Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 577

"Go to hell! Arrogant boy!"

Drought Jack tried to raise his opponent high with his trunk and then slammed it down.

With the extra power provided by the ancient seed fauna fruit, his this move can be said to be time-tested.

Even those experts who master the domineering of knowledge and armour are often caught off guard and faint.

But unfortunately, Ike also has the animal-type devil fruit of the ancient seed.

And the characteristic of his fruit is that the more angry and excited his emotions are, the more terrifying the explosive power in a short period of time.

In addition, giant ape's chest muscles and arm strength are the strongest among animals of the same weight, so Jack not only failed to achieve his goal, but was repeatedly ravaged by two large flexible hands, even worth 900 million One of the ivory was forcibly broken.

“Hahahaha! This is one of the three disasters of the Beast Pirates? Merely this!” Eyes flashed red rays of light like Berserkers.

As for those guys under Jack who wanted to rush over to help, such as Shipshead, Kim Rami, Holdum and the like, they were intercepted by other combat members of the Demon Pirates.

Especially Nami, who has the nickname of "Reloaded Firepower", directly took out all kinds of weapons obtained from Alan, and let these gangsters of the Beast Pirates see what is called Fire coverage.

For a time, various flames, thunder, freezing, and hurricanes continued to explode in the most densely populated places.

Many guys were thrown to the ground and lost consciousness before they could react.

"Yo! Little Nami, you're in high spirits today."

Fatty Georgia Rini, who turned into a rock giant, raised her fist and thumped an unlucky one. The egg smashed deep into the dirt, then turned around and said with a smile loudly.

"hmph! I just want to try the formidable power of the new weapon." The orange-haired girl raised her foot and kicked the guy who was rushing in front of him, Fiercely, and raised her chin proudly.

When she was about to reload the ammunition, Jin Lamy, who ate the artificial Devil Fruit Springbok, suddenly jumped from the back of the battlefield, trying to eradicate this huge threat with a volley. .

"Be careful!"

Georgia Riney immediately reminded her when she saw this scene.

But unfortunately, with his current size and weight, it was too late to lend a helping hand.

At the crucial moment!

A crisp gunshot echoed over the battlefield instantly.


Rami Kim, who was less than ten meters away from Nami, fell to the ground, clutching her thighs in pain.

I saw a conical bullet wrapped in a domineering armed color deeply embedded in the flesh, and it was causing a terrifying cavity effect.

"No thanks!"

Sniper Moore gently blew the white smoke from the muzzle.

You don't need to ask to know that he did this incomparably precise blow.

"Sorry, chick, it's game over."

Gabra instantly used the shave to come to the front, slamming his fist and knocking him unconscious on the spot.

In less than ten minutes from the start of the battle, more than half of the Beast Pirates Drought Jack's subordinates have lost, and the entire battle looks as exaggerated as a one-sided crush.

Especially Lu Qi, who ate the fruit of resistance and quickly mastered life energy and domineering in a short period of time, was completely like an efficient killing machine.

Most of the pirates are in front of him, and they will be instantly killed if they can't even stand face to face.

Seeing that the number of companions around him is getting smaller and smaller, two guys finally got up the courage to use a technique similar to shaving to get out of the melee and go straight to where Alan is, intending to stage a show A good show of catching the thief first and catching the king.

But the next second...

"Spinning flower! Garrote!"

Accompanied by Robin's murderous aura voice, the two The unlucky guy's neck was twisted three hundred and sixty degrees by the hands growing from both sides of his shoulders, and he fell to the ground in midair and took his last breath.

"Nice blow!" Alan praised without hesitation.

Many people mistakenly believe that "Huahuaguo" belongs to the kind of chicken ribs that are neither high nor low, and there is not much potential for development.

But his view was just the opposite.

The more proficient in the powerhouse of body refinement, the more you can maximize the formidable power of this devil fruit.

Let's not talk about anything else, just by being able to grow hands out of thin air from yourself and your opponent, you can play a lot of tricks, and even complete some actions and actions that normal people can't do at all. tactics.

Unfortunately, in the original plot, Robin did not receive strict training, so that he could only be captured by the enemy again and again.

But now, thanks to Alan's strong intervention, she has finally embarked on a path of self-reliance instead of always relying on others.

"Hehe, this is also thanks to your devilish training, Captain. Even more how, I'm also the vice-captain anyway, so I can't be too embarrassed, right?" Robin responded with a slightly raised mouth.

Compared to the ease of everyone in the Devil Pirates, Brother Ming of Dover is like an ant on a hot pot at the moment, turning around in a hurry.

There have been several attempts to dissuade the two sides from fighting again, but in the end they were unable to say it.

The reason is simple!

In addition to the drought, Jack is still struggling to support the Beast Pirates, and there is not even a single one left.

In addition, the end of the battle was originally provoked by Drought Jack. If he dissuaded him at this time, it would be equivalent to siding with Kaido, and he might annoy Alan.

This kind of thing that obviously wants to offend someone, how could he take risks with such a delicate face.

But the problem is, if Jack is really killed here, it's hard to say that Kaido won't get angry.

For a while, Brother Ming in Dover was caught in a dilemma.

At the same time, Ike, who is already in a state of extreme excitement, obviously doesn't care what other people think, and is waving his big hand wrapped in life energy and armed domineering according to the original order of his captain, The fur, along with the flesh, was torn from Drought Jack's body piece by piece.

It only took a while for the mammoth's huge stature to become drenched with blood.

Even if Drought Jack was a standard tough guy, he couldn't help but let out a painful scream.

"ahhhh Ahhhh!!!!!!!! Asshole! I'm going to kill you! Kill you!!!!!!"

"hmph! Kill me? Now It's you who's going to die!" Ike growled, increasing the frequency of tearing.

Because he can feel that his physical strength and strength are rapidly declining, it is estimated that he will not be able to support it for long, and he must quickly deal with the opponent.

After all, the animal-type devil fruit he ate placed more emphasis on short-term explosive power rather than endurance and stamina.

even more how, the fierce fighting just now also wasted a lot of physical strength.

Soon, in the last violent tear of giant ape, Drought Jack finally lost too much flesh and blood, and could no longer maintain his mammoth form to return to human form, and fell dying in a pool of blood.

From the unbelievable expression on his face and the despair left in his eyes, it is not difficult to see that he is already full of fear for this young man who defeated him.

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