerebral palsy who raised their guns throughout the process, and some even pulled in a few cannons.

But unfortunately, the straight-line shooting distance of these primordial muskets and artillery is only several hundred meters.

And Alan and his crew are condescending, looking down on these clown-like performances.

At this moment...

Everyone's reverence for the world government and the draconian finally disappeared, replaced by contempt and disdain.

For eight hundred years, these pampered scumbags have been completely turned into a bunch of trash.

Draconian has proved with practical actions that aristocrats will really affect the intellectual development of themselves and their offspring when they are used for a long time.

"This is the world noble draconian who has ruled the world for 800 years?" Robin's tone was slightly disappointed.

As the sole survivor of the O'Hara tragedy, she has more than once imagined what it would be like for a world government ruler who tried to erase a century of blank history.





But after seeing the draconian with my own eyes today, all fantasies disappeared, leaving only the stout, stupid, pig-like image.

"Surprising? Nothing in this world is Eternal Immortal! Even steel rusts with time, and hard rock turns to dirt with wind blowing and sun shining And grit. Maybe the twenty kings who established the world government eight hundred years ago were indeed smart and powerful, but that doesn't mean their descendants will be the same." Alan chuckled and expressed his opinion.

800-year-old absolute power is enough to make any regime completely decay, decay, and eventually perish.

This is an objectively existing law of nature, which has been proven time and time again by history on Earth.

It's just that the owner of the Void Throne is obviously not a generalist, and he understands that the world government has long lost its legitimacy, so the navy is separated from it as a semi-independent institution, and it is instilled with the so-called "" defending justice".

In this way, it is not only possible to absorb a large number of powerhouses with a sense of justice from the people to maintain the original order on the verge of collapse.

At the same time, it can also divide and disintegrate all potential rebels, and deliberately divide them into two camps, the navy and the pirates, to fight each other, thereby ignoring the source of the real conflict, which is actually the draconian and the world government itself.

In fact, no pirates can really threaten the world government until the Revolutionary Army appears.

This is also the reason why Monkey D. Long was identified as "the most vicious criminal in the world".

Only he was the one who really shook the foundation of the draconian rule.

"Can't you see that you're still a philosopher?" Robin turned around unexpectedly and stared at his captain.

Alan shook the head and replied, "No, this is not a philosophy, but a normal understanding of history. As a historian, you should know this better than me. Why do human beings record history? Isn't it so that future generations can learn from various mistakes?"

When Robin heard this sentence, his eyes flashed instantly. Cai: "That's right! What you summed up is really good! The value of history's existence is to allow later people to learn from their mistakes. So no matter what the truth of history is, we should restore it instead of letting it go. The world government will erase it."

"Then you should work hard to collect all the text of history, and then fulfill your wish." Alan smiled meaningfully.

He wouldn't tell the other party that this thing in history has always been written by the victors.

And the only lesson humanity has learned from history is that it doesn't learn any lessons.

Where to fall, and where to fall.

"Captain! Look! We're about to cross the clay continent!" Nami suddenly yelled.

Following the direction of her finger, you can clearly see that at the end of the land, an endless sea is still in front of everyone.

"hahahaha! Not only did we successfully fly over Holy Land Mary Joa! We also flew over the clay continent! This is a feat no one has done before! I can't wait to read the next issue of the paper There!" Fatty Georgia Riney laughed excitedly.

"How about a ceremony that enters the New World? You know from here, what awaits us is a head-on collision with the Four Emperors Pirates. Just thinking about it makes me very excited." Omir Take the initiative to stand up and propose.

"Good idea! Hey! Drake, bring a barrel!"

"Why me again?"

"Who told you to be The last one to join!"

"Yes! The newcomer will be like a newcomer! Hahahaha!"

With the noise and clamor, after a while, everyone will be Both appear a full glass of wine.

As the captain, Alan took the lead by raising the glass and sweeping over everyone present.

It took a full minute before he said: "In order to reach the top of the New World! In order to make the name of the Devil Pirates famous in the world!"

"In order to master the Stronger sword technique!" Hawkeye raised his cup second.

Dora followed closely from behind: "In order to become the strongest female swordsman in the world!"

"In order to interpret a hundred years of blank history!"

You don't have to ask, it must be Nico Robin's speech.

"In order to draw the most beautiful world map!" Nami also not to be outdone expressed her wish until now.

"To overthrow the world government and the draconian rule!" Lu Qi's eyes flashed with chilling rays of light.

"In order to follow the footsteps of One Piece!"

"In order to become more famous!"

"In order to become the world's number one sniper! ”


After everyone on the ship expressed their expectations for the future, Alan took the lead and raised his head to drank the wine in the glass, and then put the glass directly from the glass. Dropped next to the deck.

Then, the whole ship began to descend rapidly, and finally crashed into the sea with a bang at a place not far from the red soil continent.

From now on, what they will face is no longer a petty fight, but a comprehensive battle with one or even two pirate emperors in this most dangerous Sea Territory. go to war.

Of course, before that, I have to go to Dressrosa and find Don Quixote Dover and Brother Ming to complete a deal.

After all, in Alan's eyes, there is nothing more important than collecting Devil Fruits.

even more how, he also wanted to use one of the prisoners in this transaction to try to get in touch with the Revolutionary Army.

In this way, the "Endless Abyss" quickly turned on its full horsepower and moved forward along the course at a very fast speed.

A few act recklessly sea kings emerged from the seabed along the way, trying to figure out what happened to this strange steel ship, but all of them were filled with high-explosive bombs. Bombed to pieces.

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